Last time I saw them, Adam jones could've slept through their set. Maynard's whole "I'm lurking in the background" act is old now. I miss him being a real FRONTman
IMO, they just rely on the cool visuals now
This is spot on and exactly how I feel. It's Lateralus that changed things for them. They became so much more progressive with that album and moved away from the rock element they had on the previous two albums
id have to disagree with this.....they really made that movement with a good portion of eniema....Eulogy, pushit third eye hell the entire album was a change from anything they had really done at that point
Iv also read that a big part of the reason he started standing on the side of danny was because the sound out of his mic would be better without the double bass behind him....and if you watch some of the shows from when he first started doing that he acts the same way as when he was in front of the stage....hell he even painted up in some of the videos iv seen
In all of her covers, she does the emotionally wrenching parts perfectly. Even this guy/chick (in the vid I posted) does the "IT'S TIME NOW, MY TIME NOW, GIVE ME MY, GIVE ME MY WIIIIIINNNNNNGGGS" part unreal.
yeah out of all TOOL songs wing/10000 days are at the very bottom of the list (for me)...her grudge cover (i believe it was her not sure tho) is the shit
"I went over to the loft a couple of days ago to find Danny in great spirits about the week's writing sessions. Things went so well, in fact, that Tool's drummer funded a 12-pack of crunchy tacos from Taco Bell for Thursday's band lunch. Evidently all were reinvigorated after taking a small break the previous week (Danny going to Hawaii while Justin's relatives were visiting from England), and indeed, upon close inspection, the second Dry-Erase board reflected this progress. (Sorry, no photos.)" - Blair
This isn't her, but I'm listening to it now and it's really well done:
"I went over to the loft a couple of days ago to find Danny in great spirits about the week's writing sessions. Things went so well, in fact, that Tool's drummer funded a 12-pack of crunchy tacos from Taco Bell for Thursday's band lunch. Evidently all were reinvigorated after taking a small break the previous week (Danny going to Hawaii while Justin's relatives were visiting from England), and indeed, upon close inspection, the second Dry-Erase board reflected this progress. (Sorry, no photos.)" - Blair