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2012 Election results - Who'd you vote for?



  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
    monicaa said:

    Getting rid of planned parenthood is a terrible idea. That place does a lot more than most people realize.

    agreed if i was president i would be 100 percent for planned parenthood.. but as a women you can still purchase birth control without that program yes?
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    Barack Obama (Democratic)
    i know first hand
    theyve helped me with a situation and i couldnt be more grateful
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    monicaa said:


    I truly feel sorry for people who aren't into politics.
    It's not that i don't give a crap, but i know that we are screwed regardless whether we elect Romney or Obama, and i find it a little unnerving voting for someone who will probably screw us over.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.
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  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
    its pretty sad when a middle of the road sensible view point is looked at as ridiculous.. not even middle of the road, a completely left leaning view point is still not good enough..the only sensible solution must be an extreme left view point, no compromise no middle ground just extremity.. thats what our country really needs 8-}
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    Barack Obama (Democratic)
    Apparently they never got my mail in ballot application, so I'm voting down the street now before going back up to campus.
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • Da_MuffinzDa_Muffinz Posts: 2,972 balls deep
    Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
    jag said:

    Just out of curiosity, what ever happened to the whole Ron Paul movement post-Romney taking the Rep Nomination? I really don't keep up with him as much as some of you here so any insight would be welcomed.

    Since Ron Paul didn't win the nomination he and the movement (including myself) are now trying to push the libertarian agenda onto the Senate. In other words in each state Ron Paul supporters have filed to become Precinct Committee Officers of their town in order to push his agenda. The Liberty Movement is still strong, it's just not being televised. Most of us also voted for Gary Johnson because he's very similar.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Nola just made my head hurt. How would dudes like it if their government made it harder to near impossible to obtain condoms? So that leaves you vulnerable to STDs/AIDS along with having a unplanned baby. You don't have periods so I can't compare something similar to what bc regulates for us and helps us in that way
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    Barack Obama (Democratic)
    Good lord Erik, that's terrible lol
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    Barack Obama (Democratic)
    Britt, how do you know if they did or didnt get your ballot
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    Barack Obama (Democratic)
    They never got my ballot application, so I was never sent a ballot. I'm still on the list to vote down here.
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • MetalSSlayerMetalSSlayer Posts: 6,164 destroyer of motherfuckers
    "More than 27 million people already have voted in 34 states and the District of Columbia. No votes will be counted until Election Day but several battleground states are releasing the party affiliation of people who have voted early.

    So far, Democratic voters outnumber Republicans in Florida, Iowa, Nevada, North Carolina and Ohio — five states that could decide the election, if they voted the same way. Republicans have the edge in Colorado, which Obama won in 2008."
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Gary Johnson (Libertarian)

    Nola just made my head hurt. How would dudes like it if their government made it harder to near impossible to obtain condoms? So that leaves you vulnerable to STDs/AIDS along with having a unplanned baby. You don't have periods so I can't compare something similar to what bc regulates for us and helps us in that way

    your statement is pretty stupid but i understand why.. i can understand why you would be nervous about it or passionate about it i really do but you girls arent making the most sense in the world on this particular thing..its not even difficult to get birth control and i dont really a way that mitt romney is going to change that.. out of you girls how many get your bc from planned parenthood? all of you? no i seriously seriously doubt it..we had four years of george bush (who despite what that bullshit article said is just as bad as far more right winged than romney) how many times under george bush was it nearly impossible to get birth bout never.. its easy to read sensational article and media and get nervous i fall victim to it too sometimes but lets inject a little reality into this and say that mitt romney would not take away your dumbass birth control.. and you women seriously need to give up the fukkin maytry routine.. none of you have had problems getting bc due to the government none of you have had problems getting an have not been victimized in any way shape or form.. like i said i understand your concern over the republican party and their issues on womens rights as would I if i was a woman.. but your dialouge and just your attack first use logic second approach and playing the victim card isnt going to get women far in progressing the fact it deters voters like me for trying to vote to help you girls out..and for the record and to answer your question if they made it harder to get condoms i wouldnt give to flying fucks and certainly wouldnt type paragraphs and vote for the leader of the fucking free world over it...
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    You're acting like birth control is our only and biggest worry. Planned Parenthood isn't just for birth control. But good for your opinions. You will never understand our point
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I was always a big opponent of the "no uterus no opinion" but maybe not anymore.
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  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Gary Johnson (Libertarian)
    im just trying to prove how you can take a media sensationalized issue and try and get the reality of it. romney isnt going to take your birth control away, he never was and if he wins he never will.. but if girls read a left written article saying he gonna take it all away theyre gonna go nuts..thats how it works.. i fully understand why a women would not vote for romney and i agree that bc is not his biggest womens rights girls need to be careful with the media tho and who you take it on cuz last time i checked guys still outnumber women voters so you might need us..if you ask me the scarier thing for women is a republican senate
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Gary Johnson (Libertarian)

    I was always a big opponent of the "no uterus no opinion" but maybe not anymore.

    thats bullshit, complete bullshit... so what you cant vote on any immigration issues either than if your gonna play that route cuz your not an illegal immigrant and so on and so on

  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    That's a horrble comparison
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