Well these pathetic dicks didnt bring the fuckin boards back, its on their site and NOTHING fuck these mayhem bitches - also waht th fuck is wrong with Mushroomhead????? Lineup is ok but not the worst
Well these pathetic dicks didnt bring the fuckin boards back, its on their site and NOTHING fuck these mayhem bitches - also waht th fuck is wrong with Mushroomhead????? Lineup is ok but not the worst
This is the weirdest year for sure... Cannibal corpse, Ice T and asking alexandria on the same show? throw in mushroomhead and emmure two years in a row and two bands that are way out of the mix ill nino and darkest hour.
GOddamn now u fucks dont like Mushroomhead ????? Yet u fuckers do like ADTR? THis place is fuckin awful! Also the fa at Emmure is on 2 years in row and AA is on mainstage is shocking. since when is AA as big commercially as Megadeth, Motorhead, Mastodon, LOG, etc.????? FUCK AA, I could understand A7X/Korn/Cannibal Corpse/MRH & Trivium or Suicide Silence but rlly fuckin AA?? FUCK kevin lyman and john reese those dickbags and FUCK lyman especially for rporting my twitter account for simply asking a question abt the mayhem boards - Mayhem will die out after 2015 if they dont book SOAD or Rammstein or a NEW band and get NEW blood on the fest
I didn't realize Suicide Silence were still a band. I thought they were done when that dude died.
Nope, they replaced him with the dude from All Shall Perish
Well yeah..............a band with such legendary metal status that plays with such virtuosity can't just fold the tents up. They have to continue their legacy and carry on with a new vocalist like bands such as Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden have done before them.
Well these pathetic dicks didnt bring the fuckin boards back, its on their site and NOTHING fuck these mayhem bitches - also waht th fuck is wrong with Mushroomhead????? Lineup is ok but not the worst
Milwaukee doesn't have korn or a7x performing
Mushroomhead is only enjoyed by people with extra chromosomes
Kill yourself you fucking dumb nigger.
This is the weirdest year for sure... Cannibal corpse, Ice T and asking alexandria on the same show? throw in mushroomhead and emmure two years in a row and two bands that are way out of the mix ill nino and darkest hour.
Nope, they replaced him with the dude from All Shall Perish
Gotta keep that money train rolling
GOddamn now u fucks dont like Mushroomhead ????? Yet u fuckers do like ADTR? THis place is fuckin awful! Also the fa at Emmure is on 2 years in row and AA is on mainstage is shocking. since when is AA as big commercially as Megadeth, Motorhead, Mastodon, LOG, etc.????? FUCK AA, I could understand A7X/Korn/Cannibal Corpse/MRH & Trivium or Suicide Silence but rlly fuckin AA?? FUCK kevin lyman and john reese those dickbags and FUCK lyman especially for rporting my twitter account for simply asking a question abt the mayhem boards - Mayhem will die out after 2015 if they dont book SOAD or Rammstein or a NEW band and get NEW blood on the fest
Well yeah..............a band with such legendary metal status that plays with such virtuosity can't just fold the tents up. They have to continue their legacy and carry on with a new vocalist like bands such as Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden have done before them.No one likes Mushroomhead or ADTR
4ever_irate said:
Dont know about a7x but korn is playing this fest that weekend http://www.rockusaoshkosh.com
Then there is gilead fest which is a ton of doom and sludge going on in oshkosh same weekend
their facebook said it
nobody likes ADTR either Greggles.
pumped \m/
ADTR \m/