Man, i was all excited and shit, Finally I got a fuckin philly fan to roll with against all these Detroit fans and p0zer dallas fans, and you're one of them <_> How can you rock the beautiful Flyers logo, then rock that faggot dallas blue star??? that's p0zerismz [-(
George I can sympathize with you on this subject. I have a "friend", who is a die hard Blackhawks and White Sox fan, but he absolutely hates the Bears and is a also a die hard fan of the ..........(cue Raisin Face) ----Packers. I can't even talk to him during football season.
I don't own anything from the cowboys I don't even watch much pro football anyways anymore plus the cowboys fuckin suck anyway its not worth watching. Don't worry you still have an ally
I've been lost in endless seas
My heart died long ago
I curse my failures as I fall from you
I'm fucking upset, I'm shocked, I'm really fucking shocked. People rooting for the Flyers and the cowboys??? WTF is going on??? AM I HALLUCINATING? @-)
Again i dont even consider myself a real fan. I went to the Eagles/Colts game last year and rooted for Philly. Like i said pro football doesnt mean a whole lot to me.
I've been lost in endless seas
My heart died long ago
I curse my failures as I fall from you