alright mitt romney has been in office for a long time, show me one time where he voted for women not being able to obtain birth control, or give me one link where states that he is going to try and take birth control away from women
look if it was obvious that mitt romney would do what he could to outlaw birth control then i would give women 100 percent support but im failing to see that being the case, maybe a link would be nice to help change my mind
Birth control is used for different things other than preventing pregnancy.
ok thats fine, so is alot of other medication that people have to pay for
Dayna and Bianca are not saying they don't want to pay. Romney doesn't believe in birth control, and has said things making us believe he wants it to be harder to obtain. That's not okay. The birth control I'm getting after I have my son is going to be $300. I have no problem paying for it, but I'll be damned if I don't have the option.
read the whole article, still dont see the part where mitt romney is going to take away the option for women to purchase birth control for themselves ..maybe you can help point it out to me since i cant read
dont see the part or refuse to believe the part? either way, weve provided you with the information you asked so its not our fault that you failed being reading comprehension
Just out of curiosity, what ever happened to the whole Ron Paul movement post-Romney taking the Rep Nomination? I really don't keep up with him as much as some of you here so any insight would be welcomed.
those still didnt answer my question at all really tho i understand why you would not want to vote for romney.. im not trying to convert women to vote for romney lol im just trying to understand how womens rights are being violated when it comes to birth pretty sure people could get access to purchasing bc before planned parenthood existed..
either way, weve provided you with the information you asked so its not our fault that you failed being reading comprehension