no but really, id put my money on judy any day vs erik
It's just 90% of the time I see the forum as Erik going emo and starting shit w/ people, people say shit back, he cries about it and threatens to leave. He leaves for about a week or 2 and comes back or fakes his own death.
no but really, id put my money on judy any day vs erik
It's just 90% of the time I see the forum as Erik going emo and starting shit w/ people, people say shit back, he cries about it and threatens to leave. He leaves for about a week or 2 and comes back or fakes his own death.
no but really, id put my money on judy any day vs erik
It's just 90% of the time I see the forum as Erik going emo and starting shit w/ people, people say shit back, he cries about it and threatens to leave. He leaves for about a week or 2 and comes back or fakes his own death.
samsies he needs to mature a bit
i believe i have come a long way in the ways of the internet. i used to throw a bitch fit everytime someone make a crack at me. now i'm untrollable
no but really, id put my money on judy any day vs erik
It's just 90% of the time I see the forum as Erik going emo and starting shit w/ people, people say shit back, he cries about it and threatens to leave. He leaves for about a week or 2 and comes back or fakes his own death.
If I ever meet Bianca the same Rule is going to be at play as with britt. You will get a big hug because I know how much you hate me and hugging makes things better or pisses someone off worse so it is win win
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Give peace a chance
he needs to mature a bit
I love you for making me laugh so hard.<3333
Says the biggest child I've ever met in my life.
you really have come a long way
youre even on my good side now
at least wait until i get my new boobs
then we can do a before and after
Rule is going to be at play as with britt. You will get a big hug because I know how much you hate me and hugging makes things better or pisses someone off worse so it is win win