yo Ed, how bout them Sixers takin it to the Celtics the other night :-))
You missed the Blake Griffin show. Made KG and the rest of the Celtics his bitches lol
Your team let Blake Griffin hoe you twice.
We only lost to them once you btard.
Yes, I am a /b/tard. When you find that tiger blood like I did; come talk to me.
LOL! Plz. The only blood you drink is your own since Kesha hoed you so bad. /wrist little emo boy cause Kesha is getting DPed every night
I don't drink my own blood. Have no reason to when I have tiger blood. Why would I be emo, lol? If Ke$ha getting "DPed" is all you got, then that's sorry on your part.
this girl's got a nice body, but a butterface, and she must be slow....why does she hate the Eagles so much? its not even the same division and we only play yooz once every 3 years <_> shouldnt she be saying fuck the panthers, bucs, or falcons
lol, everyone hates the Eagles? since when? the only fans i've ever heard knock the Eagles were division rivals. I never knew the saints had so much hate for the Eagles <_> i think the girl is just retarded. If i seen an Eagles cheerleader saying fuck the saints, i would be confused, like wtf is wrong with this bitch, we barely play the saints and have no rivalry, it's just random.
:-( ...i guess it's rape then <_>
i thought everyone hated the pats and cowboys?