Cattle Decapitation seems a bit too extreme of a band name to make it on Mayhem. Just saying.
Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse, Suicide Silence, JFAC, The Red Chord, and TBDM weren't too extreme?
I'm talking about the name in general, not the band. Having a band with a name like that might turn away some potential sales. The only band I can think about that are similar in name-cringiness are Cannibal Corpse, and they're much more famous than Cattle Decapitation.
Cattle Decapitation seems a bit too extreme of a band name to make it on Mayhem. Just saying.
Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse, Suicide Silence, JFAC, The Red Chord, and TBDM weren't too extreme?
I'm talking about the name in general, not the band. Having a band with a name like that might turn away some potential sales. The only band I can think about that are similar in name-cringiness are Cannibal Corpse, and they're much more famous than Cattle Decapitation. They aren't named "I Will Anally Fuck You With My Razor Which Is Another Word For My Fucking Dick"
This isn't Radio Disney, contrary to what this year's lineup suggested.
Cattle Decapitation seems a bit too extreme of a band name to make it on Mayhem. Just saying.
Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse, Suicide Silence, JFAC, The Red Chord, and TBDM weren't too extreme?
I'm talking about the name in general, not the band. Having a band with a name like that might turn away some potential sales. The only band I can think about that are similar in name-cringiness are Cannibal Corpse, and they're much more famous than Cattle Decapitation. They aren't named "I Will Anally Fuck You With My Razor Which Is Another Word For My Fucking Dick"
This isn't Radio Disney, contrary to what this year's lineup suggested.
I actually liked that album, unless the rest of their shit. Granted, that was also right before the wave of shitcore bands.
This isn't Radio Disney, contrary to what this year's lineup suggested.
What about Dying Fetus?
Every time I mention them to a non metal fan, its all like :O or :0&