WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
the death penalty never should have been on the table to start with
The book talks about that in length. I got the impression that the Jeff Ashton did not think it should have been on the table... However by the law that determines if a case is eligible for the Death Penalty, this case was more then eligible.
Long story short - Murdering a child of Caylee's age in Florida makes you eligible for the death penalty. However just because she was eligible for the Death Penalty, doesnt mean she should have been. The death Penalty is such a controversial subject, that if you are going to put it on the table you need to be positive that the jury will hate the defendant after the evidence. It was a mistake for the DA to decide to put it on the table.
Jeff Ashton argued in the book that if the Jury really had an issue with the death penalty they had the right to say she was not eligible for the death sentence but guilty of 1st degree murder. Some have speculated that the Jury didnt really get that.
the death penalty never should have been on the table to start with
The book talks about that in length. I got the impression that the Jeff Ashton did not think it should have been on the table... However by the law that determines if a case is eligible for the Death Penalty, this case was more then eligible.
Long story short - Murdering a child of Caylee's age in Florida makes you eligible for the death penalty. However just because she was eligible for the Death Penalty, doesnt mean she should have been. The death Penalty is such a controversial subject, that if you are going to put it on the table you need to be positive that the jury will hate the defendant after the evidence. It was a mistake for the DA to decide to put it on the table.
Jeff Ashton argued in the book that if the Jury really had an issue with the death penalty they had the right to say she was not eligible for the death sentence but guilty of 1st degree murder. Some have speculated that the Jury didnt really get that.
the jury could have feared that even if they said she wasn't eligible she could have gotten it anyway, our courts aren't exactly the shining beacon of consistency
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
the jury could have feared that even if they said she wasn't eligible she could have gotten it anyway, our courts aren't exactly the shining beacon of consistency
Yeah... I feel this was a big part of it. And I feel that if Casey was either black, fat, or a guy- the jury would have been recommending the death penalty.
"mr foreman, have you reached a verdict?" "we have your honor" "okay lets here it" "We find the defendant much too black/fat/male to not be guilty of this crime. We know the prosecution isnt seeking the death penalty, however would like to recommend the death penalty. Hell, I got a gun out in my glove-box, i'll take care of it now if you want. "
"6. Caylee was found with duct tape covering completely from below her chin to above her nose. If this tape was put on a living person, they would have suffocated to death. Why would casey put duct tape over her daughter that somehow "accidentally died"
In conclusion... I no longer believe that Caylee accidentally died. The evidence is overwhelming. I use to believe that she just chloroformed her daughter so she could go party and she accidentally died. That doesnt explain why she would duct tape a dead childs face. And no one would put duct tape over someones mouth and nose and think they could breathe. Casey 100% purposely murdered Caylee. It is 90% likely that she chloroformed her until she passed out, and then duct taped her face so she would die. It is impossible to prove exactly how she was murdered, however the evidence does support this conclusion. She could have also just been suffocated, but there arent many other ways it could have been done. That Jury was a fucking idiot, and I am convinced they let her off because she was a pretty face. "
agreed. A person will cover up a homicide by staging an accident. NO ONE covers up an accident by staging a homicide.....
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
agreed. A person will cover up a homicide by staging an accident. NO ONE covers up an accident by staging a homicide.....
Exactly! And that is exactly what her defense team opened/closed with. Admitting that "Casey knew Caylee had died by accident, and casey only helped dispose of the body" No one covers up an accident by staging a homicide. The bitch purposely murdered Caylee and that Jury she got was dumber then the OJ jury. At least with OJ you could understand why he did it.
Long story short - Murdering a child of Caylee's age in Florida makes you eligible for the death penalty. However just because she was eligible for the Death Penalty, doesnt mean she should have been. The death Penalty is such a controversial subject, that if you are going to put it on the table you need to be positive that the jury will hate the defendant after the evidence. It was a mistake for the DA to decide to put it on the table.
Jeff Ashton argued in the book that if the Jury really had an issue with the death penalty they had the right to say she was not eligible for the death sentence but guilty of 1st degree murder. Some have speculated that the Jury didnt really get that.
the trial was in florida and people in florida dont know how to vote so she got away with it.
"mr foreman, have you reached a verdict?"
"we have your honor"
"okay lets here it"
"We find the defendant much too black/fat/male to not be guilty of this crime. We know the prosecution isnt seeking the death penalty, however would like to recommend the death penalty. Hell, I got a gun out in my glove-box, i'll take care of it now if you want. "
In conclusion... I no longer believe that Caylee accidentally died. The evidence is overwhelming. I use to believe that she just chloroformed her daughter so she could go party and she accidentally died. That doesnt explain why she would duct tape a dead childs face. And no one would put duct tape over someones mouth and nose and think they could breathe. Casey 100% purposely murdered Caylee. It is 90% likely that she chloroformed her until she passed out, and then duct taped her face so she would die. It is impossible to prove exactly how she was murdered, however the evidence does support this conclusion. She could have also just been suffocated, but there arent many other ways it could have been done. That Jury was a fucking idiot, and I am convinced they let her off because she was a pretty face.
agreed. A person will cover up a homicide by staging an accident. NO ONE covers up an accident by staging a homicide.....