George, stop being a fucking shit disturber, just think the dude's an asshole and shut the fuck up. Just because he said some retarded shit doesn't mean you have to make it any worse. It takes two to tango.
George, stop being a fucking shit disturber, just think the dude's an asshole and shut the fuck up. Just because he said some retarded shit doesn't mean you have to make it any worse. It takes two to tango.
Fly off the handle? you said bullshit innapropriate remarks to my girl when i tell her to join turntable cause i think its cool, i go take a shit and she tells me what an ass you are and i scroll back and see that you said you would stick it up her ass and treat her better then me. nigga its the same as the shit you say to brad about his underage sister. she's a fukkin minor you sick fuck. i dont know why everyone calls catz the pedo its really nolaz drunken ass.... i'm not blowing anything out of proportion, i would never talk to or about your family like that. you should be glad we dont live near eachother cause I would come by and kick the shit out of you in front of my girl, your girl monica, and your mom. faggot. so what i drank, was in jail, did drugs, have anxiety issues... i got my life together, when you move out of mommy's basement come holler at me and then maybe you can get a girl one day as good as me. you're on the right track going after moniuca, but i cant see how she could deal with a behind the back faggot, its not a joke when you mention rape asshole. fuck you bitch. internet shit talker right here nola, i hope you run into brad and he whoops your ass before i get a hold of you, have another drink you filthy scumbag.
OMG dood your gf is a stuck up bitch..I WAS KIDDING>>my god..dont u see me fukkin around on here all the time are u seriously that blind.ITS THE INTERNET get over yourself...dont u have like a new job u go to u still on here all the time..i thinks its startin to mess with your head...change your pill dosage man you gonna fly threw that computer screen at me lol... and i would whoop on your old fat ass dood p90x motherfucker i dont fukk around.. and brads sis is 17 and once again i was kidding but u and him are both little bitchez about it almost as much as brian is a little bitch with danzig and erik is with his shitty little raps.. this whole place is so dumb... monica is the only person i really need to talk to cuz at least shes normal and not in this fukked up e - world like you... and fyi i havent drank in like 2 weeks and never been arrested or nothin like that so keep pushin that card
OMG dood your gf is a stuck up bitch..I WAS KIDDING>>my god..dont u see me fukkin around on here all the time are u seriously that blind.ITS THE INTERNET get over yourself...dont u have like a new job u go to u still on here all the time..i thinks its startin to mess with your head...change your pill dosage man you gonna fly threw that computer screen at me lol... and i would whoop on your old fat ass dood p90x motherfucker i dont fukk around.. and brads sis is 17 and once again i was kidding but u and him are both little bitchez about it almost as much as brian is a little bitch with danzig and erik is with his shitty little raps.. this whole place is so dumb... monica is the only person i really need to talk to cuz at least shes normal and not in this fukked up e - world like you... and fyi i havent drank in like 2 weeks and never been arrested or nothin like that so keep pushin that card
Wut is this I don't even.
And wait, he said this TO your girl? That's even worse. I thought this faggot just made the comment in general about her.
*raise hand*
Flexin' his e-guns.