FUCK asking alexandria i hope they fuckin get trash & bottles & shit thrown at them at mayhem. FUCK them. Cannibal Corpse/A7X/Korn/MRH will be only reason to go to Mayhem thsi year. And whats with these lame ass douchebags King 810 sayin they r like some kind of gang that rapes crowdmembers and hits club owners with barbed wirre bats like some ecw type shit?? brocore cocksuckers all over mayhem this year with them nd fuckin emmure & miss may i and AA what kind of scene shit is this FUCK emmure. And to whoever the asshole on the previous page who said i was a troll can go fuck themself.
Awesome show, always a decently diverse set list, energetic as fuck, good pits. Korn kicks ass.
Literally just for two bands. Korn and Cannibal Corpse. Tis all.
2 Options:
a.) Watch Korn
b.) Don't watch Korn
:-? Tough one
FUCK asking alexandria i hope they fuckin get trash & bottles & shit thrown at them at mayhem. FUCK them. Cannibal Corpse/A7X/Korn/MRH will be only reason to go to Mayhem thsi year. And whats with these lame ass douchebags King 810 sayin they r like some kind of gang that rapes crowdmembers and hits club owners with barbed wirre bats like some ecw type shit?? brocore cocksuckers all over mayhem this year with them nd fuckin emmure & miss may i and AA what kind of scene shit is this FUCK emmure. And to whoever the asshole on the previous page who said i was a troll can go fuck themself.
I like two bands at the fest too... but two bands can't get me to go.
King 810 and Body Count make Mayhem more bad ass I'll help them rape crowd members
troll confirmed
ban plz
@Greg Miss May I has some good songs and their new CD is not bad
King 810 are becoming the worst band out there to me. Everything they do is so cringey and their fans are the absolute worst.
i don't even know how they have fans. that was some of the worst excuse for music i've ever heard
@JLRedWing13 :!! :!! :!! :!! :!! :!!
yeah we can't expect ed to ban his own troll lol
never heard of 810 before mayhem was announced and still have no idea who they are