if bonds simply admits hes a fucking cheater later on in his career and vacates all his records that he got while juicing i would let him in the hall. as long as hes a giant liar pussy douchebag = no hall
I am noticing something during my time here on this board. TWO things 1. Stickbug like to call everyone names during discussions. Not sure why he does that then he wonders why he's picked on. 2. That GUY ARLO is fucking stickbug I think or stickbug is fucking him because whenever anybody says anything against stickbug he either flags it or dislikes it.
ALso Stickbug lose the "DO YOU LIFT" catch phrase..It's stupid and when your done smoothing his tip come polish my helmet you needle dick bug fucker.
Ape is literally the only person IV ever heard who follows baseball that thinks steroid users should be in the hall...cocain is a stimulant not a performance enhancer...it does not make a good baseball player into a great baseball player with earth shattering numbers
Child porn is child porn no matter how you want to spin it. It can get the sites host in trouble as well as others. Not to mention that's one of the only rules on this site.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
cheater bonds should never see the hall, ever PERIOD
1. Stickbug like to call everyone names during discussions. Not sure why he does that then he wonders why he's picked on.
2. That GUY ARLO is fucking stickbug I think or stickbug is fucking him because whenever anybody says anything against stickbug he either flags it or dislikes it.
ALso Stickbug lose the "DO YOU LIFT" catch phrase..It's stupid and when your done smoothing his tip come polish my helmet you needle dick bug fucker.
Do you even lift faggot?
And it's 'cause you have nothing to brag about. I seen yo pictures.
Cry about it bitch. Like you never seen a sack before. You're acting like it's spread eagle wit my finger in my ass and my thumb in my mouth.
Sounds like you speak from experience