I know you probably think I'm dumb for coming to a forum to say this, but I figure some of you will start to see this on facebook. Last night while I was seeing Kvelertak, there was a shooting at these apartments in my township. They're not very good, I just figured it was a drug deal. When I got home...my mom told me that my sisters ex boyfriend went nuts and killed her along with my nephew. He tried to kill the guy she was seeing along with his kids, but luckily the cops managed to kill his fucking ass. Part of me wishes he would have lived so he could rot with the guilt of murdering his own son. I just don't even know what to feel. It hasn't hit me yet...I'm basically just going about life normally...That's part of the reason I'm leaving this. A) You guys would find out anyway thanks to the magic of facebook and the amount of people posting about it and tagging me.

Should probably do it before everything sinks in and I become a wreck. I'm sure this is really awkward, but I felt it was better than just letting you guys wonder.
Amber and Jorge, one day I thought I'd have a kid and he'd have this wonderful aunt and a great older cousin...
From someone who has also lost a sister, i can tell you i felt the same way as far as it not hitting until later and just going on normally
If you need anything, message me
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Here for you >:D<
>:D< >:D< >:D< >:D<
I feel so sad and so sorry for you my friend.
KIA KAHA bro - stay strong.
My thoughts go out to you and your family