@hybrid, hey bitch ill knock the shit out of u come say taht shit down in STL or Chicago wheere Ill PROVE their are dumb motherfuckers who smoke the crack smoke, also, BITCH u will SEE the true innovation and genius that is the almighty REKKR when u hear new album this summer and im sure ur little bitch ass will have changed opinons nd buy t shirt & see u at summer tour bitch
@beeftorpedo, ur an elitist prick nd kno NOTHING abt REKKR or what innovation they r doing as well as the the innovation of the record label so go fuck urself cunt.
this dude randomly comes in post one post in this thread, gets shit on, leaves for awhile /comes back, doesn't acknowledge the shitting on and post again
@hybrid, hey bitch ill knock the shit out of u come say taht shit down in STL or Chicago wheere Ill PROVE their are dumb motherfuckers who smoke the crack smoke, also, BITCH u will SEE the true innovation and genius that is the almighty REKKR when u hear new album this summer and im sure ur little bitch ass will have changed opinons nd buy t shirt & see u at summer tour bitch
how can you like metal but not like any bands on the tour? If its free how is it not better than sitting home? what a loser
I don't like shitty metal.
Who says I want to go to Mayhem?
officially skipping every post shittalker Greg and hybrid do for now on
gonna miss a lot of rekkr updates
and for the love of god someone point them in the direction of the tours thead
Youll all see tht REKKR kicks ass once u hear new album thsi summer
Greg you can't even troll properly cuz you're fucked up. At least stay on the job.
Greg we'll be at the STL show.... maybe I'll run into (over) you there....
did you guys see this video?
this dude randomly comes in post one post in this thread, gets shit on, leaves for awhile /comes back, doesn't acknowledge the shitting on and post again
theyll book Disturbed to headline nxt year no doubt cause they r off hiatus then nd is typical of lyman/reese coalition's dumbass logic