I think Sharon's fame has diminished Ozzy's image and likability severely. Ozz used to be metal's gold standard. I never heard anything negative spoken about Ozz until 5-6 years ago...whenever the maiden shit happened
I can understand that, but at the same time you should be taking your anger out on Sharon, not Ozzy. I still view him as that standard lol. Which is truly sad to hear because Sharon was an amazing manager for him throughout his entire career and stuck by him through all the bullshit. I mean it's quite the remarkable relationship they have going on, so in a sense I think Ozzy feels he owes her for everything she's done for him. She helped get him back on his feet after the Sabbath break up and helped him produce some of the greatest albums in metal.
I don't take it out on Ozz, but others obviously do. Its kinda lame to me that the Maiden thing was what really turned the tide on him. Especially since I hate Maiden and see most of the dorks that get really gay for them as poseur n00bs. That actually allows me to dismiss a lot of the criticism. I don't think Ozz is infallible, but I think people's expectations of him are pretty ridiculous. I don't think anyone is particularly good at heavy metal past the ages of 40-45. There are exceptions (Danny Lilker), but time clearly hasn't been kind to Ozzy, Slayer, Metallica, etc.
I'm glad we see eye to eye on that. I must've misinterpreted what you said earlier. I totally agree with you. People's expectations of him are so fucking retarded and the Maiden grudge that fans hold against him is just pathetic. I mean they started it after all, Ozzy had nothing to do with that. Once again it was Sharon who decided to take matters into her own hands. The fans reacted the way they did beyond Ozzy's control. Funny, I actually do think time has been alright with Ozzy. He can still sing well for his age, he still acts crazy and energetic on stage, and he's exercising constantly as his new "addiction" lol.
I got in the line at 7am or some shit and it was already wrapped around the back of the whole plaza. Absolutely ridiculous. I don't even think I got in the store itself until 9.
Out if curiosity, how did Maiden start it?. And from my experience, most Maiden fans blamed Sharon and had hard feelings towards her, not Ozzy. The idiotic younger generation of fanboys ruined it with irrational finger pointing.
Maiden fans blamed Sharon and had hard feelings towards her, not Ozzy. The idiotic younger generation of fanboys ruined it with irrational finger pointing.
Yeah. The way that incident divided people was kinda retarded. Like everyone felt they had to choose sides. I feel like both parties acted poorly. I though Dickenson was a douche for calling out the people who had dusted his band off and were paying him well to play their tour, but Sharon acted childish by fucking with their sound and having the people throwing eggs...then refusing to admit to what really happened. Its sad that it's precipitated a lot of anger towards Ozz. I mean, the dude is pushing 70. Nobody gives a shit about Paul mccartney's current music and you'll never hear much negativity aimed his way, but Ozzy gets criticized for everything from his current music to his stage show now. And it's almost all because of his wife, that show and the Maiden thing. If he'd retired in '96 when he did the "no more tours" run, I think he would still be seen as a legend. Instead, it still seems to be up for debate.
Full disclosure: at this point, I can only really listen to Ozzy's first 2 solo albums now. The rest are garbage, aside from a song or 2. Some of the songs like 'crazy babies' are downright awful, and that was way before the last couple of turds that everyone complains about. I still think he's a legend.
Out if curiosity, how did Maiden start it?. And from my experience, most Maiden fans blamed Sharon and had hard feelings towards her, not Ozzy. The idiotic younger generation of fanboys ruined it with irrational finger pointing.
Well from what I've heard they said something along the lines of "We're better than Ozzy, we should be headlining." And then the fans started throwing shit on stage and booing them off. I can't remember what Sharon said that pissed off Maiden, but from people who went to that show, they said it was them who started it. I blame both. Still though I hear fans diss Ozzy for that.
I got in the line at 7am or some shit and it was already wrapped around the back of the whole plaza. Absolutely ridiculous. I don't even think I got in the store itself until 9.
Damn dude that's insane. It'd be worth it for me though lol.
@Satan I'm surprised you don't like Bark At The Moon or No More Tears. Though I disagree with the rest of his albums being garbage I respect your opinion and it's cool that you know when to give someone recognition when they deserve it.
not irrational at all..some people just look and act douchey in the public eye or just how they are portrayed but in actuality really arent that bad... im not sure if he just comes off douchey or is in fact really a douche but my point was either way he rubs me the wrong way
not irrational at all..some people just look and act douchey in the public eye or just how they are portrayed but in actuality really arent that bad... im not sure if he just comes off douchey or is in fact really a douche but my point was either way he rubs me the wrong way
@Satan I'm surprised you don't like Bark At The Moon or No More Tears. Though I disagree with the rest of his albums being garbage I respect your opinion and it's cool that you know when to give someone recognition when they deserve it.
It's too produced. I can't get into albums when they're cheesy sounding like that
Besides, I saw an old Ozzy video once from the jake e. lee years and he looked like a fat wrestler. Kinda scarred me
Full disclosure: at this point, I can only really listen to Ozzy's first 2 solo albums now. The rest are garbage, aside from a song or 2. Some of the songs like 'crazy babies' are downright awful, and that was way before the last couple of turds that everyone complains about. I still think he's a legend.
I'm surprised you don't like Bark At The Moon or No More Tears. Though I disagree with the rest of his albums being garbage I respect your opinion and it's cool that you know when to give someone recognition when they deserve it.
Besides, I saw an old Ozzy video once from the jake e. lee years and he looked like a fat wrestler. Kinda scarred me