-Interviewing Odd Future for a campus show they were putting on that night. This was probably because I've been thinking so much about the AHC interview and show today, but I have no idea Where Odd Future came from. Tyler wanted me on stage to sing, which made it even stranger. So I did, but only knowing the words to one song.
Had a weird one this morning. I guess I was sick or something and was in the hospital at one point. I guess I was dating someone or an ex was with me there, I can't really remember besides he tried to get it in. After that we were walking around I think downtown Pittsburgh somewhere before a concert going shopping or killing time. Ran into Dani Filth, which was random and quite funny since he had or was getting grey hair. Guess he started following us, said I was attractive, stole me away and took me shopping himself lmao. The dressing rooms were weird and were designed for a girl and guy to change while facing each other. Because of this groping and making out happened..but then my dream was cut short since someone woke me up
Razor sent me this huge scrapbook of pictures along with a note. The pictures were all of me, her, her boyfriend, and this other dude, like all together, pictures we all took together. And the letter was about how we dated and how much she misses it and wants to end it with her dude.
And then I dreamt I got banned off the Hip Hop forum, and all I could see was an update to a thread called "Y HE BANNED DOE." but I couldn't open it or read it 'cause I was banned, and started panicking. The panic was so real in the dream, that it woke me up.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
A few weeks ago I took some NyQuil and had a dream that I dont think should ever be repeated. It's fucked up, and I can think of no sane reason why anyone would ever have such a dream. I accidentally told one other person about the dream and they responded with
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Dude... Ill tell it, but it's pretty disturbing. And I can promise you it is probably something you never thought about before, and after reading you will most likely wish you had never read it. I wish I had never had this dream. I've been trying to erase it from my memory for the last two weeks now.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
edited February 2012
WARNING - I ADVISE YOU NOT TO READ WHAT IS BELOW. Im not joking. I personally wish I had never had this dream.
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So im walking down so dark and gloomy road. It's pretty grey and colorless, and I start to feel as if I am being watched. Im pretty freaked out so I pick up the pace... The gloomy road starts kinda morphing into this really trippey Alice in Wonderland sort of world. Lots of bright colors, and I start seeing really weird shit like caterpillars with small little heads growing out of their sides, and butterfly's with swords coming out of their ass. Really weird shit. Anyways... All of a sudden I have this horrid pain in my stomach and realize that I need to take the biggest shit i've ever taken. So I drop my pants and take the biggest most painful shit I've ever taken. The pain was intensified because the shit came out of my penis instead of my asshole. As I am standing there just dumbfounded that a shit just came out of my dick, a weird multicolored pink cat runs up and starts eating it. I start puking uncontrollably and then instantly woke up.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
That's not that bad dude lol. It's more of a lolwut than anything.
I thought you were going to say something like one of Jack's dreams in The Shining.
Dude. it seemed ultra real at the time and shit came out of my dick!!! Im not talking diarrhea here. Im talking about a nice sized turd coming out of my pee hole. That aint right man.
Had a dream where quite a couple things happened.
Razor sent me this huge scrapbook of pictures along with a note. The pictures were all of me, her, her boyfriend, and this other dude, like all together, pictures we all took together. And the letter was about how we dated and how much she misses it and wants to end it with her dude.
And then I dreamt I got banned off the Hip Hop forum, and all I could see was an update to a thread called "Y HE BANNED DOE." but I couldn't open it or read it 'cause I was banned, and started panicking. The panic was so real in the dream, that it woke me up.
Lol, I need to stay the fuck off the internet.
So im walking down so dark and gloomy road. It's pretty grey and colorless, and I start to feel as if I am being watched. Im pretty freaked out so I pick up the pace... The gloomy road starts kinda morphing into this really trippey Alice in Wonderland sort of world. Lots of bright colors, and I start seeing really weird shit like caterpillars with small little heads growing out of their sides, and butterfly's with swords coming out of their ass. Really weird shit. Anyways... All of a sudden I have this horrid pain in my stomach and realize that I need to take the biggest shit i've ever taken. So I drop my pants and take the biggest most painful shit I've ever taken. The pain was intensified because the shit came out of my penis instead of my asshole. As I am standing there just dumbfounded that a shit just came out of my dick, a weird multicolored pink cat runs up and starts eating it. I start puking uncontrollably and then instantly woke up.
fucked up man.
I thought you were going to say something like one of Jack's dreams in The Shining.
you take shit's out of your pee hole? Jesus Christ.