Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? Wtf is that? What do you hate most when you're driving? Idiot drivers, construction Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Squid? Idk man Last thing you broke? I don't remember How often you do cut your nails? When they get long. Do you wear hats? In the winter. Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? Do the Mammoth Caves count? Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? Tornados What are you doign this weekend? Nothing. Favorite kind of food to snack on? idk man. I'm trying to watch my diet.
Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? No. What do you hate most when you're driving? When people freak out when they get lost. Just shut the fuck up, calm down and just go with it. Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Umm... Last thing you broke? I broke a can of silly string last night. How often you do cut your nails? When needed. I tend to keep them long, but healthy. Do you wear hats? Yes. Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? I don't know. Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? Hurricanes... What are you doign this weekend? I had a giant party last night (which was a great success), hanging out today with my friend Lauren, and no idea what tomorrow yet. Favorite kind of food to snack on? Herr's Honey BBQ Chips.
Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? - No What do you hate most when you're driving? - too many things to name, just bad drivers in general Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? - The ones that don't try to eat/kill me Last thing you broke? - idk How often you do cut your nails? - when i need to Do you wear hats? - no Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? - idk, maybe Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? - a very small earthquake What are you doign this weekend? - going to see amon amarth Favorite kind of food to snack on? - depends on my mood
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? - No What do you hate most when you're driving? - when people obv skip a giant line and try and cut in right in the front...what i hate even more is the faggot who lets him in Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? - penguins Last thing you broke? - the last girl i had sex withs vagina How often you do cut your nails? - my nails grow fast, like every week and a half Do you wear hats? - yea Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? - niagra falls count? lol Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? -we just had our first tornado this summer but no damage to us What are you doign this weekend? - im chillin in North carolina beachin, smokin and drinkin it up errday Favorite kind of food to snack on? - honey roasted peanutz
Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? wtf is that? What do you hate most when you're driving? retards Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? idgaf Last thing you broke? some molds at work How often you do cut your nails? once a week Do you wear hats? every day every where lol Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? idk Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? not really disasters but have been threw many blizzards
What are you doign this weekend? probably getting drunk Favorite kind of food to snack on? reese's pieces
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? Yes. Sounds like it would be about equal to using an porta poty What do you hate most when you're driving? pissed off women passengers. Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? humpback whale Last thing you broke? Shark Steam mop. to be fair, it was already broke and I was trying to fix. But what might have been fixable is no longer after I got done with it. How often you do cut your nails? When they have something to cut. Do you wear hats? yes. not to work though. Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? yes Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? probably not. What are you doign this weekend? cleaned. my wife's sister is coming to visit. Favorite kind of food to snack on? reese's peanut butter cups
Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? FUCK YES. For that much money. What do you hate most when you're driving? People who get pissed off at me because of how safely I drive. YOU DARN KIDS AND YOUR HIPPITY HOP MUSIC. *shakes fist* Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Jellyfish, octopus, and squids are all fucking radical. Last thing you broke? A stick. How often you do cut your nails? I file them. Do you wear hats? I only wear ear flap hats on seldom occasion. Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? Yep, in Mexico. Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? Nope! What are you doing this weekend? Going to my biology class on Saturday from 9-3, and having my bf over and probably going to the hookah bar. Favorite kind of food to snack on? Popcorn.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
What is jenkem
apparently in some countries people sniff shit. it is according to urbandictionary the same sort of high one gets from sniffing paint. For 100 grand though, im surprised so many wouldnt take a huff or two. Even if it invokes vommiting... it's 100 grand!
apparently in some countries people sniff shit. it is according to urbandictionary the same sort of high one gets from sniffing paint. For 100 grand though, im surprised so many wouldnt take a huff or two. Even if it invokes vommiting... it's 100 grand!
It's more than just that. Jenkem, aka, Butt-hash, is when you urinate and deficate into a bottle or something, put a balloon over the bottle, leave it out for three days to let the methane rise into the balloon, then after three days is up you inhale the contents of the balloon.
1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
What is jenkem
apparently in some countries people sniff shit. it is according to urbandictionary the same sort of high one gets from sniffing paint. For 100 grand though, im surprised so many wouldnt take a huff or two. Even if it invokes vommiting... it's 100 grand!
It's more than just that. Jenkem, aka, Butt-hash, is when you urinate and deficate into a bottle or something, put a balloon over the bottle, leave it out for three days to let the methane rise into the balloon, then after three days is up you inhale the contents of the balloon.
apparently in some countries people sniff shit. it is according to urbandictionary the same sort of high one gets from sniffing paint. For 100 grand though, im surprised so many wouldnt take a huff or two. Even if it invokes vommiting... it's 100 grand!
It's more than just that. Jenkem, aka, Butt-hash, is when you urinate and deficate into a bottle or something, put a balloon over the bottle, leave it out for three days to let the methane rise into the balloon, then after three days is up you inhale the contents of the balloon.
apparently in some countries people sniff shit. it is according to urbandictionary the same sort of high one gets from sniffing paint. For 100 grand though, im surprised so many wouldnt take a huff or two. Even if it invokes vommiting... it's 100 grand!
It's more than just that. Jenkem, aka, Butt-hash, is when you urinate and deficate into a bottle or something, put a balloon over the bottle, leave it out for three days to let the methane rise into the balloon, then after three days is up you inhale the contents of the balloon.
sounds like that shit could kill you
I wouldn't doubt it. When people do this, most of the time they're knocked out for like, 3 hours or so.
What do you hate most when you're driving? Idiot drivers, construction
Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Squid? Idk man
Last thing you broke? I don't remember
How often you do cut your nails? When they get long.
Do you wear hats? In the winter.
Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? Do the Mammoth Caves count?
Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? Tornados
What are you doign this weekend? Nothing.
Favorite kind of food to snack on? idk man. I'm trying to watch my diet.
What do you hate most when you're driving? When people freak out when they get lost. Just shut the fuck up, calm down and just go with it.
Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Umm...
Last thing you broke? I broke a can of silly string last night.
How often you do cut your nails? When needed. I tend to keep them long, but healthy.
Do you wear hats? Yes.
Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? I don't know.
Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? Hurricanes...
What are you doign this weekend? I had a giant party last night (which was a great success), hanging out today with my friend Lauren, and no idea what tomorrow yet.
Favorite kind of food to snack on? Herr's Honey BBQ Chips.
What do you hate most when you're driving? - too many things to name, just bad drivers in general
Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? - The ones that don't try to eat/kill me
Last thing you broke? - idk
How often you do cut your nails? - when i need to
Do you wear hats? - no
Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? - idk, maybe
Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? - a very small earthquake
What are you doign this weekend? - going to see amon amarth
Favorite kind of food to snack on? - depends on my mood
What do you hate most when you're driving? - when people obv skip a giant line and try and cut in right in the front...what i hate even more is the faggot who lets him in
Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? - penguins
Last thing you broke? - the last girl i had sex withs vagina
How often you do cut your nails? - my nails grow fast, like every week and a half
Do you wear hats? - yea
Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? - niagra falls count? lol
Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? -we just had our first tornado this summer but no damage to us
What are you doign this weekend? - im chillin in North carolina beachin, smokin and drinkin it up errday
Favorite kind of food to snack on? - honey roasted peanutz
What do you hate most when you're driving? retards
Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? idgaf
Last thing you broke? some molds at work
How often you do cut your nails? once a week
Do you wear hats? every day every where lol
Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? idk
Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? not really disasters but have been threw many blizzards
What are you doign this weekend? probably getting drunk
Favorite kind of food to snack on? reese's pieces
What do you hate most when you're driving? pissed off women passengers.
Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? humpback whale
Last thing you broke? Shark Steam mop. to be fair, it was already broke and I was trying to fix. But what might have been fixable is no longer after I got done with it.
How often you do cut your nails? When they have something to cut.
Do you wear hats? yes. not to work though.
Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? yes
Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? probably not.
What are you doign this weekend? cleaned. my wife's sister is coming to visit.
Favorite kind of food to snack on? reese's peanut butter cups
What do you hate most when you're driving? People who get pissed off at me because of how safely I drive. YOU DARN KIDS AND YOUR HIPPITY HOP MUSIC. *shakes fist*
Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Jellyfish, octopus, and squids are all fucking radical.
Last thing you broke? A stick.
How often you do cut your nails? I file them.
Do you wear hats? I only wear ear flap hats on seldom occasion.
Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? Yep, in Mexico.
Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? Nope!
What are you doing this weekend? Going to my biology class on Saturday from 9-3, and having my bf over and probably going to the hookah bar.
Favorite kind of food to snack on? Popcorn.
I love the fact that I did a report on Jenkem in Frosh Science