Holy shit. I don't know what to say man, that's fuckin' horrible. I'm sorry something like this happened to you and your family. A similar tragedy has happened to one of my friends before....I never thought something like it could happen to one of us on here. I guess it's just one of those things you just never think is possible. I truly hope the very best for you, your family, and everyone that knew your sister and nephew. Keep strong and be there for your mom and others. If you ever need anyone to talk to we're all here >:D<
[-O< sending out a little prayer. my heart goes out to you
we lost one of our older sisters a little over twenty years ago (oh god has it been THAT long?) all I can say is you'll never really get over it, it only gets easier to accept over time.
I know you probably think I'm dumb for coming to a forum to say this, but I figure some of you will start to see this on facebook. Last night while I was seeing Kvelertak, there was a shooting at these apartments in my township. They're not very good, I just figured it was a drug deal. When I got home...my mom told me that my sisters ex boyfriend went nuts and killed her along with my nephew. He tried to kill the guy she was seeing along with his kids, but luckily the cops managed to kill his fucking ass. Part of me wishes he would have lived so he could rot with the guilt of murdering his own son. I just don't even know what to feel. It hasn't hit me yet...I'm basically just going about life normally...That's part of the reason I'm leaving this. A) You guys would find out anyway thanks to the magic of facebook and the amount of people posting about it and tagging me. Should probably do it before everything sinks in and I become a wreck. I'm sure this is really awkward, but I felt it was better than just letting you guys wonder.
reading sux cant you simplify it fer simp bitchz
His sister and nephew were murdered you fucking twat.
Jesus. How hollow our internet condolences must sound, even though we are all sort of a family on here. It's obvious we think you are a sweet, good natured guy and we genuinely feel horrible for you. I don't have any flowery words to comfort and I've never had a close family member taken from me by violence. Please know that however miniscule the reprieve might be, we are always here to talk/listen/joke when you need it. I'm sorry for your loss.
We have been friends for a long ass time man and this does hurt to see you in pain like this. Words aren't enough but you know I'm here and the rest of us are here if you need to talk or just need a laugh to help you through this. This may be a forum be we are all family.
Thanks everybody...it means a lot. It sucks how fast everything has to go...I just went through my sisters entire facebook and myspace looking for pictures My nephew was my moms life...she loved him more than anything...
You know you can come to us for anything. I'm glad you did
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers
we lost one of our older sisters a little over twenty years ago (oh god has it been THAT long?)
all I can say is you'll never really get over it, it only gets easier to accept over time.
His sister and nephew were murdered you fucking twat.
Please know that however miniscule the reprieve might be, we are always here to talk/listen/joke when you need it.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Mike T.
We have been friends for a long ass time man and this does hurt to see you in pain like this. Words aren't enough but you know I'm here and the rest of us are here if you need to talk or just need a laugh to help you through this. This may be a forum be we are all family.
My nephew was my moms life...she loved him more than anything...