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The Official TV Shows Thread



  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    You haven't made any substantial points whatsoever. Everything you've said is subjective. You say the show sucks. It's been critically claimed by critics and reviewed positively by fans.

    You say they wasted time with an episode dedicated to a side character. Meanwhile The Walking Dead invents entire characters that aren't present in the source material and focuses on them for the entirety of the show. It happens all the time. Taking one single episode of a show that's going to have multiple seasons to expand on a side character isn't a waste. Especially since they tied it together narratively. Bill and Frank mirror Joel and Ellie: two people find love in an apocalyptic setting after they had lost all hope and lost part of their humanity.

    While The Last of Us is one of the few video games that has a movie or TV show level narrative, it's still a video game. A lot of the time spent in the game making you care for Ellie and Joel's relationship takes place during gameplay and dialogue that happens during gameplay. A lot of that gameplay, while fun, is repetitive and that obviously can't happen in a TV show so they have to fill some of that space with something else.

    So they made a critically acclaimed episode about two people falling in love during the apocalypse that thematically fits in with the themes of the show, and the two characters happen to be gay, and that infuriates you for some reason? Keep leaking bitch nigga
    Both Bill and Frank are dead and will never be seen again other than maybe a flashback scene or 2 lmao. Yes, an entire movie length extended episode being spent on them was a GIGANTIC waste of boring ass time, especially this early in the show’s lifespan. This shit is void.
    For a smooth brain, maybe. It wasn't a waste of time because it was A. An amazing episode of television and B. Ties in narratively with Joel and Ellie's story. You act like they're going to run out of episodes 
    As defensive as you’re getting about this, maybe it was only amazing to you because you appreciated the personal representation? The alphabet boys sure did love this one. 🤔🤔

    Legitimately one of the worst most boring episodes of television I have ever seen in my life. I couldn’t care less about anything that happened in it if I tried.
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    But if raw gay geriatric anal sex forced into your zombie apocalypse show is yall thing then by all means do you. I understand why. 💯💯
    Bruh did I miss something in the episode? All I saw was them kiss a few times lmao
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    Slow burn boring shit >>>

    True Detective S1 is the greatest show of all time
    Aaron & Eric never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and fuck sessions 
    Lmao bruh out of pocket comments like this are why everyone is giving you shit about being gay, not that you didn't like the episode. You're making mountains out of mole hills with the gay shit

    "Since The Last of Us decided to film HARDCORE GANGBANG MEN ON MEN DICKSUCKING and put in in an episode smh" 
    What was out of pocket? Fuck sessions = sex. If I change that sentence to “never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and sex.”, is it still out of pocket? That is literally an accurate description. There was literally a drawn out unnecessary ass gay sex scene including drawn out dialogue bout how it was his first time. Idk how much more cut and dry it can get than that.

    But okay clearly intelligent, well thought discussion about this is out the window and you’re going to continue cherry-picking the most insignificant part of everything I’m saying, so cherry pick this: Kill yaself.
    Its out of pocket cuz it was like 5-10 minutes of a 90 minute episode lmao. It wasn't the focus of the episode. Is there a reason why it felt like an eternity to you? 
    Their relationship was the entire focus of the episode what the fuck are you talking about?? Joel and Ellie got literally the last 5 or so minutes and the other 85 were spent on the irrelevant gay couple. The sex scene itself was 5-10 minutes sure. Felt like an eternity because the whole episode did. Overdrawn unnecessary filler on an episode that was already nothing but overdrawn unnecessary filler.
    Do you know what a sex scene is?vThere was no sex scene bruh. They kiss a few times and that's it.

    Yes, their relationship was the focal point of the episode. The entire show is about human relationships including Ellie and Joel's. Should they just cancel the show? 
    You haven't made any substantial points whatsoever. Everything you've said is subjective. You say the show sucks. It's been critically claimed by critics and reviewed positively by fans.

    You say they wasted time with an episode dedicated to a side character. Meanwhile The Walking Dead invents entire characters that aren't present in the source material and focuses on them for the entirety of the show. It happens all the time. Taking one single episode of a show that's going to have multiple seasons to expand on a side character isn't a waste. Especially since they tied it together narratively. Bill and Frank mirror Joel and Ellie: two people find love in an apocalyptic setting after they had lost all hope and lost part of their humanity.

    While The Last of Us is one of the few video games that has a movie or TV show level narrative, it's still a video game. A lot of the time spent in the game making you care for Ellie and Joel's relationship takes place during gameplay and dialogue that happens during gameplay. A lot of that gameplay, while fun, is repetitive and that obviously can't happen in a TV show so they have to fill some of that space with something else.

    So they made a critically acclaimed episode about two people falling in love during the apocalypse that thematically fits in with the themes of the show, and the two characters happen to be gay, and that infuriates you for some reason? Keep leaking bitch nigga
    Both Bill and Frank are dead and will never be seen again other than maybe a flashback scene or 2 lmao. Yes, an entire movie length extended episode being spent on them was a GIGANTIC waste of boring ass time, especially this early in the show’s lifespan. This shit is void.
    For a smooth brain, maybe. It wasn't a waste of time because it was A. An amazing episode of television and B. Ties in narratively with Joel and Ellie's story. You act like they're going to run out of episodes 
    As defensive as you’re getting about this, maybe it was only amazing to you because you appreciated the personal representation? The alphabet boys sure did love this one. 🤔🤔
    No counter argument so you counter with "MaYbE uR gAy"

    I accept your concession. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Aaron & Eric never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and fuck sessions 
    Lmao bruh out of pocket comments like this are why everyone is giving you shit about being gay, not that you didn't like the episode. You're making mountains out of mole hills with the gay shit

    "Since The Last of Us decided to film HARDCORE GANGBANG MEN ON MEN DICKSUCKING and put in in an episode smh" 
    What was out of pocket? Fuck sessions = sex. If I change that sentence to “never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and sex.”, is it still out of pocket? That is literally an accurate description. There was literally a drawn out unnecessary ass gay sex scene including drawn out dialogue bout how it was his first time. Idk how much more cut and dry it can get than that.

    But okay clearly intelligent, well thought discussion about this is out the window and you’re going to continue cherry-picking the most insignificant part of everything I’m saying, so cherry pick this: Kill yaself.
    Its out of pocket cuz it was like 5-10 minutes of a 90 minute episode lmao. It wasn't the focus of the episode. Is there a reason why it felt like an eternity to you? 
    Their relationship was the entire focus of the episode what the fuck are you talking about?? Joel and Ellie got literally the last 5 or so minutes and the other 85 were spent on the irrelevant gay couple. The sex scene itself was 5-10 minutes sure. Felt like an eternity because the whole episode did. Overdrawn unnecessary filler on an episode that was already nothing but overdrawn unnecessary filler.
    Do you know what a sex scene is?vThere was no sex scene bruh. They kiss a few times and that's it.

    Yes, their relationship was the focal point of the episode. The entire show is about human relationships including Ellie and Joel's. Should they just cancel the show? 
    Ellie and Joel are the two main characters, not 2 irrelevant side characters that we’ll never see again, one of which technically did not even exist until Sunday.

    I should not have to explain the difference. I would at least hope you’re not that dumb.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    You haven't made any substantial points whatsoever. Everything you've said is subjective. You say the show sucks. It's been critically claimed by critics and reviewed positively by fans.

    You say they wasted time with an episode dedicated to a side character. Meanwhile The Walking Dead invents entire characters that aren't present in the source material and focuses on them for the entirety of the show. It happens all the time. Taking one single episode of a show that's going to have multiple seasons to expand on a side character isn't a waste. Especially since they tied it together narratively. Bill and Frank mirror Joel and Ellie: two people find love in an apocalyptic setting after they had lost all hope and lost part of their humanity.

    While The Last of Us is one of the few video games that has a movie or TV show level narrative, it's still a video game. A lot of the time spent in the game making you care for Ellie and Joel's relationship takes place during gameplay and dialogue that happens during gameplay. A lot of that gameplay, while fun, is repetitive and that obviously can't happen in a TV show so they have to fill some of that space with something else.

    So they made a critically acclaimed episode about two people falling in love during the apocalypse that thematically fits in with the themes of the show, and the two characters happen to be gay, and that infuriates you for some reason? Keep leaking bitch nigga
    Both Bill and Frank are dead and will never be seen again other than maybe a flashback scene or 2 lmao. Yes, an entire movie length extended episode being spent on them was a GIGANTIC waste of boring ass time, especially this early in the show’s lifespan. This shit is void.
    For a smooth brain, maybe. It wasn't a waste of time because it was A. An amazing episode of television and B. Ties in narratively with Joel and Ellie's story. You act like they're going to run out of episodes 
    As defensive as you’re getting about this, maybe it was only amazing to you because you appreciated the personal representation? The alphabet boys sure did love this one. 🤔🤔
    No counter argument so you counter with "MaYbE uR gAy"

    I accept your concession. 
    Same way you kept hopping back to the gay shit when I made it clear 15 times that was the least of my issue and even that I wouldn’t have minded it at all if it was a character that actually mattered in the long run?

    Aaron & Eric never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and fuck sessions 
    Lmao bruh out of pocket comments like this are why everyone is giving you shit about being gay, not that you didn't like the episode. You're making mountains out of mole hills with the gay shit

    "Since The Last of Us decided to film HARDCORE GANGBANG MEN ON MEN DICKSUCKING and put in in an episode smh" 
    What was out of pocket? Fuck sessions = sex. If I change that sentence to “never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and sex.”, is it still out of pocket? That is literally an accurate description. There was literally a drawn out unnecessary ass gay sex scene including drawn out dialogue bout how it was his first time. Idk how much more cut and dry it can get than that.

    But okay clearly intelligent, well thought discussion about this is out the window and you’re going to continue cherry-picking the most insignificant part of everything I’m saying, so cherry pick this: Kill yaself.
    Its out of pocket cuz it was like 5-10 minutes of a 90 minute episode lmao. It wasn't the focus of the episode. Is there a reason why it felt like an eternity to you? 
    Their relationship was the entire focus of the episode what the fuck are you talking about?? Joel and Ellie got literally the last 5 or so minutes and the other 85 were spent on the irrelevant gay couple. The sex scene itself was 5-10 minutes sure. Felt like an eternity because the whole episode did. Overdrawn unnecessary filler on an episode that was already nothing but overdrawn unnecessary filler.
    Do you know what a sex scene is?vThere was no sex scene bruh. They kiss a few times and that's it.

    Yes, their relationship was the focal point of the episode. The entire show is about human relationships including Ellie and Joel's. Should they just cancel the show? 
    one of which technically did not even exist until Sunday
    Incorrect. You're paper AF 
    You haven't made any substantial points whatsoever. Everything you've said is subjective. You say the show sucks. It's been critically claimed by critics and reviewed positively by fans.

    You say they wasted time with an episode dedicated to a side character. Meanwhile The Walking Dead invents entire characters that aren't present in the source material and focuses on them for the entirety of the show. It happens all the time. Taking one single episode of a show that's going to have multiple seasons to expand on a side character isn't a waste. Especially since they tied it together narratively. Bill and Frank mirror Joel and Ellie: two people find love in an apocalyptic setting after they had lost all hope and lost part of their humanity.

    While The Last of Us is one of the few video games that has a movie or TV show level narrative, it's still a video game. A lot of the time spent in the game making you care for Ellie and Joel's relationship takes place during gameplay and dialogue that happens during gameplay. A lot of that gameplay, while fun, is repetitive and that obviously can't happen in a TV show so they have to fill some of that space with something else.

    So they made a critically acclaimed episode about two people falling in love during the apocalypse that thematically fits in with the themes of the show, and the two characters happen to be gay, and that infuriates you for some reason? Keep leaking bitch nigga
    Both Bill and Frank are dead and will never be seen again other than maybe a flashback scene or 2 lmao. Yes, an entire movie length extended episode being spent on them was a GIGANTIC waste of boring ass time, especially this early in the show’s lifespan. This shit is void.
    For a smooth brain, maybe. It wasn't a waste of time because it was A. An amazing episode of television and B. Ties in narratively with Joel and Ellie's story. You act like they're going to run out of episodes 
    As defensive as you’re getting about this, maybe it was only amazing to you because you appreciated the personal representation? The alphabet boys sure did love this one. 🤔🤔
    No counter argument so you counter with "MaYbE uR gAy"

    I accept your concession. 
    Same way you kept hopping back to the gay shit when I made it clear 15 times that was the least of my issue and even that I wouldn’t have minded it at all if it was a character that actually mattered in the long run?

    You're the one that's brought up the fact that they're gay multiple times and have an issue with it and have stated how uncomfortable it makes you feel inside. I could literally not care less about the fact that they're gay. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    already doing bloated 90 minute long filler episodes about characters nobody gives a fuck about? I truly could not care less whatsoever about Bill’s boyfriend dying, I couldn’t. Because this was previously a 100% off screen nameless character that was only hinted at. I have zero attachment to him whatsoever, no matter how touching they tried to make it. Let that mf die, fuck em. .

    This is how I felt about Joel's daugher. I see her for like 20 mins, why the fuck should I care she dies? 

    It was of those things where I felt people were sad about the idea of a daughter dying moreso than were actually sad the character died. 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Aaron & Eric never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and fuck sessions 
    Lmao bruh out of pocket comments like this are why everyone is giving you shit about being gay, not that you didn't like the episode. You're making mountains out of mole hills with the gay shit

    "Since The Last of Us decided to film HARDCORE GANGBANG MEN ON MEN DICKSUCKING and put in in an episode smh" 
    What was out of pocket? Fuck sessions = sex. If I change that sentence to “never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and sex.”, is it still out of pocket? That is literally an accurate description. There was literally a drawn out unnecessary ass gay sex scene including drawn out dialogue bout how it was his first time. Idk how much more cut and dry it can get than that.

    But okay clearly intelligent, well thought discussion about this is out the window and you’re going to continue cherry-picking the most insignificant part of everything I’m saying, so cherry pick this: Kill yaself.
    Its out of pocket cuz it was like 5-10 minutes of a 90 minute episode lmao. It wasn't the focus of the episode. Is there a reason why it felt like an eternity to you? 
    Their relationship was the entire focus of the episode what the fuck are you talking about?? Joel and Ellie got literally the last 5 or so minutes and the other 85 were spent on the irrelevant gay couple. The sex scene itself was 5-10 minutes sure. Felt like an eternity because the whole episode did. Overdrawn unnecessary filler on an episode that was already nothing but overdrawn unnecessary filler.
    Do you know what a sex scene is?vThere was no sex scene bruh. They kiss a few times and that's it.

    Yes, their relationship was the focal point of the episode. The entire show is about human relationships including Ellie and Joel's. Should they just cancel the show? 
    one of which technically did not even exist until Sunday
    Incorrect. You're paper AF 
    No, 100% correct. It was stated that he had a partner that died in the past, and it was insinuated that it was a man and he was gay, but that was it. The partner in question had no name, face, or identity. It was a literal ghost. FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES, this character did not exist until Sunday.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    You haven't made any substantial points whatsoever. Everything you've said is subjective. You say the show sucks. It's been critically claimed by critics and reviewed positively by fans.

    You say they wasted time with an episode dedicated to a side character. Meanwhile The Walking Dead invents entire characters that aren't present in the source material and focuses on them for the entirety of the show. It happens all the time. Taking one single episode of a show that's going to have multiple seasons to expand on a side character isn't a waste. Especially since they tied it together narratively. Bill and Frank mirror Joel and Ellie: two people find love in an apocalyptic setting after they had lost all hope and lost part of their humanity.

    While The Last of Us is one of the few video games that has a movie or TV show level narrative, it's still a video game. A lot of the time spent in the game making you care for Ellie and Joel's relationship takes place during gameplay and dialogue that happens during gameplay. A lot of that gameplay, while fun, is repetitive and that obviously can't happen in a TV show so they have to fill some of that space with something else.

    So they made a critically acclaimed episode about two people falling in love during the apocalypse that thematically fits in with the themes of the show, and the two characters happen to be gay, and that infuriates you for some reason? Keep leaking bitch nigga
    Both Bill and Frank are dead and will never be seen again other than maybe a flashback scene or 2 lmao. Yes, an entire movie length extended episode being spent on them was a GIGANTIC waste of boring ass time, especially this early in the show’s lifespan. This shit is void.
    For a smooth brain, maybe. It wasn't a waste of time because it was A. An amazing episode of television and B. Ties in narratively with Joel and Ellie's story. You act like they're going to run out of episodes 
    As defensive as you’re getting about this, maybe it was only amazing to you because you appreciated the personal representation? The alphabet boys sure did love this one. 🤔🤔
    No counter argument so you counter with "MaYbE uR gAy"

    I accept your concession. 
    Same way you kept hopping back to the gay shit when I made it clear 15 times that was the least of my issue and even that I wouldn’t have minded it at all if it was a character that actually mattered in the long run?

    You're the one that's brought up the fact that they're gay multiple times and have an issue with it and have stated how uncomfortable it makes you feel inside. I could literally not care less about the fact that they're gay. 
    Okay bruh lmao. Maybe if episode 4 has full blown salad tossing wit a 4K zoom-in on the tongue to rim action you’ll give it a 12/10.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    already doing bloated 90 minute long filler episodes about characters nobody gives a fuck about? I truly could not care less whatsoever about Bill’s boyfriend dying, I couldn’t. Because this was previously a 100% off screen nameless character that was only hinted at. I have zero attachment to him whatsoever, no matter how touching they tried to make it. Let that mf die, fuck em. .

    This is how I felt about Joel's daugher. I see her for like 20 mins, why the fuck should I care she dies? 

    It was of those things where I felt people were sad about the idea of a daughter dying moreso than were actually sad the character died. 
    That served a major purpose tho. Even if you didn’t feel sad about it, it’s a life shifting moment for the main character that permanently changes him and shows why he eventually ends up caring for Ellie so deeply, because she becomes his surrogate replacement daughter.

    These 2 nobodies served literally no narrative purpose whatsoever. Definition of filler material.
    already doing bloated 90 minute long filler episodes about characters nobody gives a fuck about? I truly could not care less whatsoever about Bill’s boyfriend dying, I couldn’t. Because this was previously a 100% off screen nameless character that was only hinted at. I have zero attachment to him whatsoever, no matter how touching they tried to make it. Let that mf die, fuck em. .

    This is how I felt about Joel's daugher. I see her for like 20 mins, why the fuck should I care she dies? 

    It was of those things where I felt people were sad about the idea of a daughter dying moreso than were actually sad the character died. 
    That served a major purpose tho. Even if you didn’t feel sad about it, it’s a life shifting moment for the main character that permanently changes him and shows why he eventually ends up caring for Ellie so deeply, because she becomes his surrogate replacement daughter.

    These 2 nobodies served literally no narrative purpose whatsoever. Definition of filler material.
    Alexa, define "foreshadowing" 
    You haven't made any substantial points whatsoever. Everything you've said is subjective. You say the show sucks. It's been critically claimed by critics and reviewed positively by fans.

    You say they wasted time with an episode dedicated to a side character. Meanwhile The Walking Dead invents entire characters that aren't present in the source material and focuses on them for the entirety of the show. It happens all the time. Taking one single episode of a show that's going to have multiple seasons to expand on a side character isn't a waste. Especially since they tied it together narratively. Bill and Frank mirror Joel and Ellie: two people find love in an apocalyptic setting after they had lost all hope and lost part of their humanity.

    While The Last of Us is one of the few video games that has a movie or TV show level narrative, it's still a video game. A lot of the time spent in the game making you care for Ellie and Joel's relationship takes place during gameplay and dialogue that happens during gameplay. A lot of that gameplay, while fun, is repetitive and that obviously can't happen in a TV show so they have to fill some of that space with something else.

    So they made a critically acclaimed episode about two people falling in love during the apocalypse that thematically fits in with the themes of the show, and the two characters happen to be gay, and that infuriates you for some reason? Keep leaking bitch nigga
    Both Bill and Frank are dead and will never be seen again other than maybe a flashback scene or 2 lmao. Yes, an entire movie length extended episode being spent on them was a GIGANTIC waste of boring ass time, especially this early in the show’s lifespan. This shit is void.
    For a smooth brain, maybe. It wasn't a waste of time because it was A. An amazing episode of television and B. Ties in narratively with Joel and Ellie's story. You act like they're going to run out of episodes 
    As defensive as you’re getting about this, maybe it was only amazing to you because you appreciated the personal representation? The alphabet boys sure did love this one. 🤔🤔
    No counter argument so you counter with "MaYbE uR gAy"

    I accept your concession. 
    Same way you kept hopping back to the gay shit when I made it clear 15 times that was the least of my issue and even that I wouldn’t have minded it at all if it was a character that actually mattered in the long run?

    You're the one that's brought up the fact that they're gay multiple times and have an issue with it and have stated how uncomfortable it makes you feel inside. I could literally not care less about the fact that they're gay. 
    Okay bruh lmao. Maybe if episode 4 has full blown salad tossing wit a 4K zoom-in on the tongue to rim action you’ll give it a 12/10.
    Nah bruh but you clearly must are not comfortable in your sexuality to be hating on a show having two gay characters. You can try and blame it on them being side characters but you keep bringing up that its excessive and that they had explicit gay sex when in reality they showed two dudes kiss one time on screen lmao. If that makes you uncomfortable enough to complain about it you have some unresolved feelings bro. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    You must literally be retarded or you’re trolling at this point but either way I’m done feeding into it and neither are worth my time. I jus told you 20 times that I like and watch shows that have way more gay content than TLOU you stupid retarded fucking faggot. Shameless alone has an actual primary character who’s gay relationship and eventual marriage is a main focal point of the show.

    Are you stupid, braindead, or fucking retarded? What are you not fucking getting?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    i got high as giraff pussy before work today and came into read this. 

    As i mentioned its always the ones who point out the gay that are the gayest. 

    IDC about that though. Episode 3 was objectively a banger and ill die on that hill 
    You must literally be retarded or you’re trolling at this point but either way I’m done feeding into it and neither are worth my time. I jus told you 20 times that I like and watch shows that have way more gay content than TLOU you stupid retarded fucking faggot. Shameless alone has an actual primary character who’s gay relationship and eventual marriage is a main focal point of the show.

    Are you stupid, braindead, or fucking retarded? What are you not fucking getting?

    Oh you MAD mad
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,101 master of ceremonies
    You haven't made any substantial points whatsoever. Everything you've said is subjective. You say the show sucks. It's been critically claimed by critics and reviewed positively by fans.

    You say they wasted time with an episode dedicated to a side character. Meanwhile The Walking Dead invents entire characters that aren't present in the source material and focuses on them for the entirety of the show. It happens all the time. Taking one single episode of a show that's going to have multiple seasons to expand on a side character isn't a waste. Especially since they tied it together narratively. Bill and Frank mirror Joel and Ellie: two people find love in an apocalyptic setting after they had lost all hope and lost part of their humanity.

    While The Last of Us is one of the few video games that has a movie or TV show level narrative, it's still a video game. A lot of the time spent in the game making you care for Ellie and Joel's relationship takes place during gameplay and dialogue that happens during gameplay. A lot of that gameplay, while fun, is repetitive and that obviously can't happen in a TV show so they have to fill some of that space with something else.

    So they made a critically acclaimed episode about two people falling in love during the apocalypse that thematically fits in with the themes of the show, and the two characters happen to be gay, and that infuriates you for some reason? Keep leaking bitch nigga
    Both Bill and Frank are dead and will never be seen again other than maybe a flashback scene or 2 lmao. Yes, an entire movie length extended episode being spent on them was a GIGANTIC waste of boring ass time, especially this early in the show’s lifespan. This shit is void.
    For a smooth brain, maybe. It wasn't a waste of time because it was A. An amazing episode of television and B. Ties in narratively with Joel and Ellie's story. You act like they're going to run out of episodes 
    As defensive as you’re getting about this, maybe it was only amazing to you because you appreciated the personal representation? The alphabet boys sure did love this one. 🤔🤔
    No counter argument so you counter with "MaYbE uR gAy"

    I accept your concession. 
    Same way you kept hopping back to the gay shit when I made it clear 15 times that was the least of my issue and even that I wouldn’t have minded it at all if it was a character that actually mattered in the long run?

    You're the one that's brought up the fact that they're gay multiple times and have an issue with it and have stated how uncomfortable it makes you feel inside. I could literally not care less about the fact that they're gay. 
    Okay bruh lmao. Maybe if episode 4 has full blown salad tossing wit a 4K zoom-in on the tongue to rim action you’ll give it a 12/10.

    If you get violent images in your mind when you see two dudes kiss, of dong plunging into wrinkly hairy man-ass, you've got some issues you're pinning on the show
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