i wouldn't say that...the last time i saw them i couldn't even see the visuals and it was still one of the best shows i have seen....Adam has always played with that sort of calm about him even back when maynard was up front
Last time I saw them, Adam jones could've slept through their set. Maynard's whole "I'm lurking in the background" act is old now. I miss him being a real FRONTman
IMO, they just rely on the cool visuals now
This is spot on and exactly how I feel. It's Lateralus that changed things for them. They became so much more progressive with that album and moved away from the rock element they had on the previous two albums. Now don't get me wrong, love Lateralus and 10,000 days probably more then I do Anemia and Undertow, but after about 2001 they did transition from putting on a great rock concert to just putting shitty visuals all over the place. Sure those visuals might be cool if you are trippin on acid, but for someone who isn't I'd rather have a performance.
Well IMO Lateralus is Just as heavy as anything they have made
it is a great show that isn't just about the visuals IMO...there music is extremely technical and seeing them play it flawless is a great show. They sound spot on to album even after all these years.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
I aint arguing that they play flawless live.... Although I wonder how you actually saw them play it. Did you have night vision goggles or something? Because the last two times I saw them they had the stage completely blacked out so people could see their visuals better. I was pissed because I couldnt see the stage at all. For all I knew they just had the album playing on a CD player and have some stand in musicians playing air guitar for them.
I aint arguing that they play flawless live.... Although I wonder how you actually saw them play it. Did you have night vision goggles or something? Because the last two times I saw them they had the stage completely blacked out so people could see their visuals better. I was pissed because I couldnt see the stage at all. For all I knew they just had the album playing on a CD player and have some stand in musicians playing air guitar for them.
:-? hmmm i don't remember the stage ever being blacked out....the last 2 times i saw them tho i sat directly on the side of the stage on justins side....great views of him and danny jamming
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Perhaps it was just Sacramento's venue? I saw other shows there that didnt do that so I assumed that was what Tool was doing these days. When I saw them in seattle in the 90's they didnt do that.
i wish i could have seen them in the 90's....but yeah next time they tour you should go see them and sit directly to the right of the stage as close as you can get....its my favorite view of the band...i love watching danny drum
I aint arguing that they play flawless live.... Although I wonder how you actually saw them play it. Did you have night vision goggles or something? Because the last two times I saw them they had the stage completely blacked out so people could see their visuals better. I was pissed because I couldnt see the stage at all. For all I knew they just had the album playing on a CD player and have some stand in musicians playing air guitar for them.
lolwut? Maynard must not like the city you live in or something. Every time they roll through here you can see the stage great. You can see them all playing and spot lights are even on Adam and Justin when they play. I always love watching Carey drum :x
Tool is prob the best live band ive ever seen period..theyre just incredible.. i think the two times seeing tool could have been the two happiest times in my life..im not even joking
Tool is prob the best live band ive ever seen period..theyre just incredible.. i think the two times seeing tool could have been the two happiest times in my life..im not even joking
No.... not even close. Pantera, and At The Gates are both 1000 times better in concert then Tool. 80's-mid 90's metallica is also much better than tool will ever be in concert.
lolno no way metallica is better than tool...fuck that shit
at the gates i hope your joking cuz that is just plain stupid pantera its hard to say... they could be better than tool live but its a completely different type of concert
Pantera and tool are apples and oranges, but if it had a gun to my head I'd say pantera was better in their prime. The 92-96 pantera shows were legendary. The last couple of times I saw them in 2000 were meh. Tool has been a little more consistent, but not many bands experience the peak that was mid 90s pantera
it is a great show that isn't just about the visuals IMO...there music is extremely technical and seeing them play it flawless is a great show. They sound spot on to album even after all these years.
at the gates i hope your joking cuz that is just plain stupid
pantera its hard to say... they could be better than tool live but its a completely different type of concert