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casey anthony trial



  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    doesn't matter now, she could do a step by step about how she killed her and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

    also i find its ridiculous that florida is trying to sue her for 500,000 for court costs. they lost and they need to get over it.
    it matters when they can still make more money off of it by conducting there pointless interveiws
  • monicaamonicaa Posts: 7,109 destroyer of motherfuckers
    A lot of the money she has to pay back is for SEARCH costs.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy

    also i find its ridiculous that florida is trying to sue her for 500,000 for court costs. they lost and they need to get over it.
    yeah, they're just butthurt. im not defending casey here but there is a law that says "if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you", its in the miranda rights LOL. plus since when does the defendent ever pay the court fees?

    if your guilty a lot of times you will pay court fees

  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    If she was black she would of been sent to prison for life.
  • BlindGuardian93BlindGuardian93 Posts: 4,988 jayfacer
    If she was black she would of been sent to prison for life.
    I've been lost in endless seas My heart died long ago I curse my failures as I fall from you
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    If she was black she would of been sent to death.

  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    If she was black she would of been killed by the cops, left in the streets, and they would have just sprinkled some crack on her.
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip

    Unfortunately, that has probably happened many times before.
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers

    Unfortunately, that has probably happened many times before.
    I've been told by cops that they carry little bags of crack to sprinkle on dead black people that they kill.
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  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip

    Unfortunately, that has probably happened many times before.
    I've been told by cops that they carry little bags of crack to sprinkle on dead black people that they kill.
    I knew it.

  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    If she was black she would of been killed by the cops, left in the streets, and they would have just sprinkled some crack on her.

    DAVE CHAPEL!!!! \m/
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers

    also i find its ridiculous that florida is trying to sue her for 500,000 for court costs. they lost and they need to get over it.
    yeah, they're just butthurt. im not defending casey here but there is a law that says "if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you", its in the miranda rights LOL. plus since when does the defendent ever pay the court fees?

    if your guilty a lot of times you will pay court fees

    way to destroy my ignorant post :-q
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    So I've been reading this book that details all the evidence in the case. Check this shit out.

    1. On June 16th at around 1:30 Casey told her dad that she was taking Caylee to the babysitter (zanny). Her Dad leaves for work at 2pm. Cell phone records show that Casey did not leave the area of her parents house until 4pm (ie... she was hiding around the block until her dad left for work.). Cell phone records show she drove directly from her parents house to her bf's house at 4. Her bf and friends testified that she did not have caylee when she showed up.

    2. Caylee was found wearing the same clothes she was wearing on the 16th. She likely died on the 16th. She was found in a suitcase that was proved to belong to her parents, with uncommon duct tape proved to be in her parents house, and with many other artifacts to tie casey to the crime.

    3. Caylee's DNA in a state of decomposition was found in Caseys car. Ie... it is 100% fact that Caylee was dead and in the trunk, proved conclusively. It is also fact that there was a abnormal high amount of chloroform in the trunk and on the decomposition material. This is a car that only Casey had for the month she was missing.

    4. It is fact that everything Casey told the cops if able to be proven, was proven a lie. The amount of lies she told is unbelievable and 90% of them were easily verified a lie.

    5. Her defense team opened and closed stating that Casey admits to helping dispose of the body, but that she died on accident by drowning in the pool. Her dad helped dispose of the body. Her dad who is an ex-cop denies those claims, and believes his daughter murdered his grandchild. The defense never provided any evidence to support these claims, yet the Jury used these statements as their deciding factor. Basically the Jury are idiots using words that arent even evidence to rule her innocent. As a jury member you are supposed to exclude opening and closing statements... they are only for summarizing what you are going to prove. The defense proved jack shit.

    6. Caylee was found with duct tape covering completely from below her chin to above her nose. If this tape was put on a living person, they would have suffocated to death. Why would casey put duct tape over her daughter that somehow "accidentally died"

    In conclusion... I no longer believe that Caylee accidentally died. The evidence is overwhelming. I use to believe that she just chloroformed her daughter so she could go party and she accidentally died. That doesnt explain why she would duct tape a dead childs face. And no one would put duct tape over someones mouth and nose and think they could breathe. Casey 100% purposely murdered Caylee. It is 90% likely that she chloroformed her until she passed out, and then duct taped her face so she would die. It is impossible to prove exactly how she was murdered, however the evidence does support this conclusion. She could have also just been suffocated, but there arent many other ways it could have been done. That Jury was a fucking idiot, and I am convinced they let her off because she was a pretty face.

    If you dont believe what I said here... read Imperfect Justice


  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    if anyone reads through this \m/
    So I've been reading this book that details all the evidence in the case. Check this shit out.

    1. On June 16th at around 1:30 Casey told her dad that she was taking Caylee to the babysitter (zanny). Her Dad leaves for work at 2pm. Cell phone records show that Casey did not leave the area of her parents house until 4pm (ie... she was hiding around the block until her dad left for work.). Cell phone records show she drove directly from her parents house to her bf's house at 4. Her bf and friends testified that she did not have caylee when she showed up.

    2. Caylee was found wearing the same clothes she was wearing on the 16th. She likely died on the 16th. She was found in a suitcase that was proved to belong to her parents, with uncommon duct tape proved to be in her parents house, and with many other artifacts to tie casey to the crime.

    3. Caylee's DNA in a state of decomposition was found in Caseys car. Ie... it is 100% fact that Caylee was dead and in the trunk, proved conclusively. It is also fact that there was a abnormal high amount of chloroform in the trunk and on the decomposition material. This is a car that only Casey had for the month she was missing.

    4. It is fact that everything Casey told the cops if able to be proven, was proven a lie. The amount of lies she told is unbelievable and 90% of them were easily verified a lie.

    5. Her defense team opened and closed stating that Casey admits to helping dispose of the body, but that she died on accident by drowning in the pool. Her dad helped dispose of the body. Her dad who is an ex-cop denies those claims, and believes his daughter murdered his grandchild. The defense never provided any evidence to support these claims, yet the Jury used these statements as their deciding factor. Basically the Jury are idiots using words that arent even evidence to rule her innocent. As a jury member you are supposed to exclude opening and closing statements... they are only for summarizing what you are going to prove. The defense proved jack shit.

    6. Caylee was found with duct tape covering completely from below her chin to above her nose. If this tape was put on a living person, they would have suffocated to death. Why would casey put duct tape over her daughter that somehow "accidentally died"

    In conclusion... I no longer believe that Caylee accidentally died. The evidence is overwhelming. I use to believe that she just chloroformed her daughter so she could go party and she accidentally died. That doesnt explain why she would duct tape a dead childs face. And no one would put duct tape over someones mouth and nose and think they could breathe. Casey 100% purposely murdered Caylee. It is 90% likely that she chloroformed her until she passed out, and then duct taped her face so she would die. It is impossible to prove exactly how she was murdered, however the evidence does support this conclusion. She could have also just been suffocated, but there arent many other ways it could have been done. That Jury was a fucking idiot, and I am convinced they let her off because she was a pretty face.

    If you dont believe what I said here... read Imperfect Justice


  • monicaamonicaa Posts: 7,109 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I read it. And I knew most of those facts anyway. I still can't believe they let her go.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I read it. And I knew most of those facts anyway. I still can't believe they let her go.

    I'm just shocked there was so much overwhelming evidence against her and they let her go. Before reading this book I thought there must have been some iffy evidence that the Jury just couldnt reasonable say she 100% did it. After reading the book I don't see how anyone can look at the evidence and not rule 1st degree premeditated murder. I could be okay with manslaughter, but the evidence really supports 1st degree premeditated murder.

    The Prosecuting attorney thinks that the fact of the Death Penalty being on the table might have been their real reason to acquit. However the jury had the right to rule "guilty of 1st degree murder, not eligible for death penalty." The attorney thinks they just didnt understand the rules of a Jury all that well.

    It's pretty fucked.
  • ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
    edited January 2012
    the only reason Casey walked is b/c the prosecutor is a fucking retard, had he even been semi-competent she would have been convicted
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    the only reason Casey walked is b/c the prosecutor is a fucking retard, had he even been semi-competent she would have been convicted
    You mean the prosecution team. A lot of the decisions were made by a group decision, and the final decision on big things was usually left up to the DA. For example... The decision to charge her with 1st degree premeditated murder was done so because they had a "trial jury" listen to the evidence and then rule what they believe the charges should be based on the evidence. The "Trial Jury" ruled with 90% certainty that they should charge her with 1st degree murder.

    A Trial Jury is like an unofficial professional jury. They hear cases preliminarily and make rulings based on a sample of the evidence. Basically it is like the trial on cliff notes, and the jury decides based on the cliff notes if the case should go further.
  • monicaamonicaa Posts: 7,109 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I definitely agree with the fact that because of the death penalty being up, that it would be a good reason she was let go. But the Jury COULD have charged her guilty in the first degree, which should have been the case. le sigh.
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