-__- No. I truly loved how aggressive it was and just had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I was really enjoying it even before they won the game.
Do we have a converted fan? If there was any hockey game to watch to get into the sport, last night was probably it. and the Gold medal game from last years olympics as well, but good choice in watching last night, Erik!
Lol, I saw the headline on the side say the pressure is all on the Sabres....that's not true at all. The Flyers have way more to lose in Game 7 than Buffalo.
never watched the video but if it has to do with richards should be suspended for game 7, i agree with miller, richards hit was a blatant hit from behind and he should have been tossed from game 6
GTFO of here, he was trying to drive connoly into the boardas and connoly twisted the opposite way and went in the wrong way, I dont even think he should have got 2 mins and you think he should be suspended, LMFAO... thats whats wrong with this league, everyone always crying about suspensions that arent warrented, then when a player does something that deserves a hars suspension *coughbobbyryancough* the NHL doesnt do shit. give me a fucking break.
i saw it and richards pushed him when connoly had his back to richards and his face to the boards, i dont think richard intentionally pushed him into the boards to hurt him the way he did but players have to be responsible enough to know when to make a safe hit and that was NOT a safe hit, and im not biased at all because i dont like either team
This is why the NHL needs to have a committee to come up with these decisions and make the call on suspensions, not some sensitive, inconsistent hypocrite like Colin Campbell is.
This is why the NHL needs to have a committee to come up with these decisions and make the call on suspensions, not some sensitive, inconsistent hypocrite like Colin Campbell is.
100% agree and i feel that every team should have a representative on the commitee
i saw it and richards pushed him when connoly had his back to richards and his face to the boards, i dont think richard intentionally pushed him into the boards to hurt him the way he did but players have to be responsible enough to know when to make a safe hit and that was NOT a safe hit, and im not biased at all because i dont like either team
isnt the point of a suspension supposed to be a blantant intent to injure? you just said yourself it wasnt his fault. Richards though connoly was going left, he went right. it happens... he got a penalty, thats more then enough compared to what RYna got for stomping on someones ankle purposley....
more crying, "Ryan Miller didn’t like the NHL’s decision not to punish Mike Richards for his hit on Tim Connolly:
I’m pretty upset. Still upsetting. The guy who was complaining the most about how we were getting away with murder has delivered two of the dirtiest hits of the series. Blatant elbow to the face, which is something the league said they were going to try to take away, and driving Tim Connolly head first into the boards. It wasn’t just a hit, it was a push. It was blatant.
I don’t know, I don’t know where to go with this one, because, at the same time, it’s a tough game, its rough. You know Richards wants to win. It’s not lost on me that he’s a hard competitor, but I just think that was reckless. And it just kind of irked me how he’s talking about how we’re getting away with stuff, when - I mean both sides are getting away with pushing - I mean, it’s just more annoying than anything to hear that come out of a good player's mouth."
If anyone else saw game 3 they would know why the FLyers were bitching, christ thats the first time all year I bitched about the refs. that fucking elbow he calls blantant? he put his arms up so he didnt get smashed in the face and he gets a 5 minute major??? another penalty that was called without intent to injure, he wasnt even the agressor...
it's playoff hockey people, stop fucking crying like babies... people get injured. should i be crying cause Myers went knee on knee with Carter and knocked him out of the series, NO cause it was an accident, just like what happened to connoly.
i'm glad the Flyers are letting them do all the crying, focus on the game boys.
noway he should be suspended for this... its a fast game in the playoffs, connoly went the opposite way richards went, he even went low on connoly, when he twisted to try to get away from the hit, thats when he went face first... man, people try anything in their power to try and get FLyers players suspended... this is no worse then any of the hits Ovenchicken gives every game. just an unfortunate accident connoly got hurt.
Hoping the Kings and Lightning extend their series tonight.
more crying, "Ryan Miller didn’t like the NHL’s decision not to punish Mike Richards for his hit on Tim Connolly:
I’m pretty upset. Still upsetting. The guy who was complaining the most about how we were getting away with murder has delivered two of the dirtiest hits of the series. Blatant elbow to the face, which is something the league said they were going to try to take away, and driving Tim Connolly head first into the boards. It wasn’t just a hit, it was a push. It was blatant.
I don’t know, I don’t know where to go with this one, because, at the same time, it’s a tough game, its rough. You know Richards wants to win. It’s not lost on me that he’s a hard competitor, but I just think that was reckless. And it just kind of irked me how he’s talking about how we’re getting away with stuff, when - I mean both sides are getting away with pushing - I mean, it’s just more annoying than anything to hear that come out of a good player's mouth."
If anyone else saw game 3 they would know why the FLyers were bitching, christ thats the first time all year I bitched about the refs. that fucking elbow he calls blantant? he put his arms up so he didnt get smashed in the face and he gets a 5 minute major??? another penalty that was called without intent to injure, he wasnt even the agressor...
it's playoff hockey people, stop fucking crying like babies... people get injured. should i be crying cause Myers went knee on knee with Carter and knocked him out of the series, NO cause it was an accident, just like what happened to connoly.
i'm glad the Flyers are letting them do all the crying, focus on the game boys.