Question: Does mixing an ungodly amount of alcohol with shrooms sound bad?
My friends trying shrooms for the first time this weekend...where we're supposed to just gets super fucking plastered. Already done shrooms...I feel like if I'm blackout drunk on mushrooms, bad things could happen.
Question: Does mixing an ungodly amount of alcohol with shrooms sound bad?
My friends trying shrooms for the first time this weekend...where we're supposed to just gets super fucking plastered. Already done shrooms...I feel like if I'm blackout drunk on mushrooms, bad things could happen.
Bad idea. Biggest problem I'd dehydration. Both will dehydrate you but together it can be deadly.
Another thing is piling weed on top of it. I wont be smoking because of this whole still applying for jobs things...And I figure that one mixing in couldn't do any'd just be a waste of weed though. Not my weed not my problem though.
Another thing is piling weed on top of it. I wont be smoking because of this whole still applying for jobs things...And I figure that one mixing in couldn't do any'd just be a waste of weed though. Not my weed not my problem though.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
My friends trying shrooms for the first time this weekend...where we're supposed to just gets super fucking plastered. Already done shrooms...I feel like if I'm blackout drunk on mushrooms, bad things could happen.