My old fucking phone to the rescue. I figured I'd check it, 'cause that's the last place any traces of old pictures would be, and what the fuck do you know?
First of all:
Second of all, won't post the semi nude one, 'cause it contains 16 year old tits, but this was sent to me:
And for further proof, same bitch, in MY bathroom, wearing MY old football jersey:
Ready to suck my dick yet, you old ass fucking moron? Ready to eat your words? Little fucking bitch.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
All that bullshit and she's just a nasty tweeker slut? Omfg
Casanova Erik ftl
Of course your fatass still can't shut the fuck up and admit I made you eat your words. It was asked that I prove that I've been with a bitch, not what kind of bitch it was, slut, squeaky clean innocent bitch, etc., but to flat out prove I've been with a bitch. And I did, so I'd shut your fatass up, especially when she makes your ratchet ass black bitch you posted a pic of yourself with look like a lab rat.
And no, not mad, 'cause she IS a slut, of the highest rank, I just knew your bitchmade self wouldn't be able to man up and take your L after I proved what was asked of me.
Me and my ex kickin it at da club. Step off my dick, hata! She's a fuckin' model. Omfg...this dork faggot wannabe hatin ass slut lovin shit talkin bitchmade homo right here )
Me and my ex kickin it at da club. Step off my dick, hata! She's a fuckin' model. Omfg...this dork faggot wannabe hatin ass slut lovin shit talkin bitchmade homo right here )
"Post your dick IN her pussy or you're just a fake ass little kid with no game, 1-800-Virgin.JPG.".
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
All that bullshit and she's just a nasty tweeker slut? Omfg
Casanova Erik ftl
And no, not mad, 'cause she IS a slut, of the highest rank, I just knew your bitchmade self wouldn't be able to man up and take your L after I proved what was asked of me.
Me and my ex kickin it at da club. Step off my dick, hata! She's a fuckin' model. Omfg...this dork faggot wannabe hatin ass slut lovin shit talkin bitchmade homo right here
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)