because it genuineley got me kinda upset that he needs to justify a simple opinion
Because it's a flawed ass opinion lol
I've never been given a good reason for why one would ever hate an entire race and I just wanted to see if he would say something that I haven't heard before. Once again this wasn't an attack I was genuinely curious.
You're correct. You can hold whatever opinion you want for whatever reason. I was simply trying to find out if he actually thought his belief through instead of jumping to conclusions. I think I've read enough to figure out what his thought process was.
Oh and my micro review of the Hed2Head tour cause I don't feel like writing a real one.
Local band - Didn't care
Sweetooth - who?
HED pe - I like some of their stuff but their fans are the most annoying ass people on the entire planet. If I had a dollar for every time I heard a "whoop whoop" I'd be a thousandaire. 5/10
Mushroomhead - FUCKING ROCKED!! 9/10
I didn't go to hed vs head because of the crowd I figured hed would bring lol
Yeah and they announced they are doing it again next year...
I've seen MH every time they've come through since 2008 and I might have to miss them if they come with another ninjafied crowd. I don't blame you one bit for skipping.
For reals. Oh and I swear the worst part of last night was standing outside surrounded by all these juggalos talking about their trips to The Gathering and how amazing ICP is. I can only put up with so much for this band!!!
I'm not trying to say that there is some sort of universal code for what needs to be rationalized or not. You should know that I don't believe that.
I've never been given a good reason for why one would ever hate an entire race and I just wanted to see if he would say something that I haven't heard before. Once again this wasn't an attack I was genuinely curious.
I am saying that I just do. I am indeed generalizing.
I don't give a fuck.
I've seen MH every time they've come through since 2008 and I might have to miss them if they come with another ninjafied crowd. I don't blame you one bit for skipping.