lmao. the only time i believe its the correct strain is if some gets it straight from colorado or something. i used to have a dude that got his stuff mailed to him by an uncle that grew for a dispensary. it had all of the vacuum seals labeled with what it was.
Speaking of different acid types, I've only known there to ever be one kind of Acid. It occurred to me because Blue Felix allegedly named themselves after a type of acid they used to do all the time. Further research only brought up acid on a blotter with a picture of a blue Felix the Cat on it.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
About the mushrooms...there was a series of raids in five houses that brought down 137 pounds of mushrooms around here.
Tell me that is not badass.
Also, Fuck yeah Spanairds!