If the stupid people that watch fox and msnbc could quit fighting each other and come together and elect dr. Paul things could actually get better. Instead people wanna argue over the tea party and occupy and get distracted by who Cain might have touched. I believe there is still time to register R in your state just to get him elected if your not already. If he doesn't get the nomination I will write him in again like I did in 08. As for taking away your right to vote that is a legitimate fear. For a long time there were select people who couldn't vote, American citizen, and what's to say they can't take it away from everyone if they can take it away for some. If people dont exercise this right the will assume we don't care and will just do it for us like everything else. Maybe not for a long time but the younger generations just don't care.
i guess arlo supports massive deficits, the destruction of our currency, inflation, Tens of trillions in bailouts, constant military intervention, the repeal of the 4th... i mean the patriot act, Indefinite military detention of US citizens, unlimited executive power including assassinations of US citizens without trial or charge, ect...
i guess arlo supports massive deficits, the destruction of our currency, inflation, Tens of trillions in bailouts, constant military intervention, the repeal of the 4th... i mean the patriot act, Indefinite military detention of US citizens, unlimited executive power including assassinations of US citizens without trial or charge, ect...
Yes, because the fact that I don't support Ron Paul for president means I must support all those things. Friggin amazing logic there.
i guess arlo supports massive deficits, the destruction of our currency, inflation, Tens of trillions in bailouts, constant military intervention, the repeal of the 4th... i mean the patriot act, Indefinite military detention of US citizens, unlimited executive power including assassinations of US citizens without trial or charge, ect...
Some people just don't care or are too stupid to understand. That is what allows them to continue, indifference is one of the biggest enemies to changing this country. That and the divide and conquer tactics they use.
eh, i dont care. i have no idea who's even decided to run other than probably obama. i probably wont vote.
You have no right to complain then if anything happens that you don't agree with.
I agree with you on this. Even if I don't agree with who you vote for I support voting. I will say anyone who votes for an incumbent you deserve everything you get.
i guess arlo supports massive deficits, the destruction of our currency, inflation, Tens of trillions in bailouts, constant military intervention, the repeal of the 4th... i mean the patriot act, Indefinite military detention of US citizens, unlimited executive power including assassinations of US citizens without trial or charge, ect...
Yes, because the fact that I don't support Ron Paul for president means I must support all those things. Friggin amazing logic there.
actually you do because every other candidate supports all of those things
Has anyone taken a basic economics class? They teach you why the reason it's beneficial to spend more money in times of economic crisis is because it generates more money into the economy. You can't make money if you hoard it. Plus, all the money that is being spent by the government is being put into fixing things in cities that need to be fixed, which creates more jobs. If you cut taxes and spending altogether you are going to drive yourself into much worse conditions.
I'm not saying that the government should spend money on pointless/unnecessary things, I'm just explaining basic economics. And personally I think Ron Paul is a huge hypocrite. If he is really against all unnecessary government spending, why doesn't he donate, refuse, or give away all of the money he earns? He makes $174 thousand a year, and has served for a total of 12 two-year terms. He's made a lot of cash.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
and like everyone else most likely lives at that income level. if you make more you usually spend more. I dont think making a decent wage makes him hypocritical. Also, 174k is very reasonable... I would have thought more.
I'm just saying that if you're going to vote against Rosa Parks getting a $100 dollar medal because it's unnecessary government spending, I'm pretty sure you would be willing to give up at least half your salary if you're making that much. You get what I'm saying here, right?
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
No... That was actually not the argument he made about the Rosa Parks Medal. He voted no because he didnt think the tax payers dollars should be spent on it, but he challenged everyone in the room to offer up money for the medal if they all think it is a good idea. Paul was for spending his money and every congressman money for that medal, but not for spending the tax payers money in a way that the tax payers might not authorize. Most congressmen act like spoiled frat boys and spend their parents money (the tax payers) without any regard to what it costs them. Ron Paul is exactly right.
And about his pay.... His pay is a standard congressman pay. I'm sure he probably would support lowering the pay of all congressmen (including himself) if he could get the support of congress to cut their pay. But they arent going to do something that stupid. Ron Paul doesnt abuse the system, he is sticking up for tax payers... get your facts straight.
But his money is coming from tax payers, correct? And I'm aware that that is the standard congressman pay. That's why I was saying that if he is so adamant about being for the people he would gladly be giving away money or doing something with it rather than keeping it for himself. My point I'm trying to make is that he isn't some god who actually cares about you. He is a politician like the rest of them and will gladly accept his pay on the tax payers behalf.
And I still love you too. I like arguing with you.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
I get what you are trying to say, but also don't think it is hypocritical either. Congressman Paul has spent greater then 30 years fighting for the people. Against frivolous spending of tax payer money, and fighting against the erosion of our liberties, and the destruction of the constitutions.
Although it's a nice thought that he should give up his earned money if he is really concerned about the tax payers... but the simple fact of the matter is being elected into congress and running for president 3 times (soon to be 4 times) costs a lot of money. Had Mr Paul donated all his money, he would never have been in a position to help win his reelection campaigns and be a LONE voice in congress speaking up for the people and against special interests.
Is Paul a God? Fuck no. No one is perfect... But when it comes to consistency in politics, there is non above Paul in staying consistent. Ron Paul is actually a candidate that would fight for the people. We havent had one of those in office in a very long time.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I'm not saying that the government should spend money on pointless/unnecessary things, I'm just explaining basic economics. And personally I think Ron Paul is a huge hypocrite. If he is really against all unnecessary government spending, why doesn't he donate, refuse, or give away all of the money he earns? He makes $174 thousand a year, and has served for a total of 12 two-year terms. He's made a lot of cash.
And about his pay.... His pay is a standard congressman pay. I'm sure he probably would support lowering the pay of all congressmen (including himself) if he could get the support of congress to cut their pay. But they arent going to do something that stupid. Ron Paul doesnt abuse the system, he is sticking up for tax payers... get your facts straight.
And I still love you too.
Although it's a nice thought that he should give up his earned money if he is really concerned about the tax payers... but the simple fact of the matter is being elected into congress and running for president 3 times (soon to be 4 times) costs a lot of money. Had Mr Paul donated all his money, he would never have been in a position to help win his reelection campaigns and be a LONE voice in congress speaking up for the people and against special interests.
Is Paul a God? Fuck no. No one is perfect... But when it comes to consistency in politics, there is non above Paul in staying consistent. Ron Paul is actually a candidate that would fight for the people. We havent had one of those in office in a very long time.