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Something has to be done

Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,936 spicy boy
edited July 2012 in Debate & Discourse
while im sure im not the only one getting sick of it, but it seems like every thread we go into there is the same fight between erik and catz....or the same argument between erik and someone else and catz jumps in and it becomes and erik and catz fight

you know the whole...niggaz wanna wiggaz fagz sux sum mo cawkz....and the fuck you fucking fattass alcoholic bitchmade nigga toothless mother fucking fuck who fucking molests his fucking daughters fucking fuck you you worthless fucking piece of fucking shit

so any ways the only way i see this being solved is to either give one of them a 2 week or a perma ban...and now that we haz pollz i see when not take a vote

Something has to be done 11 votes

Ban Erik
Rex_Capone420xsynysterxFIRENATHANIELHACKETTStoned_CatzXenoLeastreetsChicken_FuckerGuruWakeOfAshes 10 votes
Ban Catz
monicaa 1 vote


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