Fucking Danzig @ The Rave in Milwaukee, Wisconsin 5/22/11
Devildriver - I was not expecting much from these guys, but I was pleasantly surprised. While I've never been big on their music, they were fun in a club setting and the crowd was fun for them. Much better than Ozzfest 2010.
The stick tight tour was dope... all the bands I saw ruled hellz! my review is pretty much the same as Kyle's except I thought STYG was terrific. they put on a great show and I loved their set.... I dont think I've ever heard a band before with a more postive message then them, great dudes, great band, great set! Terror is just incredible. Theyre one of the bands that inspire me to wake up every fucking day and try to live a decent life. I know theyre not the best musicians or the most talented, but goddamn can they bring the fire to a show! I never once left a Terror show and was bored. All their songs relate to my life postively in someway especially now with what I been going through, I have been listening to them alot and they just make me want to continue to stay on the right path fight for my fucking life.... plus they really know how to get that fucking crowd going. I reccomend anyone, even people that are deadset against hardcore to check out Terror when theyre in your area, you will not be dissapoint. great night TUI was good as well..... I had a fun time, glad I went! cant wait to see Terror again, been seeeing them for the last decade and they never get old.
on a side note, after TUI the cops and shit came and almost shutdown the show cause of too many people outside inbetween bands on the street, there was about a 2hr delay between TUI and STYG. and I think the singer of STYG said it best, we're all there trying to come together for a positive reason and support eachother and the bands we love and the cops have nothing better to do then try to shit us down, all were doing is expressing ourselved through positive music, were not out breaking the law and shit..... i thought that was a cool think dood said and hees right. thankfully the show wasnt postponed, but STYG and Terror both played shorter sets cause of the dealy, just glad they still got to play.
But aynywa, i had a good time, thats the first straight hardcore show i seen all year! it was killah! TERROR FTW \m/
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
I'm goin to do day of Recaps then do the whole thing on monday. Bands on the "Bands seen" list are bands that I think I saw enough of to say I can assess them live.
Day 1:
Bands seen:
A solid kick ogf day, but it wasn't enough. Not too many people were there, but the last four bands killed and Flesh Parade was sort of funny.
Band of the day: Tragedy
Day 2:
Nocturnal Aura Noir Corrosion of Conformity Neurosis Kylesa Exhumed
This day absolutely killed. All of the bands were excellent, even though I expected more from COC. Every band was fantastic.
Le Butcherettes opened the show. Missed a few minutes of this due to getting there late. Didn't know much about them going into this thing. But, they were quite enjoyable to say the least. The lead singer was all over the place. Literally. Wheter it be on top of the drum set, amps, middle of the crowd, or behind the bar... she was a sight a see. They played for a half and hour or so. If they came around again, I'd definitely hit that show up. 8/10
Deftones are up next. Place goes apeshit as usual. Being my 6th Tones show, this was by far the best gig I've been apart of intensity wise. The entire band was just the insanely into it as so was the crowd. Nobody was safe on the floor. The pits were just beautifully brutal. Certainly some of the most fun I've ever had. I've seen this band at their(Chino) low point, and seeing them put out show like they are now just sort of makes you forget they were in rough shape at one point. But, good God...they were awesome. 10/10
Diamond Eyes Rocket Skates Birthmark Engine No. 9 Be Quiet and Drive My Own Summer Digital Bath Korea Knife Party Minerva Bloody Cape You've Seen the Butcher Sextape Feiticeira Kim Dracula Cherry Waves Elite Change Passenger Root 7 Words
Before the show, I bought my Sacred Reich tickets. That show is gonna rule. I also snagged a sweet flyer for it from a post in the venue.
HOD - Very old school sounding black metal. Really dug these guys, unfortunately they didn't have too much of a crowd but cool nonetheless.
Panzerfaust - Boring. Their singer was a bald guy who looked like he should be security, not the vocalist for a sub par black metal band from Canada.
Black Anvil - Good shit, mixed hardcore with black metal surprisingly well. One of their songs had a ridiculously sludgy riff that I loved.
Aura Noir - Holy mother of fuck. These guys were phenomenal. Out of nowhere, their drummer just started this slamming beat with double bass, like a more aggressive and military-sounding version of Painkiller, and the other two members walked out. They played a wicked set of black thrash, and they really got the crowd going. Hopefully I'll see these guys again soon.
Marduk - Awesome. Unfortunately, the guitar head was being retarded for the first 3 songs, but they switched it with another and the sound was perfect the rest of the time. The drumming was amazing and had me grinning multiple times in the set. The sheer speed of some of the songs was nothing short of amazing. Mortuus has awesome stage presence, and we knew the set was going to be brutal when he walked out and said "Chicago!" and let out an evil fucking scream. They played for a solid hour and a half. If you have a chance to see these guys and like black metal, just do it.
Only complaint of the night was Marduk had the worst selection of shirts ever (like 3 designs and they were all generic shit) but thankfully after the first couple of bands they put out patches so I snagged one.
Before the show, I bought my Sacred Reich tickets. That show is gonna rule. I also snagged a sweet flyer for it from a post in the venue.
HOD - Very old school sounding black metal. Really dug these guys, unfortunately they didn't have too much of a crowd but cool nonetheless.
Panzerfaust - Boring. Their singer was a bald guy who looked like he should be security, not the vocalist for a sub par black metal band from Canada.
Black Anvil - Good shit, mixed hardcore with black metal surprisingly well. One of their songs had a ridiculously sludgy riff that I loved.
Aura Noir - Holy mother of fuck. These guys were phenomenal. Out of nowhere, their drummer just started this slamming beat with double bass, like a more aggressive and military-sounding version of Painkiller, and the other two members walked out. They played a wicked set of black thrash, and they really got the crowd going. Hopefully I'll see these guys again soon.
Marduk - Awesome. Unfortunately, the guitar head was being retarded for the first 3 songs, but they switched it with another and the sound was perfect the rest of the time. The drumming was amazing and had me grinning multiple times in the set. The sheer speed of some of the songs was nothing short of amazing. Mortuus has awesome stage presence, and we knew the set was going to be brutal when he walked out and said "Chicago!" and let out an evil fucking scream. They played for a solid hour and a half. If you have a chance to see these guys and like black metal, just do it.
Only complaint of the night was Marduk had the worst selection of shirts ever (like 3 designs and they were all generic shit) but thankfully after the first couple of bands they put out patches so I snagged one.
Great review Brian. I'll see Marduk one of these days. \m/
FEAR FACTORY @ The Clubhouse, Tempe, AZ
Alright, before I start, let me say a couple of things.
1.) Dino Cazares is a straight up dickhole. Burton would come over all the time during FF's set and bump knuckles or shake hands, ruffle hair and give out high fives left and right. What would Dino do between songs when people reached out to him?
He'd fucking look at them (did this to me too), lift his head and disregard us. Fucking asshat. I don't know if Brian (or anyone else on these forums who knows Dino/FF well) has heard, but I'D heard before that the guy is kind of a dick. This proved it.
After the set was over, it was high fives all around, but Dino put his guitar down and walked off stage while Burt and the bassist thanked the crowd. I'd just like to put that out there.
2.) I was gonna bash Native Americans because I fucking hate the way they act at concerts, but now that I've talked about Dino, I ain't even as mad.
Anyway, meh concert was meh. I scrounged at the end and got Stroud's pick which was kind of cool. I don't really know what to say for Fear Factory's set. Cool I guess. I'm not a big fan of the, but the last time they played here it was in a venue three times as big, so I couldn't pass this up. 8/10
Oh, and the band that opened for them, Pinhed, is straight up what the fuck material. None of those guys looked like they belonged in a band together.
Fucking Tony Campos at one end doing his thing, some try-hard black metal demon fucker singing who looked like the monster from The Village, and a drummer in basketball shorts. Awkward performance to watch to say the least. 4/10
I'm in heaven.
Best band of the day: Tragedy
on a side note, after TUI the cops and shit came and almost shutdown the show cause of too many people outside inbetween bands on the street, there was about a 2hr delay between TUI and STYG. and I think the singer of STYG said it best, we're all there trying to come together for a positive reason and support eachother and the bands we love and the cops have nothing better to do then try to shit us down, all were doing is expressing ourselved through positive music, were not out breaking the law and shit..... i thought that was a cool think dood said and hees right. thankfully the show wasnt postponed, but STYG and Terror both played shorter sets cause of the dealy, just glad they still got to play.
But aynywa, i had a good time, thats the first straight hardcore show i seen all year! it was killah! TERROR FTW \m/
Day 1:
Bands seen:
A solid kick ogf day, but it wasn't enough. Not too many people were there, but the last four bands killed and Flesh Parade was sort of funny.
Band of the day: Tragedy
Day 2:
Aura Noir
Corrosion of Conformity
This day absolutely killed. All of the bands were excellent, even though I expected more from COC. Every band was fantastic.
Band of the day: Neurosis
My hand after Blood Freak.
...I cum blood.
Le Butcherettes opened the show. Missed a few minutes of this due to getting there late. Didn't know much about them going into this thing. But, they were quite enjoyable to say the least. The lead singer was all over the place. Literally. Wheter it be on top of the drum set, amps, middle of the crowd, or behind the bar... she was a sight a see. They played for a half and hour or so. If they came around again, I'd definitely hit that show up. 8/10
Deftones are up next. Place goes apeshit as usual. Being my 6th Tones show, this was by far the best gig I've been apart of intensity wise. The entire band was just the insanely into it as so was the crowd. Nobody was safe on the floor. The pits were just beautifully brutal. Certainly some of the most fun I've ever had. I've seen this band at their(Chino) low point, and seeing them put out show like they are now just sort of makes you forget they were in rough shape at one point. But, good God...they were awesome. 10/10
Diamond Eyes
Rocket Skates
Engine No. 9
Be Quiet and Drive
My Own Summer
Digital Bath
Knife Party
Bloody Cape
You've Seen the Butcher
Kim Dracula
Cherry Waves
7 Words
Blackened metals. Lets do this.
Before the show, I bought my Sacred Reich tickets. That show is gonna rule. I also snagged a sweet flyer for it from a post in the venue.
HOD - Very old school sounding black metal. Really dug these guys, unfortunately they didn't have too much of a crowd but cool nonetheless.
Panzerfaust - Boring. Their singer was a bald guy who looked like he should be security, not the vocalist for a sub par black metal band from Canada.
Black Anvil - Good shit, mixed hardcore with black metal surprisingly well. One of their songs had a ridiculously sludgy riff that I loved.
Aura Noir - Holy mother of fuck. These guys were phenomenal. Out of nowhere, their drummer just started this slamming beat with double bass, like a more aggressive and military-sounding version of Painkiller, and the other two members walked out. They played a wicked set of black thrash, and they really got the crowd going. Hopefully I'll see these guys again soon.
Marduk - Awesome. Unfortunately, the guitar head was being retarded for the first 3 songs, but they switched it with another and the sound was perfect the rest of the time. The drumming was amazing and had me grinning multiple times in the set. The sheer speed of some of the songs was nothing short of amazing. Mortuus has awesome stage presence, and we knew the set was going to be brutal when he walked out and said "Chicago!" and let out an evil fucking scream. They played for a solid hour and a half. If you have a chance to see these guys and like black metal, just do it.
Only complaint of the night was Marduk had the worst selection of shirts ever (like 3 designs and they were all generic shit) but thankfully after the first couple of bands they put out patches so I snagged one.
FEAR FACTORY @ The Clubhouse, Tempe, AZ
Alright, before I start, let me say a couple of things.
1.) Dino Cazares is a straight up dickhole. Burton would come over all the time during FF's set and bump knuckles or shake hands, ruffle hair and give out high fives left and right. What would Dino do between songs when people reached out to him?
He'd fucking look at them (did this to me too), lift his head and disregard us. Fucking asshat. I don't know if Brian (or anyone else on these forums who knows Dino/FF well) has heard, but I'D heard before that the guy is kind of a dick. This proved it.
After the set was over, it was high fives all around, but Dino put his guitar down and walked off stage while Burt and the bassist thanked the crowd. I'd just like to put that out there.
2.) I was gonna bash Native Americans because I fucking hate the way they act at concerts, but now that I've talked about Dino, I ain't even as mad.
Anyway, meh concert was meh. I scrounged at the end and got Stroud's pick which was kind of cool. I don't really know what to say for Fear Factory's set. Cool I guess. I'm not a big fan of the, but the last time they played here it was in a venue three times as big, so I couldn't pass this up. 8/10
Oh, and the band that opened for them, Pinhed, is straight up what the fuck material. None of those guys looked like they belonged in a band together.
Fucking Tony Campos at one end doing his thing, some try-hard black metal demon fucker singing who looked like the monster from The Village, and a drummer in basketball shorts. Awkward performance to watch to say the least. 4/10
When I saw FF I high fived Dino twice.