I just wanted to make a post telling y'all I'm sorry for the way I've been pretty much the last year I've been on here. I haven't been in a great place and have been highly unstable with no one to talk to about it. I had no where to vent my frustrations or feelings so they all ended up on here. I know pretty much no one on here likes me save a few which is why this will be my last post and thread so y'all can have a somewhat better time here.
I would apologize to Marc but I'm not. Call me a bitch, I don't care. I can't talk to him about anything like I thought or used to do. I've tried to tell him how I feel about this or that but its always the same thing. He just isn't the person I thought he was or the person I fell for. He could probably say the same for me with what ugliness I've become over the past year or so. He needs to move on and I hope that happens as soon as I finally get to leave here...he just needs to be with someone right for him, and it's not me. Right now I'm running into road blocks with that and it doesnt surprise me. When I get home I'm going to go check myself into the mental ward because I'm not sure if I'm mentally stable anymore. Things back home are worse all around and I just need to help out n get my head back on. Be myself again.
I'm sorry for everything guys, I really am. I should have just handled everything better and just didn't come back to San Antonio trying to follow my heart and trying to make something work that just isn't. I should've known better and I'm disappointed in myself for the way I've attempted to handle everything. But, I do know that the failed relationship is for sure not all my fault. I would explain and apologize more but I'm too depressed right now to make sense of anything in a logical sense. None of this should have ever happened and all I can do is learn from my mistakes and failures. I hope the best for all of you and everything in your lives. I just wanted to clear things up and apologize to all of you because none of you needed this shit here

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fukk y00z Alex
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
But the noodz would be great
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)