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Michael moore FTW



  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Republicans hate whatever they don't understand, sadly most of the time that includes the truth to many topics they simply don't want believe they are wrong about. These are usually the same people who believe Bill O'rielly is independent and unbiased, have bumper stickers on their cars saying " I don't believe the Liberal Media" ( liberal media being anything that's not FOX) and the ones that think Sarah Palin is the one that should have access to the nuclear codes.

    Keep on drinking that kool-aid, Shane.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,282 mod
    Shane is actually correct.

  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Shane is actually correct.
    Not in my case. I'm a Republican and don't beleive anyone in the media. I think Palin is the reason Obama sits in the White House today and she should never, ever be allowed in the same state as the nuclear codes. O'Reilly was an asshole long before he ever got to Fox. That started when he was with that entertainment gossip show several years ago.
    Anytime one makes a blanket assumption about a particular group it's going to be flawed and incorrect.
    There isn't a leader amongst the Democratic ranks, with the exception of that cunt Hillary Clinton. Hell, the Democrats couldn't even maintain control of the House so how are they supposed to maintain control of the country?
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,282 mod
    I'd rather have a Democrat in the house than a Republican. Republicans just fuck with shit so the rich can stay rich.

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    libertarians are where its at. cant people see the whole two party system is flawed. things are more than black and white, unbeknownst to mr moore or mr o' reilly
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    doesnt have to be, if people actually opened their eyes and minds. but that is too much for people to handle apparently
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    one day centralists win run the country the right way, at least i hope....
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    the rich don't deserve or need tax cuts.

    If this country would like a reduction in the deficit then nobody deserves a tax cut/break. Simple economics.
    I don't understand the hatred of the "rich". Jealousy immediately comes to mind. I'd love to be rich. I'm not but I'm working towards that end. If more people would work and not demand that the government provide for them we'd all be better off. It pisses me off that I'm working two jobs and I see people with their hands extended to Fedzilla to provide for them. Just pure damn laziness.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    It needs changed. It really does. But people who believe the democrats to the bone, and people that believe republicans to the bone fuck that up because they refuse to see anything else then what they want to see
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    doesnt have to be, if people actually opened their eyes and minds. but that is too much for people to handle apparently

    I like to think I'm open minded. I agree that the two party system has it's flaws but as dayna says it's not going to change for several generations. You guys will have to wait for the little tree huggers to grow up and then have kids. Those kids will be the ones to make big changes.
    I've never voted a straight party ticket either. I vote for whomever I feel is the most qualified no matter the party.
  • JeffJeff Posts: 1,164 just the tip
    John, I understand you hate moore and thats cool but do you hate Julian Assange? dude is awesome. leaking stuff the government dosnt want seen. and he was arrested on a shit charge. hell, he's being accused of treason and I dont think he's ever even been to the US.

    Michael Moore is doing a good thing on helping get him out, you must admit that.

    And dont you hate moore cause he said something about troops and you served or something(vague memory, probably wrong)?
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    most americans though are not open mindd. my grandparent will vote republican everytime because of the abortion issue, some people just have no clue. im starting to think a dictatorship would be better lol. most people cant handle it. there is so much more to govt than just one particular issue and people cant seem to get past that
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    the rich don't deserve or need tax cuts.
    If this country would like a reduction in the deficit then nobody deserves a tax cut/break. Simple economics.
    I don't understand the hatred of the "rich". Jealousy immediately comes to mind. I'd love to be rich. I'm not but I'm working towards that end. If more people would work and not demand that the government provide for them we'd all be better off. It pisses me off that I'm working two jobs and I see people with their hands extended to Fedzilla to provide for them. Just pure damn laziness.
    not simple economics at all. to eliminate all cuts immediately would not solve anything. to eliminate them from the rich first would be a good start. the fact that some people think "trickle down" economics is still a good solution to the economic problems after history had already proved it fails is unbelievable.

    Why should the rich be penalized for being more successful than we are? Hate? If the truth was ever to be told by Fedzilla it is that this country desperately needs a tax increase to generate more revenue. Without generating more revenue they will never be able to pay the deficit down. Can't get more simple than that.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    what actaully is the deficit? do we actually owe someone that money. cuz if we do then fuck it just dont pay them
  • JeffJeff Posts: 1,164 just the tip
    the rich don't deserve or need tax cuts.
    If this country would like a reduction in the deficit then nobody deserves a tax cut/break. Simple economics.
    I don't understand the hatred of the "rich". Jealousy immediately comes to mind. I'd love to be rich. I'm not but I'm working towards that end. If more people would work and not demand that the government provide for them we'd all be better off. It pisses me off that I'm working two jobs and I see people with their hands extended to Fedzilla to provide for them. Just pure damn laziness.
    not simple economics at all. to eliminate all cuts immediately would not solve anything. to eliminate them from the rich first would be a good start. the fact that some people think "trickle down" economics is still a good solution to the economic problems after history had already proved it fails is unbelievable.

    Why should the rich be penalized for being more successful than we are? Hate? If the truth was ever to be told by Fedzilla it is that this country desperately needs a tax increase to generate more revenue. Without generating more revenue they will never be able to pay the deficit down. Can't get more simple than that.

    I agree with Alec on this one(even though we hate eachother or whatever)

    More taxes for everyone! Tax payers dont like it so politicians say they will lower taxes but always have a solid troll face going. as soon as they are elected taxes go up a big. it ALWAYS happens. they cut taxes for the rich cause the rich have more money and are more likely to back said politician than a poor/middle class guy who struggles to get the bills paid every month.

  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Why should the rich be penalized? Because they get tax cuts, we don't. They're the ones who get things handed to them and have it easier because they have more money. This country is nothing but greed and the more money you have, the more the government likes you and gives you some breaks. It's just how it is and its bullshit.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Why should the rich be penalized? Because they get tax cuts, we don't. They're the ones who get things handed to them and have it easier because they have more money. This country is nothing but greed and the more money you have, the more the government likes you and gives you some breaks. It's just how it is and its bullshit.
    lol the poor get plenty of shit. 300 bucks a month for free for sitting on there ass for 99 weeks straight. what do you call that? while i have a job and contribute and recieve no money, in fact get it taken from me and given to the lazy ass poor
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    the rich don't deserve or need tax cuts.
    If this country would like a reduction in the deficit then nobody deserves a tax cut/break. Simple economics.
    I don't understand the hatred of the "rich". Jealousy immediately comes to mind. I'd love to be rich. I'm not but I'm working towards that end. If more people would work and not demand that the government provide for them we'd all be better off. It pisses me off that I'm working two jobs and I see people with their hands extended to Fedzilla to provide for them. Just pure damn laziness.
    not simple economics at all. to eliminate all cuts immediately would not solve anything. to eliminate them from the rich first would be a good start. the fact that some people think "trickle down" economics is still a good solution to the economic problems after history had already proved it fails is unbelievable.

    Why should the rich be penalized for being more successful than we are? Hate? If the truth was ever to be told by Fedzilla it is that this country desperately needs a tax increase to generate more revenue. Without generating more revenue they will never be able to pay the deficit down. Can't get more simple than that.
    I'm not saying the tax cuts stay permanent for the lower classes but it would not at all be beneficial to the economy to take them away at the same time as taking away the higher class tax cuts. the rich are barely being penalized if their taxes went back to normal. the damage it would cause them is maybe a smaller yacht, or a Mercedes instead of a Bentley.

    The "rich" actually pay way more in taxes than you think. The "rich" start at anyone who makes 250,000 a year or more according to the IRS. (I'm a paid tax preparer, registered with the IRS). I'm not trying to argue but when you say the only hurt the "rich" will feel is a smaller yacht or different brand of car, it reeks of jealousy. Someone at 251K a year will definitely be hurt, wouldn't you agree?
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