drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
I'm torn between not wanting people like Erik into my Maiden shows because I don't think he's sincere and wanting him to go in to show him what metal really is.
I can only imagine what Erik's rating would be if he was at the somewhere in time tour? a 20/10?? (cause they played his faves from powerslave and the trooper and run to the hills ect
Wine, I understand what you're saying. My main problem with majority of Erik's posts is the fact that a lot of the time they just seem fake. As much as Erik claims I'm just bashing/stalking/whatever, I'm honestly just calling it as I see it.
I was front and center, the first shitty band didn't make it so Divine HEresy was first
Divine Heresy - Sounded great, Travis Neal is an awesome vocalist. I was screaming the words to Failed Creation and during the last OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES I realized the mic was in my face. That was the first time I've gotten to yell into the mic so it was damn cool. Afterwards I high fived Dino which was awesome. People were filming ther set so when the footage is released I will definitely be on it. There was a dude from a local metal public access thing that filmed the whole rail so I did some cheesy metal faces lol.
(I might be missing a song but I'm almost positive of the order) Facebreaker Bleed The Fifth Battle Of J Casey Savior Self Failed Creation
After The Burial - I have avoided seeing a shitty deathcore band all the way up until yesterday, and I must say, these guys were fucking awful. The singer did the panteradactyl and even a few pig squeals just to ensure the crowd how big of a fag he is. At one point someone yelled "These guys fucking suck, bring out Fear Factory" and they went apeshit. I don't feel like thinking about these faggots anymore.
36 Crazyfists - Not my style of music, but they performed well. The crowd seemed into them. The drummer kept spitting water which was fucking gross. The guitarist had a devil lock...that's all I got.
Fear Factory - This was by far the most fun I have ever had at a concert. I couldn't believe that Burton was standing right there in front of me the whole time, after so many fucking years of listening to them. To avoid rambling on about their awesomeness, I'll keep this short cuz I have shit to do today. The whole band sounded awesome, and they had awesome smoke things that shoot up. They unfortunately did not play Christploitation, but I didn't care. During Fear Campaign there was a drunk asshole trying to push us away from the rail, so everyone there, myself included, started hitting himn as he tried choking me and pushing me away and the kid next to me got the same treatment. Security finally came and took his stupid ass to the back. During Martyr, Burton was standing right over us and during the I'VE GOT TO GET AWAY part he stood right over us. At one point I was screaming the chorus with him as he was looking right at me and he pointed at me afterwards. It made me feel special. Right before they started the encore, Burton did a speech and started a "BP must pay" chant. Their set was scheduled to end with four Demanufacture songs, but after three, they said "We're gonna do the rest of our songs" and ripped into a ferocious performance of Hunter-Killer. Afterwards, they finished with Replica and it was all done. I got a tour shirt for 25.
Mechanize Shock Edgecrusher Smasher/Devourer Acres Of Skin Linchpin Powershifter Fear Campaign Martyr Final Exit - - - - - - - - - - - - - Demanufacture Self Bias Resistor Zero Signal Hunter-Killer Replica
We went to Superdawg afterwards. Twas delicious. The show would have been a 12/10 if ATB and 36CF weren't there. I'll give it a 9/10 solely because I was front row for a headlining set by my favorite band and got to see one of my biggest influences on my guitar playing twice. And yes, I know "BIGGEST" hurdurdurdur. Also, I was 10 feet away from Gene Fucking Hoglan. Gene "The Atomic Clock" Hoglan. Shit was so cash.
Also, I paid for my ticket back in May, but (probably due to poor sales) the show was free if you brought a flier posted on there webpage (and sent to everyone's emails.) I'm glad I paid though because then it only further supports my favorite band.
Is it bad that as soon as I hit the I'VE GOT TO GET AWAY, I heard Lenny Kravitz in the back of my head. Cool you had a great time though, show sounds awesome...wish I was going <_>
I was front and center, the first shitty band didn't make it so Divine HEresy was first
Divine Heresy - Sounded great, Travis Neal is an awesome vocalist. I was screaming the words to Failed Creation and during the last OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES I realized the mic was in my face. That was the first time I've gotten to yell into the mic so it was damn cool. Afterwards I high fived Dino which was awesome. People were filming ther set so when the footage is released I will definitely be on it. There was a dude from a local metal public access thing that filmed the whole rail so I did some cheesy metal faces lol.
(I might be missing a song but I'm almost positive of the order)
Bleed The Fifth
Battle Of J Casey
Savior Self
Failed Creation
After The Burial - I have avoided seeing a shitty deathcore band all the way up until yesterday, and I must say, these guys were fucking awful. The singer did the panteradactyl and even a few pig squeals just to ensure the crowd how big of a fag he is. At one point someone yelled "These guys fucking suck, bring out Fear Factory" and they went apeshit. I don't feel like thinking about these faggots anymore.
36 Crazyfists - Not my style of music, but they performed well. The crowd seemed into them. The drummer kept spitting water which was fucking gross. The guitarist had a devil lock...that's all I got.
Fear Factory - This was by far the most fun I have ever had at a concert. I couldn't believe that Burton was standing right there in front of me the whole time, after so many fucking years of listening to them. To avoid rambling on about their awesomeness, I'll keep this short cuz I have shit to do today. The whole band sounded awesome, and they had awesome smoke things that shoot up. They unfortunately did not play Christploitation, but I didn't care. During Fear Campaign there was a drunk asshole trying to push us away from the rail, so everyone there, myself included, started hitting himn as he tried choking me and pushing me away and the kid next to me got the same treatment. Security finally came and took his stupid ass to the back. During Martyr, Burton was standing right over us and during the I'VE GOT TO GET AWAY part he stood right over us. At one point I was screaming the chorus with him as he was looking right at me and he pointed at me afterwards. It made me feel special. Right before they started the encore, Burton did a speech and started a "BP must pay" chant. Their set was scheduled to end with four Demanufacture songs, but after three, they said "We're gonna do the rest of our songs" and ripped into a ferocious performance of Hunter-Killer. Afterwards, they finished with Replica and it was all done. I got a tour shirt for 25.
Acres Of Skin
Fear Campaign
Final Exit
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Self Bias Resistor
Zero Signal
We went to Superdawg afterwards. Twas delicious. The show would have been a 12/10 if ATB and 36CF weren't there. I'll give it a 9/10 solely because I was front row for a headlining set by my favorite band and got to see one of my biggest influences on my guitar playing twice. And yes, I know "BIGGEST" hurdurdurdur. Also, I was 10 feet away from Gene Fucking Hoglan. Gene "The Atomic Clock" Hoglan. Shit was so cash.
Also, I paid for my ticket back in May, but (probably due to poor sales) the show was free if you brought a flier posted on there webpage (and sent to everyone's emails.) I'm glad I paid though because then it only further supports my favorite band.
Cool you had a great time though, show sounds awesome...wish I was going <_>