I don't see what views and shit on Youtube have to do with anything being good. When I was 13 me and my friends made a "Peep porno" where we made Peeps hump each other to "What is Love" and we got like, 600,000+ views, like, 1,000 likes, and a few hundred comments. It was the stupidest fucking thing ever.
You. Are. Stupid.
Views on a video containing an artist's song, are just as important as listens on my SoundCloud or Facebook. I need lots and lots of people to hear me to get anywhere, no? Your stupid Peeps video is literally the most stupid and irrelevant comparison you could possibly make. And the comments show it's good. Say it sucks, the 200+ that liked it and 60-70 commenting how amazing I am seem to disagree, so I could care less. Try to belittle me, you're failing.
You see that video of "My grandma dancing to Rack City Bitch"? The kid that's in it lives in the same town I do, and he is the most arrogant asshole. He got millions of view, and only got about a few days of fame. And he is probably the most arrogant person I know.
Keep making stupid comparisons. That's not even his song, and it got huge 'cause it's funny. He's fucking lip syncing it, it's obviously not gonna get him serious fame. I almost can't take the retardedness.
He then tried with his own dumb rap group, and he fell on his ass. Sooo, Good luck. I'm kinda done talking to you. Bye.
Lol. Mad 'cause I proved you wrong. His Rap group probably sucks. Difference is, my video got attention 'cause of MY talent, something that I wrote, with nothing but positive feedback all around for it. Not a lip syncing video that has my Grandma dancing to an extremely dirty song. Completely different, yet, you still can't seem to see that.
I don't see what views and shit on Youtube have to do with anything being good. When I was 13 me and my friends made a "Peep porno" where we made Peeps hump each other to "What is Love" and we got like, 600,000+ views, like, 1,000 likes, and a few hundred comments. It was the stupidest fucking thing ever.
they all want fame....there are really only two guys off the top of my head that have made it that don't enjoy being famous/center of attention...kurt cobain and MJK
you dont know alot of artists then
yeah don't really claim to...those are just the ones i could think of off the top of my head that have a pretty substantial amount of fame
I look at my life, and I look at yours from what I've gathered on here. I blocked your status updates because there were SO. MANY. OF THEM. So I can't really go off of them.
I'd just like to say, Erik, you know NOTHING about me or what my dreams are. I just said I haven't tried yet, doesn't mean I won't ever yet. You were stupid enough to share your dreams on the internet, where you'll obviously get slammed. So I have ambition.
) I don't think I've ever seen Brad so mad. Trixy got under his skin bad
don't encourage her to waste her time cf. the only time I've legit been mad at anything on this forum is when it comes to some shit talking about hockey. not even nola saying he wanted to fuck my underage sister got to me. but I suppose she can keep probing and see if anything provokes me
everybody here knows that i got to u, u can admit it now...btw that was a couple yrs ago shes gotta be legal now :-?
lol, this one?
"Look at my life, and look at yours.
Get some ambition, why you bored?".
But yeah, my conclusion: Cool story, bro.
And BT is a genius.
btw, remember how you said in a trashy town or w/e, is it Lewisville?
People are trashy and fake in Flower Mound (if you know where that is).