Wow. Alright, let me straighten a few things out here.
First of all, this was not a power trip by one mod or a group of mods. Every single one of the mods approved of this measure, including myself.
Second of all, it wasn't one thread or one post or one single thing that caused this measure. It was a culmination of weeks of stuff. This rule is not in place solely because of the fight in the Fail/Owned thread early tonight.
Third of all, no one came crying or bitching to us that something was wrong. It was completely us.
All of the mods got together and agreed that the content posted by several members was just not acceptable. So this rule is designed to curb that. It is NOT intended to take away freedom of speech or any bullshit like that. We're not going to go around banning everyone who uses the words "faggot" and "nigger" in jest. However, we do have a problem when those words start to get thrown around hatefully. That stuff wouldn't be tolerated on any other forum, and I don't think it's too much to ask to use a little more discretion before you hit the "Post Comment" button.
I just want to ask a favor of all of you: Stay the course and give this a try. Like Tim said, 95% of the activity on the forum is completely unaffected by this rule, and after a while I'm sure few of you will even remember it's in place. If that's too much to ask, you are welcome to leave, but I ask on behalf of the mods that we try this out and see what happens. I really think this could make our forum better in the long run.
Feel free to message me on FB or on here if you have concerns. I really hope you'll give this a chance.
The lulz start at the bottom here
"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty."