People never seem to get Master Of Puppets covers right because they leave out the keyboard part, but I can easily see why because I can't find sheet music for it.
we dont have that part either lol... and only use one guitar
People never seem to get Master Of Puppets covers right because they leave out the keyboard part, but I can easily see why because I can't find sheet music for it.
we dont have that part either lol... and only use one guitar
It is hard to hear which is why people forget it, but I notice it every time I hear it now, just like Fade To Black which has a full on keyboard track through the whole song.
What instrument do you play? How long have you been playing? who is your favorite player(s)(of your instrument)? Are you in a band? What brand of drums/guitar do you play?
Drums shit, well over 8 years. Haven't been drumming in awhile that will change though >:O Danny mother fucking Carey. He is my all time favorite drummer and will never change. Met him couple times to my sister is friends with his cousin and he knows I am a big fan, so when they roll into town I get to go backstage and meet most him and whoever else is hanging around :333333 next would be Brann Dailor and Abe Cunningham. Not in a band. Haven't been in one in awhile. Maybe I should change that :-? Was a Groove Percussion but that is retired. Was trying to get a Spaun but they don't sell them here >_< So I am going to special order those or go for the Pearl again.
Idk if this sounds cool to anyone but my band (including me) is writing stuff to be a death thrash metal band....death and thrash are my two favorite genres which is kinda cool that we're playing a mixture of least I think it is
very cool. lol \m/ basically what we do too. thrash music with death vocal.
we're doing something sort of similar to that. We have death vocals on all songs. The songs I write are more death-like but I mix some thrash in there but the other guitarist writes really thrashy riffs which blow my freaking mind. I think the final product of our album is going to sound very cool. Not to sound pretentious or anything but I feel good when I can get into my music as much as I can a band like Death Angel or Suffocation, etc.
Danny Carey Blake Richardson John Bonham Bann Dailor Tim Yeung John Dolmayan Navene Koperweis Jason Costa Tomas Haake John Boecklin Shannon Larkin Shannon Lucas Neil Peart Brad Wilk Keith Moon Stewart Copeland Dominic Howard
I play bass been playin for almost 6 years now and took lessons for 3 CLIFF MUTHERFUCKING BURTON IS THE GREATEST \m/ i play fenders and i dont use a pick
Im in THE DRACONIAN CRUSADE with metalcrusades and its heavy and fast as hell thrash
Idk if this sounds cool to anyone but my band (including me) is writing stuff to be a death thrash metal band....death and thrash are my two favorite genres which is kinda cool that we're playing a mixture of least I think it is
very cool. lol \m/ basically what we do too. thrash music with death vocal.
we're doing something sort of similar to that. We have death vocals on all songs. The songs I write are more death-like but I mix some thrash in there but the other guitarist writes really thrashy riffs which blow my freaking mind. I think the final product of our album is going to sound very cool. Not to sound pretentious or anything but I feel good when I can get into my music as much as I can a band like Death Angel or Suffocation, etc.
Guitar 5-6 years Favorite are Matt and Corey from Trivium had an honor of meeting both of them two years ago I use ESP guitars Currently in a pop/metal/punk act and see where it takes me
also have a black ESP Eclipse II that's not around right now.
shit, well over 8 years. Haven't been drumming in awhile
Danny mother fucking Carey. He is my all time favorite drummer and will never change. Met him couple times to
Not in a band. Haven't been in one in awhile. Maybe I should change that :-?
Was a Groove Percussion but that is retired. Was trying to get a Spaun but they don't sell them here >_< So I am going to special order those or go for the Pearl again.
i do know a few songs though. The cool ones like Raining blood, the trooper, and mary had a little lamb. (etc)
Danny Carey
Blake Richardson
John Bonham
Bann Dailor
Tim Yeung
John Dolmayan
Navene Koperweis
Jason Costa
Tomas Haake
John Boecklin
Shannon Larkin
Shannon Lucas
Neil Peart
Brad Wilk
Keith Moon
Stewart Copeland
Dominic Howard
been playin for almost 6 years now and took lessons for 3
i play fenders and i dont use a pick
Im in THE DRACONIAN CRUSADE with metalcrusades and its heavy and fast as hell thrash
I'm currently writing and recording music for my band, Knowledge Is Sin. I'm doing guitar and vocals (I've done vocals for about 3 years)
We haven't played any shows yet (only have 2 songs). Crusades and I already said that we will play together this summer.
The Draconian Crusade
Knowledge is Sin
Gulch of Rot
Who else has a band?
but i stopped playing somewhere in between cuz of stuff n had to relearn everything.
i have an acoustic as well.
5-6 years
Favorite are Matt and Corey from Trivium had an honor of meeting both of them two years ago
I use ESP guitars
Currently in a pop/metal/punk act and see where it takes me
i didnt see the floyd rose in the pic.