As long as he's under her roof, its her rules technically. same thing was going on with me when I was home. fuck...she still wants me doing shit. she has some major health problems but she wants me back asap to help babysit my nephews. its nuts...
Somewhat. It's alright...there's really no four seasons and there's a shit load of mexicans n shit running around...seeing spanish shit everywhere is a little annoying...but the summers are extra warm which is good and Marc's here. That's about the best things about Texas besides most tours coming around <_>
Around here, I think more speak Spanish than English. Yes, a lot of jobs require you to be bilingual. It sucks and makes my job frustrating when I'm trying to ask someone over a headset what they want and they don't speak English and I OBVIOUSLY can't see what they are pointing to.
If you like Texas then stay I wouldn't risk going back and getting trapped in Pittsburgh
Thing is, I have to go back because either way...I have shit I need to get done and figure out the best way to get my crap down here. Because bringing it on a plane is not going to work. So yup.
Don't stay more than a few days. You'll get trapped. I wish I would have moved to Denver after high school but didn't because I had to spend the money on a new car. Hire a moving company. Marc is rich he can pay for it I mean you allow him to use your vagina it's the least he can do
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I'm going to have to stay 2 months at least. Maybe more. And Marc being rich is a myth...even though that little bitch of a cunt got a new beats HP laptop
Like I said, I have a lot of shit to do. When I left, I didn't tell anyone. Not even my dad until I obv was going out the door. Things did not go the way I wanted to and I didn't get to do what I needed. Since my dad is shit and won't do anything, I'm going to get a job and at least get the electric bill paid up so that doesn't get shut off like it could at any time or pay on the car so it doesn't get repo'd. It's going to be my Christmas present to them because I can't really do anything else. Not only that I need to see a lot of people because I won't see them for a long time. Just a whole lot I need to do