That blows. One of my friends got bit in the leg by one at the park where the original haunted house I worked at is located. She caught it just in time and they told her if they would have waited much longer it's possible her leg could have been amputated
Do you ever look back at your yearbooks from highschool? very rarely Least favorite pizza topping? mushrooms Most overrated band of all time? Iron Maiden Least favorite band to play at Mayhem Fest? Norma Jean Current mode of trasportation? Jetta Which forumer would you say hast he worst taste in music? Erik Favorite meme? the anteater cmon at me bro throwing a chair at that late nite diner thing What's one animal that terrifies you? spider i guess Have you ever called a black person a "nigger"? not to his face, maybe nigga.. Who is your favorite person that happens to be vegan? thats an oxymoron
I'm still waiting for a reason for why Iron Maiden is more overrated than Metallica, Nirvana, Nickelback, AC/DC, know, bands that actually get radio airplay and media attention....
I'm still waiting for a reason for why Iron Maiden is more overrated than Metallica, Nirvana, Nickelback, AC/DC, know, bands that actually get radio airplay and media attention....
I'm still waiting for a reason for why Iron Maiden is more overrated than Metallica, Nirvana, Nickelback, AC/DC, know, bands that actually get radio airplay and media attention....
Metallica has written way better songs so they deserve more airplay, even if they made some shitty albums nickelback just plain blows so thats a cope out answer, no respectable person is putting them as like there fav artist ac/dc is very overrated as well they are up there
You can be overrated and still be good. Metallica is one of my favorite bands and I openly admit they are overrated. Same with Nirvana. Pearl Jam however.... [-(
i dont rate overrated by having a million little teeny boopers who know jack shit about music loving you, i rate it by people who actually know what theyre talking about put a corny embarassing band as the all time best band
And no one outside of metal circles would even put Iron Maiden in their top 10, which is why they are not overrated. :-| Fuck, even Rush is a more acceptable answer, even though they're not overrated either.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
Do you ever look back at your yearbooks from highschool? I'm living it, bitch Least favorite pizza topping? mushrooms, by far Most overrated band of all time? Metallica Least favorite band to play at Mayhem Fest? Suicide Silence Current mode of trasportation? 2001 VW Passat Which forumer would you say hast he worst taste in music? hmm...can't say I'd be caught dead listening to most of what arlo listens to. Favorite meme? challenge accepted What's one animal that terrifies you? I'm getting over my fear of bees, which is a huge step for me. I don't know, anymore. Have you ever called a black person a "nigger"? no Who is your favorite person that happens to be vegan? Some member of some band
1. Ever spy on someone? - Sorta, i can't remember if me and my friends were high or not but we were walkin' around this condo development and i walked passed this guy's condo and out of the corner of my eye i saw something weird, i looked into his window and he was dancing around playing air guitar and had a bunch of empty beer cans on the floor :-)) and i told my friends and we sat there and watched him for a min. or so lol 2. Ever have sex with a piece of fruit? - no lol 3. Ever chug a whole bottle of ex lax? - Yes, by accident. when i was about 16 i was at a friends house and some other friends came over and told me it was an energy drink and told me to chug it and i did but their plan backfired cause nothing happened to me lol. i took a small dump the next day and it kinda burned a little but that was it lol. 4. Ever shove anything strange up your ass? - no 5. Ever stick it in da pooper or have it stuck in your pooper? - no 6. Do you cry when you masturbate? - yes because im.... 7. Ever take a dump and your shit was a different color? - sorta, i wiped my ass once and it was brown and dark green. i ate a lot of vegetables like broccoli and stuff at the time. another time it was brown and orange from eating a lot of carrots. 8. Ever try to light one of your own farts? - yes, i farted on a candle once...............nothing happened :-( 9. Ever try to get away from the cops and end up in a high speed chase? - no but it looks fun as hell 10. Did you answer those questions honestly? - No, i lied on question 6, i dont cry when i masturbate
1. Ever spy on someone? - ONLY WHEN MASTURBATING 2. Ever have sex with a piece of fruit? - YES, ORANGE SOAKED IN WATER FOR 8 HOURS 3. Ever chug a whole bottle of ex lax? - ?? 4. Ever shove anything strange up your ass? - no 5. Ever stick it in da pooper or have it stuck in your pooper? - U NO DAT 6. Do you cry when you masturbate? - OF COURSE, WHO DOES NOT? 7. Ever take a dump and your shit was a different color? - THEN WHAT? 8. Ever try to light one of your own farts? - NO 9. Ever try to get away from the cops and end up in a high speed chase? - YES, BUT IT WAS ON FOOT AND I GOT AWAY 10. Did you answer those questions honestly? - ALL TRUTH
1. Ever spy on someone? - if you count checking out a chicks FB a few times in one day then sure i guess
2. Ever have sex with a piece of fruit? - nah...contemplated it when i was younger tho...i would have went with veggies tho
3. Ever chug a whole bottle of ex lax? - no
4. Ever shove anything strange up your ass? - i had this chick try and talk me into letting her put ice cubes up my but while she jerked me off but i passed
5. Ever stick it in da pooper or have it stuck in your pooper? - nope
6. Do you cry when you masturbate? - tears of joy
7. Ever take a dump and your shit was a different color? - yes neon green
8. Ever try to light one of your own farts? - um there is video of it happening some where
9. Ever try to get away from the cops and end up in a high speed chase? - nope running from cops is stupid
10. Did you answer those questions honestly? - ALL TRUTH
1. Ever spy on someone? - no 2. Ever have sex with a piece of fruit? - shane tried to use a cucumber 3. Ever chug a whole bottle of ex lax? - ewww no 4. Ever shove anything strange up your ass? - 20 oz mt dew bottle 5. Ever stick it in da pooper or have it stuck in your pooper? - i receive, yes 6. Do you cry when you masturbate? - no 7. Ever take a dump and your shit was a different color? - yes. 8. Ever try to light one of your own farts? - NO 9. Ever try to get away from the cops and end up in a high speed chase? - no 10. Did you answer those questions honestly? -yes
1. Ever spy on someone? - no 2. Ever have sex with a piece of fruit? - no 3. Ever chug a whole bottle of ex lax? - no 4. Ever shove anything strange up your ass? - no 5. Ever stick it in da pooper or have it stuck in your pooper? - no 6. Do you cry when you masturbate? - no... dont masturbate 7. Ever take a dump and your shit was a different color? - no, just brown 8. Ever try to light one of your own farts? - nope 9. Ever try to get away from the cops and end up in a high speed chase? - nope 10. Did you answer those questions honestly? - sure did
Least favorite pizza topping? mushrooms
Most overrated band of all time? Iron Maiden
Least favorite band to play at Mayhem Fest? Norma Jean
Current mode of trasportation? Jetta
Which forumer would you say hast he worst taste in music? Erik
Favorite meme? the anteater cmon at me bro throwing a chair at that late nite diner thing
What's one animal that terrifies you? spider i guess
Have you ever called a black person a "nigger"? not to his face, maybe nigga..
Who is your favorite person that happens to be vegan? thats an oxymoron
nickelback just plain blows so thats a cope out answer, no respectable person is putting them as like there fav artist
ac/dc is very overrated as well they are up there
Least favorite pizza topping? mushrooms, by far
Most overrated band of all time? Metallica
Least favorite band to play at Mayhem Fest? Suicide Silence
Current mode of trasportation? 2001 VW Passat
Which forumer would you say hast he worst taste in music? hmm...can't say I'd be caught dead listening to most of what arlo listens to.
Favorite meme? challenge accepted
What's one animal that terrifies you? I'm getting over my fear of bees, which is a huge step for me. I don't know, anymore.
Have you ever called a black person a "nigger"? no
Who is your favorite person that happens to be vegan? Some member of some band
2. Ever have sex with a piece of fruit? - no lol
3. Ever chug a whole bottle of ex lax? - Yes, by accident. when i was about 16 i was at a friends house and some other friends came over and told me it was an energy drink and told me to chug it and i did but their plan backfired cause nothing happened to me lol. i took a small dump the next day and it kinda burned a little but that was it lol.
4. Ever shove anything strange up your ass? - no
5. Ever stick it in da pooper or have it stuck in your pooper? - no
6. Do you cry when you masturbate? - yes because im....
7. Ever take a dump and your shit was a different color? - sorta, i wiped my ass once and it was brown and dark green. i ate a lot of vegetables like broccoli and stuff at the time. another time it was brown and orange from eating a lot of carrots.
8. Ever try to light one of your own farts? - yes, i farted on a candle once...............nothing happened :-(
9. Ever try to get away from the cops and end up in a high speed chase? - no but it looks fun as hell
10. Did you answer those questions honestly? - No, i lied on question 6, i dont cry when i masturbate
2. Ever have sex with a piece of fruit? - YES, ORANGE SOAKED IN WATER FOR 8 HOURS
3. Ever chug a whole bottle of ex lax? - ??
4. Ever shove anything strange up your ass? - no
5. Ever stick it in da pooper or have it stuck in your pooper? - U NO DAT
6. Do you cry when you masturbate? - OF COURSE, WHO DOES NOT?
7. Ever take a dump and your shit was a different color? - THEN WHAT?
8. Ever try to light one of your own farts? - NO
9. Ever try to get away from the cops and end up in a high speed chase? - YES, BUT IT WAS ON FOOT AND I GOT AWAY
10. Did you answer those questions honestly? - ALL TRUTH
2. Ever have sex with a piece of fruit? - nah...contemplated it when i was younger tho...i would have went with veggies tho
3. Ever chug a whole bottle of ex lax? - no
4. Ever shove anything strange up your ass? - i had this chick try and talk me into letting her put ice cubes up my but while she jerked me off but i passed
5. Ever stick it in da pooper or have it stuck in your pooper? - nope
6. Do you cry when you masturbate? - tears of joy
7. Ever take a dump and your shit was a different color? - yes neon green
8. Ever try to light one of your own farts? - um there is video of it happening some where
9. Ever try to get away from the cops and end up in a high speed chase? - nope running from cops is stupid
10. Did you answer those questions honestly? - ALL TRUTH
2. Ever have sex with a piece of fruit? - shane tried to use a cucumber
3. Ever chug a whole bottle of ex lax? - ewww no
4. Ever shove anything strange up your ass? - 20 oz mt dew bottle
5. Ever stick it in da pooper or have it stuck in your pooper? - i receive, yes
6. Do you cry when you masturbate? - no
7. Ever take a dump and your shit was a different color? - yes.
8. Ever try to light one of your own farts? - NO
9. Ever try to get away from the cops and end up in a high speed chase? - no
10. Did you answer those questions honestly? -yes
2. Ever have sex with a piece of fruit? - no
3. Ever chug a whole bottle of ex lax? - no
4. Ever shove anything strange up your ass? - no
5. Ever stick it in da pooper or have it stuck in your pooper? - no
6. Do you cry when you masturbate? - no... dont masturbate
7. Ever take a dump and your shit was a different color? - no, just brown
8. Ever try to light one of your own farts? - nope
9. Ever try to get away from the cops and end up in a high speed chase? - nope
10. Did you answer those questions honestly? - sure did