Fuck you guys. Haven't straightened my hair at all except for shows, and my hair is finally growing. Almost to my shoulders when straightened. Can't fucking wait.
I'll probably put it at about an inch then let it grow out again. If I liked a certain length, I'll keep it there.
i hated brushing my hair so it always looked like shit....that and now im kinda starting to bald....it would be hard to tell if my hair was long again but when i buzz it you can totally tell
It was annoying me so i dids a buzzcut.
imma still let it grow out.
twas a rash decision,
and i cut it down the middle so there was no turning back once i did it.
No one gets to read my review now...
Goetia footage. If I knew what I looked like while I headbang, I'd tell you which one I was...
EDIT: Heaviest moment of my life at about 6:00
I read it before the page
Tell us tell us tell us tell us tell us. I'll post a CC video that shows me back when I had long hair and a Killswitch video from Mayhem that I'm in
i hated brushing my hair so it always looked like shit....that and now im kinda starting to bald....it would be hard to tell if my hair was long again but when i buzz it you can totally tell
Oh, and if I post reviews from shows that took place a while ago, it's because I finally decided to write them.....