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The Official TV Shows Thread



  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited February 2023
    But if raw gay geriatric anal sex forced into your zombie apocalypse show is yall thing then by all means do you. I understand why. 💯💯
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    Im surprised people havent cancelled Nick Offerman, a straight man, for taking the role from a gay actor yet. 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    we didn't gloss over it. You are just wrong about no one caring about those characters. They were probably the side characters people wanted to know more about. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    Xeno said:
    It's always the fatherless hating the gays 
    also thats a 10-7 round. 

    But if raw gay geriatric anal sex forced into your zombie apocalypse show is yall thing then by all means do you. I understand why. 💯💯
    You act like the episode was a hardcore gay porn shoot lol. They didn't show anything explicit. You're projecting big time. Anyone who is that irate over 2 gay people on screen has some repressed feelings they're dealing with bruh. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Again, I like and watch Euphoria and Shameless which both have more gay content. But at least their context is more fitting. This felt 110% forced and agenda pushing all the way thru and I usually hate when people scream “Agenda”. Why the fuck is a gay sex scene being forced into a zombie apocalypse show where it doesn’t fit whatsoever? And again since you too want to completely ignore my point and jus jump to LOL CLOSET FAG, why are we 3 episodes in and already doing bloated 90 minute long filler episodes about characters nobody gives a fuck about? I truly could not care less whatsoever about Bill’s boyfriend dying, I couldn’t. Because this was previously a 100% off screen nameless character that was only hinted at. I have zero attachment to him whatsoever, no matter how touching they tried to make it. Let that mf die, fuck em. The gay aspect is a non-factor because end of the day, I would feel the same even if Bill was straight and this same episode was about his WIFE. Who the fuck is his wife? Fuck that bitch. I barely even remembered Bill himself, let alone his faceless partner. Nobody asked for a 90 minute movie length episode about a character that essentially didn’t even exist in the games. This is the type of move a show pulls 10 years and 12 seasons in when they shoulda pulled the plug a long time ago and are now desperately grasping for content to milk, not brand new and only 3 episodes in. Their story could have been thrown into an episode and given 20-30 minutes, not an entire fucking movie length episode. Shit if you wanted to do a relationship episode and show something the games didn’t, why not give more background on Joel and Tess’s relationship, so that her death hits harder? That’s a main character’s relationship, a main character people actually give a fuck about. But naw let’s not waste any time on that or force that sex scene in, let’s force the gay one in to fit the agenda and dedicate a movie that nobody asked for to a relationship nobody gave a fuck about. Genius move, truly.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited February 2023
    Honestly tho at this point I’m jus feeling like the entire show was jus kinda pointless. When you have something that was already so realistic and top of it’s class in the graphics department, for all intents and purposes, you already GOT the live action version of it. This isn’t like Sonic where it’s being shown in a completely different light and medium. And the games had a better cast to boot. So it’s at a point where it’s feeling like the inferior live action version of something we already got a live action version of. 

    TLOU was always a franchise where it was more about the story than the gameplay. It’s detractors knocked it for that and said it was too much movie and not enough game. I can completely understand that criticism and it all depends on what you’re looking for out of a game, so it was definitely for a specific kind of audience. But that’s the thing. It was already told so fucking masterfully, and what made it all the more impressive was how truly cinematic it was, in a way that games had never quite reached before. But the story, as great as it is, only hits like it does because of the twists and turns and emotional gut punches. Which we now are aware of, so they will never hit quite the same, especially in an inferior format. So to desperately try and differentiate it from the source material and give shit that the games didn’t have, we get something like the steaming pile of dogshit that was episode 3.

    I do think cinematically the show is gorgeous, one of the best I’ve ever seen, and the set details are extremely impressive, from the spores infesting everything, to the Clicker design, to the city itself, etc., the attention to detail in that regard is insane. But the novelty of all that can only carry it so far. I honestly was more entertained by Uncharted. At least it’s storyline was an amalgamation of bits and pieces from the game, to form it’s own separate storyline that wasn’t shown before. Halo too. Shit ended up being a mess, but at least every week you were wondering what was next because it was a story in this universe that you had never seen before. Even fucking Sonic did this, extremely well too.

     EpisodeMnH said:
    And again since you too want to completely ignore my point and jus jump to LOL CLOSET FAG
    But if raw gay geriatric anal sex forced into your zombie apocalypse show is yall thing then by all means do you. I understand why. 💯💯
    EpisodeMnH said:
    Thank you for announcing you love sucking cock. 🙏🏻
    EpisodeMnH said:
    It’s always the motherfuckers that get destroyed up in Rhode Island


  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Okay, keep ignoring it when I jus gave 2 extremely lengthy posts explaining my primary issue wit the episode and show. And yea I made those digs but mainly cause yall are fucking pressed lmao. The gay shit was forced to feed an agenda and I stand by that but that was the least of my concerns and it would bother me even less if it was at the very least about a main fucking character. When they inevitably get to the 90 minute episode about Ellie’s lesbian relationship once they’re covering TLOU2, you won’t hear a word about it from me. Why? Because it’s at least about a main character that people give a fuck about and want to know more about.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited February 2023
    TWD, a better comparison since we’re talking 2 zombie apocalypse shows, had multiple gay relationships too. Never once complained about it tho because A: They never spent too much time on it to detract from the actual focus, and B: It was all involving main characters that had been long established in the show. Aaron & Eric never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and fuck sessions but yet it actually hit when Eric died and carried weight because Eric was established and they had already adopted that abandoned baby girl together, so you felt Aaron’s pain. None of it felt out of place or forced like this horseshit about a previously faceless nameless character did. I didn’t give a flying fuck about this nobody dying. I legitimately already forgot his name and I’m not even bullshitting.
    You haven't made any substantial points whatsoever. Everything you've said is subjective. You say the show sucks. It's been critically claimed by critics and reviewed positively by fans.

    You say they wasted time with an episode dedicated to a side character. Meanwhile The Walking Dead invents entire characters that aren't present in the source material and focuses on them for the entirety of the show. It happens all the time. Taking one single episode of a show that's going to have multiple seasons to expand on a side character isn't a waste. Especially since they tied it together narratively. Bill and Frank mirror Joel and Ellie: two people find love in an apocalyptic setting after they had lost all hope and lost part of their humanity.

    While The Last of Us is one of the few video games that has a movie or TV show level narrative, it's still a video game. A lot of the time spent in the game making you care for Ellie and Joel's relationship takes place during gameplay and dialogue that happens during gameplay. A lot of that gameplay, while fun, is repetitive and that obviously can't happen in a TV show so they have to fill some of that space with something else.

    So they made a critically acclaimed episode about two people falling in love during the apocalypse that thematically fits in with the themes of the show, and the two characters happen to be gay, and that infuriates you for some reason? Keep leaking bitch nigga
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    This does have me very cautiously in on the God Of War series too because while it’s one of my favorite franchises of all time, it all depends on how they approach it. Will this be a previously completely untold story? Okay I’m all in. Is it a retelling like TLOU? If so, which games? If it’s the original 3, (including prequels) okay, I can work wit that. Cause those were PS2/PS3 games so it’s enough of a visual jump to actually feel like a difference, even if the exact same story is in place. Is it a retelling of GOW2018 and Ragnarok tho? Cause if so, keep that. It will feel the exact same because we jus got phenomenal “live action” versions of those. The only advantage it has no matter what over something realistic like TLOU is that they can have a flex fest on the CGI no matter which game they covered, and it would be eye candy to see them convert some of those gigantic scale boss battles into live action movie scenes essentially. We’ll see tho. Casting is gonna be CRITICAL on that too.
    Aaron & Eric never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and fuck sessions 
    Lmao bruh out of pocket comments like this are why everyone is giving you shit about being gay, not that you didn't like the episode. You're making mountains out of mole hills with the gay shit

    "Since The Last of Us decided to film HARDCORE GANGBANG MEN ON MEN DICKSUCKING and put in in an episode smh" 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited February 2023
    Aaron & Eric never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and fuck sessions 
    Lmao bruh out of pocket comments like this are why everyone is giving you shit about being gay, not that you didn't like the episode. You're making mountains out of mole hills with the gay shit

    "Since The Last of Us decided to film HARDCORE GANGBANG MEN ON MEN DICKSUCKING and put in in an episode smh" 
    What was out of pocket? Fuck sessions = sex. If I change that sentence to “never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and sex.”, is it still out of pocket? That is literally an accurate description. There was literally a drawn out unnecessary ass gay sex scene including drawn out dialogue bout how it was his first time. Idk how much more cut and dry it can get than that.

    But okay clearly intelligent, well thought discussion about this is out the window and you’re going to continue cherry-picking the most insignificant part of everything I’m saying, so cherry pick this: Kill yaself.
    I mean i responded with multiple paragraphs in the post before that but ok buddy
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    You haven't made any substantial points whatsoever. Everything you've said is subjective. You say the show sucks. It's been critically claimed by critics and reviewed positively by fans.

    You say they wasted time with an episode dedicated to a side character. Meanwhile The Walking Dead invents entire characters that aren't present in the source material and focuses on them for the entirety of the show. It happens all the time. Taking one single episode of a show that's going to have multiple seasons to expand on a side character isn't a waste. Especially since they tied it together narratively. Bill and Frank mirror Joel and Ellie: two people find love in an apocalyptic setting after they had lost all hope and lost part of their humanity.

    While The Last of Us is one of the few video games that has a movie or TV show level narrative, it's still a video game. A lot of the time spent in the game making you care for Ellie and Joel's relationship takes place during gameplay and dialogue that happens during gameplay. A lot of that gameplay, while fun, is repetitive and that obviously can't happen in a TV show so they have to fill some of that space with something else.

    So they made a critically acclaimed episode about two people falling in love during the apocalypse that thematically fits in with the themes of the show, and the two characters happen to be gay, and that infuriates you for some reason? Keep leaking bitch nigga
    Both Bill and Frank are dead and will never be seen again other than maybe a flashback scene or 2 lmao. Yes, an entire movie length extended episode being spent on them was a GIGANTIC waste of boring ass time, especially this early in the show’s lifespan. This shit is void.
    Aaron & Eric never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and fuck sessions 
    Lmao bruh out of pocket comments like this are why everyone is giving you shit about being gay, not that you didn't like the episode. You're making mountains out of mole hills with the gay shit

    "Since The Last of Us decided to film HARDCORE GANGBANG MEN ON MEN DICKSUCKING and put in in an episode smh" 
    What was out of pocket? Fuck sessions = sex. If I change that sentence to “never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and sex.”, is it still out of pocket? That is literally an accurate description. There was literally a drawn out unnecessary ass gay sex scene including drawn out dialogue bout how it was his first time. Idk how much more cut and dry it can get than that.

    But okay clearly intelligent, well thought discussion about this is out the window and you’re going to continue cherry-picking the most insignificant part of everything I’m saying, so cherry pick this: Kill yaself.
    Its out of pocket cuz it was like 5-10 minutes of a 90 minute episode lmao. It wasn't the focus of the episode. Is there a reason why it felt like an eternity to you? 
    You haven't made any substantial points whatsoever. Everything you've said is subjective. You say the show sucks. It's been critically claimed by critics and reviewed positively by fans.

    You say they wasted time with an episode dedicated to a side character. Meanwhile The Walking Dead invents entire characters that aren't present in the source material and focuses on them for the entirety of the show. It happens all the time. Taking one single episode of a show that's going to have multiple seasons to expand on a side character isn't a waste. Especially since they tied it together narratively. Bill and Frank mirror Joel and Ellie: two people find love in an apocalyptic setting after they had lost all hope and lost part of their humanity.

    While The Last of Us is one of the few video games that has a movie or TV show level narrative, it's still a video game. A lot of the time spent in the game making you care for Ellie and Joel's relationship takes place during gameplay and dialogue that happens during gameplay. A lot of that gameplay, while fun, is repetitive and that obviously can't happen in a TV show so they have to fill some of that space with something else.

    So they made a critically acclaimed episode about two people falling in love during the apocalypse that thematically fits in with the themes of the show, and the two characters happen to be gay, and that infuriates you for some reason? Keep leaking bitch nigga
    Both Bill and Frank are dead and will never be seen again other than maybe a flashback scene or 2 lmao. Yes, an entire movie length extended episode being spent on them was a GIGANTIC waste of boring ass time, especially this early in the show’s lifespan. This shit is void.
    For a smooth brain, maybe. It wasn't a waste of time because it was A. An amazing episode of television and B. Ties in narratively with Joel and Ellie's story. You act like they're going to run out of episodes 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Aaron & Eric never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and fuck sessions 
    Lmao bruh out of pocket comments like this are why everyone is giving you shit about being gay, not that you didn't like the episode. You're making mountains out of mole hills with the gay shit

    "Since The Last of Us decided to film HARDCORE GANGBANG MEN ON MEN DICKSUCKING and put in in an episode smh" 
    What was out of pocket? Fuck sessions = sex. If I change that sentence to “never got an entire extended episode about their relationship and sex.”, is it still out of pocket? That is literally an accurate description. There was literally a drawn out unnecessary ass gay sex scene including drawn out dialogue bout how it was his first time. Idk how much more cut and dry it can get than that.

    But okay clearly intelligent, well thought discussion about this is out the window and you’re going to continue cherry-picking the most insignificant part of everything I’m saying, so cherry pick this: Kill yaself.
    Its out of pocket cuz it was like 5-10 minutes of a 90 minute episode lmao. It wasn't the focus of the episode. Is there a reason why it felt like an eternity to you? 
    Their relationship was the entire focus of the episode what the fuck are you talking about?? Joel and Ellie got literally the last 5 or so minutes and the other 85 were spent on the irrelevant gay couple. The sex scene itself was 5-10 minutes sure. Felt like an eternity because the whole episode did. Overdrawn unnecessary filler on an episode that was already nothing but overdrawn unnecessary filler.
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