What exactly is your degree for Alex... cuz im gonna be going into music business but im not quite sure whether i want to take a more promotion/ marketing route or a production/management route
Well surprisingly at ASU (of all schools) they didn't offer Music Business as an actual degree. So I've been taking a bunch of music and communications classes (basics of, public speaking, etc). This coming semester, I begin taking my business classes, the first two of which are Managemnt & Strategy and Essentials of Advertising & Marketing Communication. Next spring (so about a year from now), I am doing my BIS 401 class, which is the internship. For that, I'm moving to South Jersey and interning at the label about an hour away. Probably going to have to do all online classes that "semester."
Basically, I made my own major by combining music, business and communication classes.
I spoke with the head of promotions at Relapse a couple months back. He was actually incredibly nice and welcoming (which, in the music industry, I don't exactly expect). He said that working (volunteering) at campus radio is one of the biggest things they look for when hiring people out of college, which is why I advocate it so heavily on here for anyone hoping to go into the music industry. But he said that the biggest thing they look for is interning at the label. Unfortunately, it is an unpaid internship (although I get free admission to any show and all the music I want, lol).
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
What will your degree(s) be? Mechanical Engineering. Where do you want to work? Ford. Where do you think your first job will be? Probably the Detroit area. How much money do you think will be your first starting wage? Dunno. What's the first thing you will buy with all your $$$$? A new car.
What exactly is your degree for Alex... cuz im gonna be going into music business but im not quite sure whether i want to take a more promotion/ marketing route or a production/management route
Well surprisingly at ASU (of all schools) they didn't offer Music Business as an actual degree. So I've been taking a bunch of music and communications classes (basics of, public speaking, etc). This coming semester, I begin taking my business classes, the first two of which are Managemnt & Strategy and Essentials of Advertising & Marketing Communication. Next spring (so about a year from now), I am doing my BIS 401 class, which is the internship. For that, I'm moving to South Jersey and interning at the label about an hour away. Probably going to have to do all online classes that "semester."
Basically, I made my own major by combining music, business and communication classes.
I spoke with the head of promotions at Relapse a couple months back. He was actually incredibly nice and welcoming (which, in the music industry, I don't exactly expect). He said that working (volunteering) at campus radio is one of the biggest things they look for when hiring people out of college, which is why I advocate it so heavily on here for anyone hoping to go into the music industry. But he said that the biggest thing they look for is interning at the label. Unfortunately, it is an unpaid internship (although I get free admission to any show and all the music I want, lol).
Cool... ive applied at a couple colleges that actually have music business degrees (belmont univ. , greenville colleg, mcnally smith school of music are my top three) . I dont exaclty know whay i want to specifially yet. Well i actually want to perform in a touring band overall, but i wanted something music bussiness related to fall back on
All I've ever taken was Music Appreciation, as my major doesn't require anything other than the most basic music class. I will say though that was one of my favorite classes, very enjoyable.
Well yeah I figured that but what type of metal? haha
Oh wow im dumb... uh. Im not really bound by a specific metal. Im more concerned with the type of company. I wouldnt want to work for a roadrunner where they tell me what to do all the time... id prob want a smaller company, maybe even make my own so i could work with bands i want to
Well yeah I figured that but what type of metal? haha
Oh wow im dumb... uh. Im not really bound by a specific metal. Im more concerned with the type of company. I wouldnt want to work for a roadrunner where they tell me what to do all the time... id prob want a smaller company, maybe even make my own so i could work with bands i want to
Hmm... Century Media is very welcoming, at least through our station. Metal Blade is another one too.
Relapse is much more of stoner/sludge, which is why I'm aiming for them.
But yeah, those would be my recommendations, unless you want to move out of country. lol
I wish I was into music as much as yall, I go to the best friggin school for it <_>
North Texas I'm assuming. One of my friends is applying there, and the music teacher at school went there for his first two years of college before transfering to Berklee. I'd apply to that school, but it is in Texas.
Basically, I made my own major by combining music, business and communication classes.
I spoke with the head of promotions at Relapse a couple months back. He was actually incredibly nice and welcoming (which, in the music industry, I don't exactly expect). He said that working (volunteering) at campus radio is one of the biggest things they look for when hiring people out of college, which is why I advocate it so heavily on here for anyone hoping to go into the music industry. But he said that the biggest thing they look for is interning at the label. Unfortunately, it is an unpaid internship (although I get free admission to any show and all the music I want, lol).
Where do you want to work? Ford.
Where do you think your first job will be? Probably the Detroit area.
How much money do you think will be your first starting wage? Dunno.
What's the first thing you will buy with all your $$$$? A new car.
Relapse is much more of stoner/sludge, which is why I'm aiming for them.
But yeah, those would be my recommendations, unless you want to move out of country. lol