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10 qz



  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    i wish i could do acid with everyone and show them how to handle it correctly. if that were a vocation, i'd be the industry elite.
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I feel like that's something I'd like to try but like a fucking 8 hour trip just does not sound fun.
  • BlindGuardian93BlindGuardian93 Posts: 4,988 jayfacer
    I know. I was blown away just watching YouTube videos of people playing it.
    I have it and im currently playing through it. And that game certainly doesn't need drugs to make it scary. It fucks with senses sometimes you can't tell what's a threat and what's imaginary
    I've been lost in endless seas My heart died long ago I curse my failures as I fall from you
  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
    what game is this?
  • BlindGuardian93BlindGuardian93 Posts: 4,988 jayfacer
    I've been lost in endless seas My heart died long ago I curse my failures as I fall from you
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    If we have a stickam night in about three or four days, I'll do acid on cam.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • streetsstreets Posts: 3,351 just the tip
    ill stick with weed
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000?
    What do you hate most when you're driving?
    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean?
    Last thing you broke?
    How often you do cut your nails?
    Do you wear hats?
    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient?
    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster?
    What are you doign this weekend?
    Favorite kind of food to snack on?
  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? Idk
    What do you hate most when you're driving? People who go 30mph on a highway.
    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Orca or dolphin
    Last thing you broke? Your heart ;)
    How often you do cut your nails? I have a bad habit of biting them...
    Do you wear hats? Occasionally
    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? No
    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? No
    What are you doing this weekend? AP Bio assignment
    Favorite kind of food to snack on? Chips
  • NOLANOLA Posts: 6,353 jayfacer
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? no
    What do you hate most when you're driving? heavy downpours
    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Killer Whale
    Last thing you broke? phone charger
    How often you do cut your nails? every two weeks or so.
    Do you wear hats? on occasion
    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? Not that I recall
    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? Hurricane Katrina
    What are you doing this weekend? Partying like usual
    Favorite kind of food to snack on? Detour protein bars (Peanut butter), wasabi beans, honey roasted soy beans
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? whut?
    What do you hate most when you're driving? fuck...what do i not hate?
    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? the kracken
    Last thing you broke? one of my son's toys
    How often you do cut your nails? every couple of weeks
    Do you wear hats? no
    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? just some old native american caves
    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? my house was destroyed by a tornado when i was in 5th grade. i was in the basement
    What are you doign this weekend? work tomorrow morning and i have a standup comedy gig sunday night. nothing else is planned.
    Favorite kind of food to snack on? honey & oat bars
  • StratophonyStratophony Posts: 9,212 just the tip
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? - dunno what that is
    What do you hate most when you're driving? - people who feel the need to change lanes to be "1st" at a red light; then go 20 miles below the speed limit.
    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? - Orca
    Last thing you broke? - A Beer bottle
    How often you do cut your nails? - 2-3 weeks
    Do you wear hats? - not baseball caps; i do wear beanies and the assorted warm hats
    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? - i visited some ancient roman ruins in Spain once.
    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? - 94' Northridge Quake & and some hurricane while i was in North Carolina
    What are you doing this weekend? - Got our quarter-finals soccer match on sunday; saturday probably just hang out.
    Favorite kind of food to snack on? - sweet fruits or chocolates
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? Yeah, probably
    What do you hate most when you're driving? Everything
    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Fuckin' seals
    Last thing you broke? Hymens
    How often you do cut your nails? Every now and then
    Do you wear hats? No.
    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? Yeah
    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? Yeah
    What are you doign this weekend? God is an Astronaut and my return to drug use.
    Favorite kind of food to snack on? Anything.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? No
    What do you hate most when you're driving?I don't
    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Orca
    Last thing you broke? My cell phone charger
    How often you do cut your nails? At least every other week
    Do you wear hats? No
    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? Yes. I've been to two Mayan ruins. Chicen Itza and Tulum. The beack at Tulum is the best beach ever.
    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? I've felt a few earthquakes, but they were from at least 100 miles away, so not really.
    What are you doign this weekend? Haning out with some buddies and doing homework.
    Favorite kind of food to snack on? Cookies, whenever we have them.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? no
    What do you hate most when you're driving? traffic
    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? ones that dont bite or sting
    Last thing you broke? my TV remote
    How often you do cut your nails? once a week
    Do you wear hats? 50/50
    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? prolly in some museums i been too
    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? no *knocks on wood*
    What are you doign this weekend? work, family BBQ
    Favorite kind of food to snack on? cheeze it, peanuts, yogurt...
  • AdamAdam Posts: 11,533 balls deep
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? Fuck no
    What do you hate most when you're driving? slow drivers when i am in a hurry.
    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Great White Shark
    Last thing you broke? no clue
    How often you do cut your nails? Once a week
    Do you wear hats? sometimes
    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? nope
    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? nope
    What are you doing this weekend? Partying it up for my last weekend of summer
    Favorite kind of food to snack on? Beef Jerky, Cheese puffs.
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? no
    What do you hate most when you're driving? fuckers who pass me just to turn right when they get in front of me.
    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Great White Shark
    Last thing you broke? a glass
    How often you do cut your nails?once a week
    Do you wear hats? Very seldom
    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? no
    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? no
    What are you doign this weekend? Golf then party at cheeseburger fest
    Favorite kind of food to snack on? Goldfish
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? -- A quick Google of this substances says fuck no.

    What do you hate most when you're driving? -- Weavers. I hope arriving at your destination 20 seconds quicker was worth being a douchebag to everyone.

    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? -- Manta Rays

    Last thing you broke? -- The screen on my apartment window.

    How often you do cut your nails? -- Whenever they need it.

    Do you wear hats? -- Yes. Hats and beanies.

    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? -- The Grand Canyon

    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? -- Tornado and floods

    What are you doing this weekend? -- Work and my radio station meeting tomorrow. Oh, and getting a haircut which I'm not looking forward to.

    Favorite kind of food to snack on? -- Chex Mix without the Chex.
    I love winning with women
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? No
    What do you hate most when you're driving? Niggers
    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Penguin (if that counts....)
    Last thing you broke? Idk
    How often you do cut your nails? When they need to be trimmed
    Do you wear hats? Sometimes
    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? Caverns in Tennessee
    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? Walked home from the bus stop when a tornado touched down in the next town
    What are you doign this weekend? Friend is having a block party/bonfire
    Favorite kind of food to snack on? Idk, Oreos I guess
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Would you huff some Jenkem for $100,000? - dunno what that is
    What do you hate most when you're driving? tailgaters, people that forget their blinker is on miles after the turn, people that speed to get to a red light and slow down..same goes for when they pass you, people that think they own the road, ect.
    Favorite animal that lives in the ocean? Great White Shark and Orca are tied
    Last thing you broke? Idk..a game controller
    How often you do cut your nails? When they get long enough..about every month prolly
    Do you wear hats? It's rare if I do
    Have you ever visited anything that could be called ancient? No
    Have you ever encountered a natural disaster? Would the Blizzard of 93 count?
    What are you doing this weekend? Store, moving stuff, internet, eat food, watch tv, idk what else because people down here don't know what the word "plans" means
    Favorite kind of food to snack on? Chips, fruits, veggies, or chocolate. Sometimes cookies
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