Lol there is a guy on the radio trying to say that Joe paterno was of a different generation that didint understand what he was being told about Sandusky raping a male child and because of that his integrity should have never been in jeopardy.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
A witness interviewed by federal authorities claims convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky and a Penn State booster sexually assaulted boys on a private plane, according to an exclusive RadarOnline report.
U.S. Postal Inspectors interviewed the witness after opening a new investigation into whether Sandusky shared child pornography.
The witness, who "has a strong tie to the booster he is accusing," claims that Sandusky and the fundraiser abused two boys on a private plane in Pennsylvania, the site reported. RadarOnline's unidentified source doesn't know whether the two boys are among Sandusky's previously identified victims.
It remains unclear why the witness did not come forward during the trial against Sandusky, who was convicted on 45 counts related to the sexual abuse of 10 boys. Federal authorities are reportedly investigating the new claims, which remain uncorroborated.
Sandusky, a former assistant football coach, awaits sentencing for his crimes. Meanwhile, the NCAA imposed a multi-year bowl ban on the Penn State football team, invalidated 112 of its victories and fined the school $60 million, according to the Associated Press.
A witness interviewed by federal authorities claims convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky and a Penn State booster sexually assaulted boys on a private plane, according to an exclusive RadarOnline report.
U.S. Postal Inspectors interviewed the witness after opening a new investigation into whether Sandusky shared child pornography.
The witness, who "has a strong tie to the booster he is accusing," claims that Sandusky and the fundraiser abused two boys on a private plane in Pennsylvania, the site reported. RadarOnline's unidentified source doesn't know whether the two boys are among Sandusky's previously identified victims.
It remains unclear why the witness did not come forward during the trial against Sandusky, who was convicted on 45 counts related to the sexual abuse of 10 boys. Federal authorities are reportedly investigating the new claims, which remain uncorroborated.
Sandusky, a former assistant football coach, awaits sentencing for his crimes. Meanwhile, the NCAA imposed a multi-year bowl ban on the Penn State football team, invalidated 112 of its victories and fined the school $60 million, according to the Associated Press.
i can't believe the shit that came out of this fuckers mouth yesterday and in court today...what a faggot..... X( \
"They can make me out to be a monster," Sandusky said in court. "They can treat me as a monster. But they can't take away my heart. In my heart, I know I did not do these alleged and disgusting acts."
i can't believe the shit that came out of this fuckers mouth yesterday and in court today...what a faggot..... X( \
"They can make me out to be a monster," Sandusky said in court. "They can treat me as a monster. But they can't take away my heart. In my heart, I know I did not do these alleged and disgusting acts."
) riiiight. Let me guess... He isnt gay and didnt molest those boys because at the time of the act he was thinking with his dick, and his brain checked out.
I can't imagine being a victim and having to sit in the court room and listen to him...i think they said he spoke for like 15 minuets?...fuck i would have probably been arrested for contempt of court our what ever its called
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Fuck yes \m/
The 68-year-old was transferred to SCI-Greene in Waynesburg, the far southwest corner of the state and a 181-mile drive from State College. Only a couple of other facilities are located further from Sandusky's home and even then by only a few miles.
This was a nightmare transfer, and it came almost exactly one year after his Nov. 4, 2011, bombshell indictment rocked the region and Penn State football, where Sandusky was the long-time defensive coordinator. In June, Sandusky was convicted of 45 counts of sexual abuse.
Unlike Rockview, SCI-Greene is a Supermax facility designed to house some of Pennsylvania's most dangerous criminals. One of the state's two death rows is located there.
While prison officials cite the need to protect Sandusky from other inmates that might physically or sexually harm him, it's about the worst possible way to serve out your remaining days. Maintaining sanity, let alone mental crispness, in such isolation is a challenge. This is the definition of hard time.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Ex-Penn St. president charged in Sandusky case
Former Penn State President Graham B. Spanier was charged Thursday with hushing up child molestation allegations against Jerry Sandusky, making him the third school official to be accused of crimes in the alleged cover-up.
A witness interviewed by federal authorities claims convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky and a Penn State booster sexually assaulted boys on a private plane, according to an exclusive RadarOnline report.
U.S. Postal Inspectors interviewed the witness after opening a new investigation into whether Sandusky shared child pornography.
The witness, who "has a strong tie to the booster he is accusing," claims that Sandusky and the fundraiser abused two boys on a private plane in Pennsylvania, the site reported. RadarOnline's unidentified source doesn't know whether the two boys are among Sandusky's previously identified victims.
It remains unclear why the witness did not come forward during the trial against Sandusky, who was convicted on 45 counts related to the sexual abuse of 10 boys. Federal authorities are reportedly investigating the new claims, which remain uncorroborated.
Sandusky, a former assistant football coach, awaits sentencing for his crimes. Meanwhile, the NCAA imposed a multi-year bowl ban on the Penn State football team, invalidated 112 of its victories and fined the school $60 million, according to the Associated Press.
A witness interviewed by federal authorities claims convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky and a Penn State booster sexually assaulted boys on a private plane, according to an exclusive RadarOnline report.
U.S. Postal Inspectors interviewed the witness after opening a new investigation into whether Sandusky shared child pornography.
The witness, who "has a strong tie to the booster he is accusing," claims that Sandusky and the fundraiser abused two boys on a private plane in Pennsylvania, the site reported. RadarOnline's unidentified source doesn't know whether the two boys are among Sandusky's previously identified victims.
It remains unclear why the witness did not come forward during the trial against Sandusky, who was convicted on 45 counts related to the sexual abuse of 10 boys. Federal authorities are reportedly investigating the new claims, which remain uncorroborated.
Sandusky, a former assistant football coach, awaits sentencing for his crimes. Meanwhile, the NCAA imposed a multi-year bowl ban on the Penn State football team, invalidated 112 of its victories and fined the school $60 million, according to the Associated Press.
"They can make me out to be a monster," Sandusky said in court. "They can treat me as a monster. But they can't take away my heart. In my heart, I know I did not do these alleged and disgusting acts."
The 68-year-old was transferred to SCI-Greene in Waynesburg, the far southwest corner of the state and a 181-mile drive from State College. Only a couple of other facilities are located further from Sandusky's home and even then by only a few miles.
This was a nightmare transfer, and it came almost exactly one year after his Nov. 4, 2011, bombshell indictment rocked the region and Penn State football, where Sandusky was the long-time defensive coordinator. In June, Sandusky was convicted of 45 counts of sexual abuse.
Unlike Rockview, SCI-Greene is a Supermax facility designed to house some of Pennsylvania's most dangerous criminals. One of the state's two death rows is located there.
While prison officials cite the need to protect Sandusky from other inmates that might physically or sexually harm him, it's about the worst possible way to serve out your remaining days. Maintaining sanity, let alone mental crispness, in such isolation is a challenge. This is the definition of hard time.
\m/ !!!!!;_ylt=Agyaknvpy8HnXHja6ym6KRs5nYcB;_ylu=X3oDMTQ0dnFsaG11BG1pdANGRUFUVVJFRCBNZWdhdHJvbiBTUE9SVFMgRlAEcGtnA2NhM2UyY2U2LWJjMWItMzE1ZC1iOGM4LTk3NDFlZDAwYmY0ZgRwb3MDNARzZWMDbWVnYXRyb24EdmVyA2E1MTg0NzAzLTIzZTktMTFlMi05Zjc2LWJjY2U4YTIxNDBlMQ--;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3
Ex-Penn St. president charged in Sandusky case
Former Penn State President Graham B. Spanier was charged Thursday with hushing up child molestation allegations against Jerry Sandusky, making him the third school official to be accused of crimes in the alleged cover-up.;_ylt=Aky1SUiA1Aq3X8D5RyIPxVg5nYcB;_ylu=X3oDMTQ0NDViZmY5BG1pdANGRUFUVVJFRCBNZWdhdHJvbiBTUE9SVFMgRlAEcGtnAzlkNjFkZmQ0LTI4NTEtMzU3Ny05NjU5LWJhYTM0NDM4OGViOARwb3MDMgRzZWMDbWVnYXRyb24EdmVyAzhjNzdmZWJmLTI0M2YtMTFlMi1iN2Q3LTM3MzkxZTIwOTUyNQ--;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3