This was a bit weird. I was in Mexico with Marc and his family for whatever reason. Things were good and whatever, I guess we were out on a date with his sister and her bf but his mom and grandma were there too? They started talking about this ring his gma had on her necklace, how she freaked out when Marc touched it and told some story about it. There was a few kids wherever we were had to be around 8 years old, don't remember the other. I also guess thus place was haunted or some bs cuz the kid said something about idk what. After about 5 minutes something crazy happened and we all ended up outside. There was an indoor pool that wasn't attached to the house and right next to it was a small library. We were moving some crap and to make the walking distance shorted we put a bridge across the pull. Of course when I was carrying stuff across I fell in at the end.
Now right after I got pulled out I was back in the WV/PA/OH area and was getting married. Everyone was dressed up and there wasn't as many people there as I'd expect. My mom came into it late with this old video camera we had..which was embarrassing to me. I alsl noticed I didn' have a dress or anything on. Then we all went into wherever I was getting married, looked sorta Oglebay-ish. On the way in I was crying because I had no dress or anything. Got to where I was supposed to be and I guess I was marrying Brad Pitt? He smiled at me, I told him how sad I was that I didn't have a dress or anything..he just said it was fine, I was beautiful anyways.
It started with me going to that faggot who I was in Stolen Throne with's house, for some reason, I had to pick something up that I forgot there, I think. He and everyone there said they missed me and were drinking and smoking, and offered me a drink, and I said no because of Insanity (Weird how that translated into the dream as well.), and because I had to go right away.
And then, and the how and why I got here are unclear, but I was in a gas station in this really run down ghetto ass town, there was a lot of factories and shit too, if you've ever played inFAMOUS or inFAMOUS 2, the town was almost exactly like that. Anyways, there was this really old voodoo looking Middle Eastern bitch behind the counter, and all of a sudden she pulls a gun on everyone, so, I sat down on this bench in the gas station and stayed completely silent, and she kept pointing the gun at me, a bitch sitting next to me, and this other nigguh standing up across the gas station, to my left. She kept toying with us by walking out of the gas station and walking in circles around the gas pumps, but none of us tried to make a run for it, because we knew if we went outside, she'd blast us. So, she comes back in, and just stands behind the counter again, pointing the gun at us, with this wicked ass smile on her face. So the third dude she kept pointing it at, the one that was standing, finally approached her and started breaking down and crying, saying he has two Daughters and a Wife, to please spare him and let him leave. So, she curls her finger, directing him to go closer, whispers something in his ear real quick, and all of a sudden had her arm around his neck and the gun to his head. So, I put my face in my arms, 'cause I didn't wanna see the shot, but then I heard the shot and looked up, and he's running out of the gas station holding his dick area, bleeding profusely. She then said "Guess there won't be a third spawn.", and proceeded to laugh maniacally. She then laid the gun on the counter, and just stood there with her arms to her side, just staring at all of us with the most blank and haunting stare I've ever seen. About ten minutes of that passed, and then she picks the gun up, walks out from behind the counter, walks past me and the bitch on the bench, pointing the gun at our foreheads while doing so, and walks out the door again. About 10 minutes passed, and we sat in silence, and she hadn't come back, and there was no sign of her. So, I had the idea to set the place on fire for some reason, so she couldn't come back in, I guess. There was a 12-13 year old girl in there crying, saying "This place holds so many memories for me, this was my Grandmother's gas station.". And I apologized and said I was doing it to try and save all of us. So, we let shit start really burning for about two minutes, and dashed out the door, some went left, some went right, but I sprinted straight ahead and kept cutting alleyways and shit.
Which is where shit gets real weird. I never stopped running, and as mentioned earlier, it was a real run down area, but the farther I ran, the nicer it got, like with each block passed, it progressively got nicer. Eventually, I was in this nice housing complex neighborhood, and everyone, literally EVERYONE was out on their front lawn, there was no one inside. Now, I was still running straight, and at each house, to my left and right, there was at least one kid on each lawn from elementary and middle school that I haven't seen in forever, but looking like adults. None of them seemed to have a single clue as to who I was, and all had the same blank stares that the bitch with the gun had. At the end of the block, there was an entrance to this building, and upon entering, it was like an EXTREMELY long school hall, with 4 sided tables set up on the left and right, and in the middle, as the walking space, there was maybe 4 feet of space, in width, tops. I could barely move through it, 'cause there were exactly 4 kids at EACH table, a lot of them having backpacks and shit on the floor. Now, as I walked through, it was the same as the neighborhood before entering this building. Each kid was a kid from school that I haven't seen in a while. And they too, seemed to not know who I was, at all. However, the farther I walked down, the more their faces started to distort and blur, and I found myself struggling to remember who they were. I finally reached the end, and by the last table, everyone was so distorted that all I saw was blank canvases on their heads, basically, just their face, but no eyes, no eyelids, no eyebrows, no mouth, no nose, no ears, nothing. But they still had head hair for some reason, but not a speck of facial hair. I felt my face, and realized I was like this too, all my facial features were gone. At the end of the hall, there was a door to the right, I opened it up, and there was nothing but white light. I stepped outside, closed the door behind me, and just stood there. And I woke up shortly after.
Get a girl pregnant. She has twins. One is black as hell..My dumbass is like "Even if one of them isn't mine, I'll be here for both of them" Then she's like "Well neither of them might not be yours." Flip out say papa test is coming. She flips out. The whole time I'm going back and forth between eating dinner with her family and taking care of the kids...I keep talking to her sister about her artwork. Also, the kids keep changing between looking like 5 years and and super preemie like 3 inches tall. Some reason I talk to Rutabaga about going to Cali..I happen to run into him and ask him which way to go, like one road takes me all the way. We end up playing soccer with some hxc mexican dudes that love soccer, so I'm like f this I'm going home. I run into my dad at the store and ask him what I should do, he's like "grab a card to say you're sorry"
Then I hear my mom "ARE YOU UP?" I was pretty interested in where the fuck this dream would go.
i had my first dream with forums people in it last night... george, distance and alex were in it... i cant remember what happened tho i just remember that i think i was hittin on distance pretty hardcore lol
I had a dream where I was with Shaun T, and he had me doing extreme workouts. Like he had me swimming against a raging river and diving off waterfalls and shit ahaha.
Mom tells me to go to the bank to drop off some money and then take some out, then go to the store and pick up a chinchilla haha. Line takes forever and I keep fucking up the deposit slip, so they tell me to write an essay using specific works they provided, but I can't just write it, I have to paint it. Throughout the time I'm there I keep seeing kids from school doing the same shit I'm doing. Eventually the bank closes and I'm not even close to being done. So Nikki Sixxx shows up, and he's drunk and he's like "Hey wanna check out my private jet?" So I'm walking with him, and he tries locking me in this basement...for some reason is supposed to be revenge for me locking him in the basement many years
Had one weird ass dream. Long story short it started out fun at a pool party. Transitioned into an upstairs where for some reason my old haunted house was. Heated arguement with Marc, he pushes me down the stairs. Doesn't hurt. Friends and family get crazy pissed off. I'm pissed off so I leave the place. Run into more people I know that heard what happened. By the time I woke up about 40 people were going to beat Marc's ass
I had this crazy ass apocalyptic dream last night. Really detailed too.. with a lot that I still remember. Visual aid provided lol.
I don't remember exactly how it started out, but the first thing I remember is being in my high school. For some reason, I went back. I think it was for some visiting thing, because I wasn't wearing my uniform. Anyways, after what seemed to be about ten minutes in of me wandering around the school with all the students on lunch break, the skies got really overcast really fast. Everyone was looking up. The next thing I know, the bell rings, and instead of going back to classes, they let school out and said "all students are dismissed for the day" over the loudspeaker. People weren't all that excited, though. They seemed really scared. So I drove home, then remembered that I had a Dream Theater concert at Cricket Pavilion over in Phoenix that night: As it turned out, I had shitty ass lawn seats. There ended up being a ton of people at the place. Some band opened, but after their set while the crew was setting up and the intermission music played, the skies got really cloudy and dark again. The entire place went silent. Then, we all hear this faint whistling noise from way above in the skies. Everybody looks up and sees what seems to be an outline of a commercial airliner, but it's unbelievably high up. People start disregarding it and talking with each other, and the stage setup music resumed. I kept looking up at the plane outline. Suddenly, it looked like it was tilting. Within seconds, it's on its backside. It starts dive bombing towards us. The closer it gets, the more people notice it and start to panic. It gets closer, closer, closer, and soon so close that we can hear the engines roaring as it heads for the opposite side of the lawn area. It fucking crashes, probably killing over 250 people instantly. People start panicking like fuck. Then another plane comes out of fucking nowhere and does the same thing, but further back on the lawn. Now people, myself included, are running for their fucking lives, start taking out seats and throwing them, and the whole place just goes fucking insane. An air raid siren goes off which is loud as hell. For some reason, I run towards the back of the stage, where there's a bunker that overlooks the desert, but a big ass canyon is separating the barren desert from the bunker. I start looking out the windows of it, and a lady who seemed to run it comes up to me and tells me I'm safe here. Then as I'm looking out the window across the canyon, I see some guy get out of what looks to be a Jeep. He's holding something... some sort of tube-like thing. He points it at the bunker (which is probably about 3/4 of a mile away, so I don't know how I could see that far, but whatever - it's a fucking dream), and then I realize that it's a missile launcher. They start rapid firing, but when they hit the bunker, they only make dents. But they eventually fire so fast, that the steel walls start becoming distorted with dents, so I run the fuck out and back onto the pavilion area. It now looks a little like this: I bolt out to the lawn area, where people are burning and in pieces everywhere. Then this giant flying ship (which sort of looks like a supersized Pelican from Halo) comes down to my position and some military black guy yells to me to get the fuck in. I get in, we fly off, and the dream ends.
I don't even play video games anymore lol. Although, I'm pretty sure the Pelican thing was from me watching my friends play Halo 3 last night. As for Dream Theater and the airplanes, no idea.
Dude I had the most retarded dream last night. There was pretty big spiders in my room, so i freaked out and left. I came back with a friend to see if he could help and the spiders had baked themselves into pancakes, so they were essentially pancakes with spider legs. It somehow made sense in my dream but ugh I'm retarded
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
I had a dream that was like the movie Groundhog's Day. I was hanging out with one of my friends from high school that I haven't seen like 4 years, and it kept starting over until everything was right. How my mind decided what was right and wrong, I'm not sure.
Later on met Obama and tried to shake his ass, but he was too distracted checking out this chicks ass.
Now right after I got pulled out I was back in the WV/PA/OH area and was getting married. Everyone was dressed up and there wasn't as many people there as I'd expect. My mom came into it late with this old video camera we had..which was embarrassing to me. I alsl noticed I didn' have a dress or anything on. Then we all went into wherever I was getting married, looked sorta Oglebay-ish. On the way in I was crying because I had no dress or anything. Got to where I was supposed to be and I guess I was marrying Brad Pitt? He smiled at me, I told him how sad I was that I didn't have a dress or anything..he just said it was fine, I was beautiful anyways.
Sometimes my dreams just leave me going wtf?
It started with me going to that faggot who I was in Stolen Throne with's house, for some reason, I had to pick something up that I forgot there, I think. He and everyone there said they missed me and were drinking and smoking, and offered me a drink, and I said no because of Insanity (Weird how that translated into the dream as well.), and because I had to go right away.
And then, and the how and why I got here are unclear, but I was in a gas station in this really run down ghetto ass town, there was a lot of factories and shit too, if you've ever played inFAMOUS or inFAMOUS 2, the town was almost exactly like that. Anyways, there was this really old voodoo looking Middle Eastern bitch behind the counter, and all of a sudden she pulls a gun on everyone, so, I sat down on this bench in the gas station and stayed completely silent, and she kept pointing the gun at me, a bitch sitting next to me, and this other nigguh standing up across the gas station, to my left. She kept toying with us by walking out of the gas station and walking in circles around the gas pumps, but none of us tried to make a run for it, because we knew if we went outside, she'd blast us. So, she comes back in, and just stands behind the counter again, pointing the gun at us, with this wicked ass smile on her face. So the third dude she kept pointing it at, the one that was standing, finally approached her and started breaking down and crying, saying he has two Daughters and a Wife, to please spare him and let him leave. So, she curls her finger, directing him to go closer, whispers something in his ear real quick, and all of a sudden had her arm around his neck and the gun to his head. So, I put my face in my arms, 'cause I didn't wanna see the shot, but then I heard the shot and looked up, and he's running out of the gas station holding his dick area, bleeding profusely. She then said "Guess there won't be a third spawn.", and proceeded to laugh maniacally. She then laid the gun on the counter, and just stood there with her arms to her side, just staring at all of us with the most blank and haunting stare I've ever seen. About ten minutes of that passed, and then she picks the gun up, walks out from behind the counter, walks past me and the bitch on the bench, pointing the gun at our foreheads while doing so, and walks out the door again. About 10 minutes passed, and we sat in silence, and she hadn't come back, and there was no sign of her. So, I had the idea to set the place on fire for some reason, so she couldn't come back in, I guess. There was a 12-13 year old girl in there crying, saying "This place holds so many memories for me, this was my Grandmother's gas station.". And I apologized and said I was doing it to try and save all of us. So, we let shit start really burning for about two minutes, and dashed out the door, some went left, some went right, but I sprinted straight ahead and kept cutting alleyways and shit.
Which is where shit gets real weird. I never stopped running, and as mentioned earlier, it was a real run down area, but the farther I ran, the nicer it got, like with each block passed, it progressively got nicer. Eventually, I was in this nice housing complex neighborhood, and everyone, literally EVERYONE was out on their front lawn, there was no one inside. Now, I was still running straight, and at each house, to my left and right, there was at least one kid on each lawn from elementary and middle school that I haven't seen in forever, but looking like adults. None of them seemed to have a single clue as to who I was, and all had the same blank stares that the bitch with the gun had. At the end of the block, there was an entrance to this building, and upon entering, it was like an EXTREMELY long school hall, with 4 sided tables set up on the left and right, and in the middle, as the walking space, there was maybe 4 feet of space, in width, tops. I could barely move through it, 'cause there were exactly 4 kids at EACH table, a lot of them having backpacks and shit on the floor. Now, as I walked through, it was the same as the neighborhood before entering this building. Each kid was a kid from school that I haven't seen in a while. And they too, seemed to not know who I was, at all. However, the farther I walked down, the more their faces started to distort and blur, and I found myself struggling to remember who they were. I finally reached the end, and by the last table, everyone was so distorted that all I saw was blank canvases on their heads, basically, just their face, but no eyes, no eyelids, no eyebrows, no mouth, no nose, no ears, nothing. But they still had head hair for some reason, but not a speck of facial hair. I felt my face, and realized I was like this too, all my facial features were gone. At the end of the hall, there was a door to the right, I opened it up, and there was nothing but white light. I stepped outside, closed the door behind me, and just stood there. And I woke up shortly after.
Really fucking eerie shit.
Get a girl pregnant. She has twins. One is black as hell..My dumbass is like "Even if one of them isn't mine, I'll be here for both of them" Then she's like "Well neither of them might not be yours." Flip out say papa test is coming. She flips out. The whole time I'm going back and forth between eating dinner with her family and taking care of the kids...I keep talking to her sister about her artwork. Also, the kids keep changing between looking like 5 years and and super preemie like 3 inches tall. Some reason I talk to Rutabaga about going to Cali..I happen to run into him and ask him which way to go, like one road takes me all the way. We end up playing soccer with some hxc mexican dudes that love soccer, so I'm like f this I'm going home. I run into my dad at the store and ask him what I should do, he's like "grab a card to say you're sorry"
Then I hear my mom "ARE YOU UP?" I was pretty interested in where the fuck this dream would go.
I had a dream where I was with Shaun T, and he had me doing extreme workouts. Like he had me swimming against a raging river and diving off waterfalls and shit ahaha.
My dreams are retarded
I don't remember exactly how it started out, but the first thing I remember is being in my high school. For some reason, I went back. I think it was for some visiting thing, because I wasn't wearing my uniform. Anyways, after what seemed to be about ten minutes in of me wandering around the school with all the students on lunch break, the skies got really overcast really fast. Everyone was looking up. The next thing I know, the bell rings, and instead of going back to classes, they let school out and said "all students are dismissed for the day" over the loudspeaker. People weren't all that excited, though. They seemed really scared. So I drove home, then remembered that I had a Dream Theater concert at Cricket Pavilion over in Phoenix that night:
As it turned out, I had shitty ass lawn seats. There ended up being a ton of people at the place. Some band opened, but after their set while the crew was setting up and the intermission music played, the skies got really cloudy and dark again. The entire place went silent. Then, we all hear this faint whistling noise from way above in the skies. Everybody looks up and sees what seems to be an outline of a commercial airliner, but it's unbelievably high up. People start disregarding it and talking with each other, and the stage setup music resumed. I kept looking up at the plane outline. Suddenly, it looked like it was tilting. Within seconds, it's on its backside. It starts dive bombing towards us. The closer it gets, the more people notice it and start to panic. It gets closer, closer, closer, and soon so close that we can hear the engines roaring as it heads for the opposite side of the lawn area. It fucking crashes, probably killing over 250 people instantly. People start panicking like fuck. Then another plane comes out of fucking nowhere and does the same thing, but further back on the lawn. Now people, myself included, are running for their fucking lives, start taking out seats and throwing them, and the whole place just goes fucking insane. An air raid siren goes off which is loud as hell. For some reason, I run towards the back of the stage, where there's a bunker that overlooks the desert, but a big ass canyon is separating the barren desert from the bunker. I start looking out the windows of it, and a lady who seemed to run it comes up to me and tells me I'm safe here. Then as I'm looking out the window across the canyon, I see some guy get out of what looks to be a Jeep. He's holding something... some sort of tube-like thing. He points it at the bunker (which is probably about 3/4 of a mile away, so I don't know how I could see that far, but whatever - it's a fucking dream), and then I realize that it's a missile launcher. They start rapid firing, but when they hit the bunker, they only make dents. But they eventually fire so fast, that the steel walls start becoming distorted with dents, so I run the fuck out and back onto the pavilion area. It now looks a little like this:
I bolt out to the lawn area, where people are burning and in pieces everywhere. Then this giant flying ship (which sort of looks like a supersized Pelican from Halo)
comes down to my position and some military black guy yells to me to get the fuck in. I get in, we fly off, and the dream ends.
What the shit.
and reading that, hearing it in Master Shake's voice inside my head, was very strange