Do you believe in evolution? Of course If you go to college, what are you studying? If not, what would you? Next semester I start my prerequisites for Music Technology Favorite show you've gone to this year? Weedeater with Grayceon and Cormorant opening Do you use snap chat? Yee. slapguitarer. I've had easily 20 people tell me I"m their favorite snapchatter Ever broken a bone? I broke me arm when I was 4 by falling in grass awkwardly. Not kidding/ Any of your friend's moms hot? None of my current friends. One of my childhood friends had a smoking mom Would/do you lean? If I were to do one stupid drug, it'd probably be lean. But I don't know how soon I'll decide to do a drug that I think is stupid. If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? A deer. I want to fucking punch a cute deer square in the jaw. Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? I fuck with a bit of Baroque music, but not much. As far as "classical" music goes, I've found I like early 20th century stuff the most. Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? The moon. I can save the money for a Euro-trip. I'll never be able to spend time on the moon. I wouldn't even care about doing shit on the moon, I'd just wanna stare at the Earth from the moon and bask in the cosmic glory.
Do you believe in evolution? - for the most part, yes If you go to college, what are you studying? - Journalism and Mass Communications Favorite show you've gone to this year? - I have not been to a show in 2014 yet Do you use snapchat? - no Ever broken a bone? - nope Any of your friend's moms hot? - yes, My friend Josh, his mom looks like one of those petite cheerleaders you just can't help but want to bone Would/do you lean? - no If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? - a giant squid Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? - Have never looked into it so who knows Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? - a year in Europe, I don't care whats on the moon but I know I'd have a hell of a time in Europe
Do you believe in evolution? -- yarp If you go to college, what are you studying? If not, what would you? -- music business, but I am doing it primarily for learning how to self manage/the ins and outs of the entertainment industry. Im presently learning production while improving on my instrument abilities. Favorite show you've gone to this year? -- probably eyehategod but crosses were sick. Do you use snapchat? -- I got one so my cousins could send me pics but I dont use it. Ever broken a bone? -- nope, which is surprising with all the skating Ive done. Any of your friend's moms hot? -- honestly no. most of them are either in their 60s or dead. Would/do you lean? -- doubtful but id consider it I guess. If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? -- jellyfish Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? -- none comes to mind but I do love this piece by henry cowell from 1925: Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? -- europe
Do you believe in evolution? I guess If you go to college, what are you studying? If not, what would you? Heavy Equipment Management Favorite show you've gone to this year? Comeback Kid / Backtrack / Xibalba / Downpresser Do you use snapchat? Nah Ever broken a bone? My right wrist Any of your friend's moms hot? Nah Would/do you lean? I have a couple of times but it's not that easy to get your hands on If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? Goldfish Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? Nah Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? Neither. Give me the cash. Fuck Europe and the moon.
Do you believe in evolution? Kinda If you go to college, what are you studying? If not, what would you? At this point, I'd teach prolly music history Favorite show you've gone to this year? Nothing so far this year Do you use snapchat? No Ever broken a bone? Yuh, a few Any of your friend's moms hot? One of 'em used to be, but all my friends are in their 30's, so moms are 55-70 Would/do you lean? Yuh If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? Shark Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? Of course Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? Moon
Do you believe in evolution? - No. Short term adaptive evolution yea though.
I typically don't like to link info instead of explaining my point myself, but this website is full of a lot of really awesome and detailed information. Everything is explained fully and sources are listed throughout. They hit pretty much every creationist claim known to man as well as providing info on basically any aspect of evolution that anyone would ever want to know. These have to do with "micro" vs. "macro" evolution.
Do you believe in evolution? It's fact If you go to college, what are you studying? I graduated with a degree in Sociology Favorite show you've gone to this year? Only been to one, but Russian Circles were damn good Do you use snapchat? Every now and then Ever broken a bone? Nope Any of your friend's moms hot? Nah Would/do you lean? Nah If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? None, I just couldn't Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? Yeah, not too often, but I certainly enjoy it on occasion Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? Europe for sure
Do you believe in evolution? No lol If you go to college, what are you studying? If not, what would you? Bio Med & film Favorite show you've gone to this year? Adventure Club Do you use snapchat? Yeeee Ever broken a bone? No Any of your friend's moms hot? Hell yeah Would/do you lean? Done it If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? Idk Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? Yeah Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? Niggas in Paris
If you go to college, what are you studying? If not, what would you? Next semester I start my prerequisites for Music Technology
Favorite show you've gone to this year? Weedeater with Grayceon and Cormorant opening
Do you use snap chat? Yee. slapguitarer. I've had easily 20 people tell me I"m their favorite snapchatter
Ever broken a bone? I broke me arm when I was 4 by falling in grass awkwardly. Not kidding/
Any of your friend's moms hot? None of my current friends. One of my childhood friends had a smoking mom
Would/do you lean? If I were to do one stupid drug, it'd probably be lean. But I don't know how soon I'll decide to do a drug that I think is stupid.
If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? A deer. I want to fucking punch a cute deer square in the jaw.
Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? I fuck with a bit of Baroque music, but not much. As far as "classical" music goes, I've found I like early 20th century stuff the most.
Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? The moon. I can save the money for a Euro-trip. I'll never be able to spend time on the moon. I wouldn't even care about doing shit on the moon, I'd just wanna stare at the Earth from the moon and bask in the cosmic glory.
If you go to college, what are you studying? - Journalism and Mass Communications
Favorite show you've gone to this year? - I have not been to a show in 2014 yet
Do you use snapchat? - no
Ever broken a bone? - nope
Any of your friend's moms hot? - yes, My friend Josh, his mom looks like one of those petite cheerleaders you just can't help but want to bone
Would/do you lean? - no
If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? - a giant squid
Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? - Have never looked into it so who knows
Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? - a year in Europe, I don't care whats on the moon but I know I'd have a hell of a time in Europe
If you go to college, what are you studying? If not, what would you? Inlay bricks.
Favorite show you've gone to this year? Years spent cold, the Merciless concept
Do you use snapchat? I have it but not really
Ever broken a bone? Ankle bad in like 3 places
Any of your friend's moms hot? Yeah
Would/do you lean? Gangster lean
If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? Human
Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? Yup blues is my shiZz
Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? Year in Europe, fuck the moon.
If you go to college, what are you studying? If not, what would you? -- music business, but I am doing it primarily for learning how to self manage/the ins and outs of the entertainment industry. Im presently learning production while improving on my instrument abilities.
Favorite show you've gone to this year? -- probably eyehategod but crosses were sick.
Do you use snapchat? -- I got one so my cousins could send me pics but I dont use it.
Ever broken a bone? -- nope, which is surprising with all the skating Ive done.
Any of your friend's moms hot? -- honestly no. most of them are either in their 60s or dead.
Would/do you lean? -- doubtful but id consider it I guess.
If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? -- jellyfish
Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? -- none comes to mind but I do love this piece by henry cowell from 1925:
Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? -- europe
If you go to college, what are you studying? If not, what would you? Heavy Equipment Management
Favorite show you've gone to this year? Comeback Kid / Backtrack / Xibalba / Downpresser
Do you use snapchat? Nah
Ever broken a bone? My right wrist
Any of your friend's moms hot? Nah
Would/do you lean? I have a couple of times but it's not that easy to get your hands on
If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? Goldfish
Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? Nah
Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? Neither. Give me the cash. Fuck Europe and the moon.
If you go to college, what are you studying? If not, what would you? At this point, I'd teach prolly music history
Favorite show you've gone to this year? Nothing so far this year
Do you use snapchat? No
Ever broken a bone? Yuh, a few
Any of your friend's moms hot? One of 'em used to be, but all my friends are in their 30's, so moms are 55-70
Would/do you lean? Yuh
If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? Shark
Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? Of course
Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? Moon
tool :!!
just broke my phone again
only if someone calls the cops on me
some monkey
If you go to college, what are you studying? If not, what would you? - Hopefully something in music.
Favorite show you've gone to this year? - Rotting Out/No Bragging Rights/The Beautiful Ones/Heart To Heart
Do you use snapchat? - Fuck snapchat
Ever broken a bone? - No
Any of your friend's moms hot? - Yeah
Would/do you lean? - dumb question
If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? - Flamingo
Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? - Yes
Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? Year in Europe.
If you go to college, what are you studying? I graduated with a degree in Sociology
Favorite show you've gone to this year? Only been to one, but Russian Circles were damn good
Do you use snapchat? Every now and then
Ever broken a bone? Nope
Any of your friend's moms hot? Nah
Would/do you lean? Nah
If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? None, I just couldn't
Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? Yeah, not too often, but I certainly enjoy it on occasion
Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon? Europe for sure
If you go to college, what are you studying? If not, what would you? Bio Med & film
Favorite show you've gone to this year? Adventure Club
Do you use snapchat? Yeeee
Ever broken a bone? No
Any of your friend's moms hot? Hell yeah
Would/do you lean? Done it
If you could punch one animal square in the face, which animal would you punch? Idk
Do you fuck with pre-20th century music? Yeah
Would you rather spend a year in Europe with a $3k monthly check, or spend 15 minutes on the moon?
Niggas in Paris
When someone does something stupid that gets them killed or hurt or something there always has to be one faggot every single time who says
"Hurrr durr survival of the fittest "
Makes me want to murder people