I just got a gram of Green Crack tonight. The main reason that I smoke is so that I can go to sleep at night. To be conservative, what I do is empty out the end of one of my Djarums (because it's cigar paper, it burns slower than cigarettes, and therefore, works way better) and replace what I took out with weed. Then, I pack the very end with some of the tobacco/clove that I took out, so that way I don't waste all the weed in one hit, or whatever. The clove adds a nice flavor hint to the green. This way, I get one or two decent pulls, enough to put a grin on my face, and I'm also conservative with my weed. Then, I smoke half of the clove for the tobacco buzz, then put it out and save the rest of the clove for later. It works pretty well.
On a side note, do you prefer indica or sativa strains?
I would, but that uses too much. I like to be conservative. Besides, I usually get medical, so I don't need that much anyway.
And yeah dude Sativas are always my first choice. Indicas are good and all but I prefer sativas. Tonights gonna be awesome because Green Crack is a sativa, and I ALWAYS enjoy a head buzz more than a body buzz. And besides, all I was able to get lately was Indica, so this is gonna be a nice change of pace
Lol, I had my boi over yesterday, we had to finish writing a track for the mixtape, 'cause he's on it. He came over faded, and it was silent, all of a sudden he's like ".......You wanna smoke some loud?", so I was like "Yea, if you want to, I'm not gonna be thirsty, I don't have money to throw in.", so he asked where we can smoke, 'cause my parents weren't home, it was just me and him, and I said in the room we were in and we could just crack the windows and spray the room down, or in 1 of 2 other rooms that we could just close the door after we were done, 'cause my parents never go in there. So, he got kinda paranoid, and was like "Nah, they're gonna know.", and I told him I constantly smoke in 1 of those 3 rooms all the time, and never had an issue, that it's fine, and he's like "Nah, let's just go out to my car.", and I said that was even worse, 'cause he was parked on the curb, and pigs constantly roll down my block, and he has untinted windows, it was broad daylight, plus, I have the nosiest neighbors of all time, I literally see them peeking through the cracks of their blinds literally every time I go outside like I'm gonna kill someone or some shit. So anyways, we couldn't pick a place to smoke, but he was high as shit, and kept saying "You wanna smoke some loud?" repeatedly for the next 20-30 minutes, wit the same outcome every time, him being too paranoid to smoke in the house, me being too paranoid to go smoke in his car. So, we never ended up smoking. :-|
I just smoked some. And it's pretty good. I'm gonna make another popper here in am inute. But first I'm listening to "Nymphetamine Overdose" by CoF first.
OG Kush = Highest I've ever been, but it was almost unpleasant. Couldn't keep my eyes open, got that feeling you get in your stomach going down a rollercoaster, except it was constant, and my head felt way too heavy for my neck, like, I literally couldn't even keep it up, I had to put my face in my hands for a good 30 minutes.
I just got a gram of Green Crack tonight. The main reason that I smoke is so that I can go to sleep at night. To be conservative, what I do is empty out the end of one of my Djarums (because it's cigar paper, it burns slower than cigarettes, and therefore, works way better) and replace what I took out with weed. Then, I pack the very end with some of the tobacco/clove that I took out, so that way I don't waste all the weed in one hit, or whatever. The clove adds a nice flavor hint to the green. This way, I get one or two decent pulls, enough to put a grin on my face, and I'm also conservative with my weed. Then, I smoke half of the clove for the tobacco buzz, then put it out and save the rest of the clove for later. It works pretty well.
On a side note, do you prefer indica or sativa strains?
idk i just like what gets me high but sativa makes me feel goooood lol
And yeah dude
I'll bet you that ten bucks, along with the bag of weed.
And yeah. It's good.
OG Kush = Highest I've ever been, but it was almost unpleasant. Couldn't keep my eyes open, got that feeling you get in your stomach going down a rollercoaster, except it was constant, and my head felt way too heavy for my neck, like, I literally couldn't even keep it up, I had to put my face in my hands for a good 30 minutes.