he needs to find more than angst to rap about, then maybe hes got a shot. until then hes got about a 5% chance of making it cuz a million people think there rappers. i know every thug walking around my neighborhood thinks he a rapper
Except, "angst" isn't all I rap about you fucking dumbass. I.E: My 6 Foot 7 Foot, On My Level, and Black And Yellow flows. And it's funny, because by your definition, the only Rapper you like, Eminem, raps about absolutely nothing but angst.
seriously dude i listened to your shit and theres nothing special about them at all. they are nothing that hasn't been done a million times before by a million wannabe rappers. you wanna make it in the game, you gotta set yourself apart and take it to the next level cuz what your doing now is not gonna get you there. the music industry is cut-throat and there millions of ppl sending demos and shit to labels. what do you have that sets you apart?
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Actually, TBH, If I were to kill myself I'd probably go about the same route as Dunn. Guns that are guaranteed to kill you are too hard to come by. Cars are not.
you don't know anything about guns then. There are only a couple that you want to avoid. anything called a twenty two... or a twenty five caliber.... avoid those. Everything else will more then get the job done.
Well you always hear about people surviving freak gun shots but hardly hear of someone really surviving going over 100mph crash.
Yeah only because some people think a .22 is a gun. 90% of all guns to the head will give you 0% chance of living. Get a rifle and you can even bypass the waiting time. An SKS rifle is about 100 dollars.... and I've heard people refer to its ammo as people killer ammo. If you take a 7.62x39 round to the head you will die instantly. Don't know why im telling you this
he needs to find more than angst to rap about, then maybe hes got a shot. until then hes got about a 5% chance of making it cuz a million people think there rappers. i know every thug walking around my neighborhood thinks he a rapper
Except, "angst" isn't all I rap about you fucking dumbass. I.E: My 6 Foot 7 Foot, On My Level, and Black And Yellow flows. And it's funny, because by your definition, the only Rapper you like, Eminem, raps about absolutely nothing but angst.
seriously dude i listened to your shit and theres nothing special about them at all. they are nothing that hasn't been done a million times before by a million wannabe rappers. you wanna make it in the game, you gotta set yourself apart and take it to the next level cuz what your doing now is not gonna get you there. the music industry is cut-throat and there millions of ppl sending demos and shit to labels. what do you have that sets you apart?
he needs to find more than angst to rap about, then maybe hes got a shot. until then hes got about a 5% chance of making it cuz a million people think there rappers. i know every thug walking around my neighborhood thinks he a rapper
Except, "angst" isn't all I rap about you fucking dumbass. I.E: My 6 Foot 7 Foot, On My Level, and Black And Yellow flows. And it's funny, because by your definition, the only Rapper you like, Eminem, raps about absolutely nothing but angst.
seriously dude i listened to your shit and theres nothing special about them at all. they are nothing that hasn't been done a million times before by a million wannabe rappers. you wanna make it in the game, you gotta set yourself apart and take it to the next level cuz what your doing now is not gonna get you there. the music industry is cut-throat and there millions of ppl sending demos and shit to labels. what do you have that sets you apart?
Just like Metal. Make something better faggot.
the thing is your raps are cookie cutter and your voice really doesn't sound good for metal or rap. your drumming on the other hand is pretty damn good. honestly you need to step away from the mic and get behind the kit if you wanna make it in the music business.
Oo wait