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So guess whose gonna be a daddy



  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Yo Skulls would you fuck a pregnant botch if she was hot as hell?
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I think he should do what he feels is right. Fact is he knocked a girl up and know he's got to deal with that. He should stop thinking about it so much that it causes headaches, that ain't good. Both should talk about what's best for the both of them together. What you think might be best becausd of his age, her age, financials, ect might not be what they think is best. Tbh I think Dirball posted this on here for some positive help from different people in different places who've quite possibly been through similar shit. Problem is this forum isn't that positive anymore
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    If you don't think sometimes you should keep your opinion to yourself you really should re consider

    no one was trying to narrow his options, its obvious abortion is an option. But coming right out and saying thats what he should do is not only insensitive but also cowardly. You not making it sound like its an option, but that its his only option. Your my homie but the bluntness of your opinion on this makes you sound extremely selfish. Sometimes life isn't always about yourself and how do you think it would make her feel if he suggested that to her. Your opinion on the subject is as if you would only care about how you would feel if you were in the situation, And when a baby is involved there are a lot more peoples feelings then just yourself.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers

    :-? um not funnin... kidz are spensivez and the .GOV will see theyre financially fit too cuz child support iz LAW punishable with jail time

    thatz why i just so no to kidz

    No, you say no to kids, 'cause you can't even take care of yourself.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    How much does any of us really know about if cats takes care of himself any ways?
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
    haz beerz and smokez is hasin nice dreamz :-??


    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    rexum420 said:

    How much does any of us really know about if cats takes care of himself any ways?

    LOL. Sucking his dick yet again! You always white knight for this nigga.

  • monicaamonicaa Posts: 7,109 destroyer of motherfuckers
    lol @ people thinking they really know how someone lives off the internet
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Anyways, I don't want a kid, because I'm selfish and too self centered, and I'd be a terrible Dad. 'Least I can admit that. Plus, it's always occurred to me, what if I had a kid born retarded, autistic, any kind of severely debilitating disability? I couldn't handle a normal kid, let alone one that would take so much extra care, plus, I always feel bad for others that are retarded, etc., and have to go through life like that, and if it was my kid, I'd hate myself, and wish I coulda known way earlier, so an abortion coulda been done, so that he/she doesn't have to suffer through life like that.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    rexum420 said:

    If you don't think sometimes you should keep your opinion to yourself you really should re consider

    no one was trying to narrow his options, its obvious abortion is an option. But coming right out and saying thats what he should do is not only insensitive but also cowardly. You not making it sound like its an option, but that its his only option. Your my homie but the bluntness of your opinion on this makes you sound extremely selfish. Sometimes life isn't always about yourself and how do you think it would make her feel if he suggested that to her. Your opinion on the subject is as if you would only care about how you would feel if you were in the situation, And when a baby is involved there are a lot more peoples feelings then just yourself.

    Dide I isn't give him. Negative reaction I wishe him luck with everything About tr situation, you're just takin the why you believe to be negative or selfish and running with it and not looking at any of the positives I'm saying. I have a lot of experience I sat there while babies parents were too heroines up to feed it and had to feed the baby myself. I saw people's lives not just people the baby that is born into the world them propels parents and everyone around get ducked up over nighas makin bad decisions. I just have a strong opinion on this issue. Like it or not, idc but if keeping another baby out of this world that has a shitty upbringing and shotty family life is what needs to be said I have no issue saying it. Now I'm not saying that's dirtball, all I want to do is wish the kid luck in his future. I think hees a good guy and would be alright either way.

    Now hop off my cock faggots. I'm going out with my friends cause I have no baby to watch. :bz
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    See I told him to not say anything on here [-(
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    I ain't sucking his dick...and why do you always talk about dick?

    Im just simply saying how much do you know about his life that is actually fact?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    Also Dirt. I hope everything works out for you. Pregnant women are crazy tho, just do everything she asks, don't argue even when she yells at you and its not justified. Its gonna be a bitch lol, but it will be worth it, even if you guys don't stay together she won't be able to just move back out of state if you have a lawyer. Hopefully it works out for the two of you but there is nothing wrong with single parents. Keep us updated tho cause some of us are hoping for the best for you out of a tough situation
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    rexum420 said:

    Also Dirt. I hope everything works out for you. Pregnant women are crazy tho, just do everything she asks, don't argue even when she yells at you and its not justified. Its gonna be a bitch lol, but it will be worth it, even if you guys don't stay together she won't be able to just move back out of state if you have a lawyer. Hopefully it works out for the two of you but there is nothing wrong with single parents. Keep us updated tho cause some of us are hoping for the best for you out of a tough situation

    This is basically what I want to say to dirtball too! We're just coming from different opinions. Good luck dirt and Take the advice of parents on here, they can and will help you!
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
    ya right cuz y00z bitchmade erikfagz neva had a dad so dont know shit bout it mommaz boi


    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers

    ya right cuz y00z bitchmade erikfagz neva had a dad so dont know shit bout it mommaz boi

    Damn, you came back even MORE incomprehensible, didn't think that was possible. Drink Up! <:-P
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
    funna cuz two of the words in that post are your specialties that u use all the fukkin time


    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    HOODS said:

    Yo Skulls would you fuck a pregnant botch if she was hot as hell?

    nah, that's weird IMO.
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Correct me if I am wrong but I don't believe dirtball came in here looking for advice from anyone on what should happen with his kid.
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
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