i'll admit that the packers out played them and deserved to win. but even with the packers at their best game with no turnovers and the steelers playing not to their potential with 3 turnovers, it was still a very close game. and to be honest, i think it was good for ben and the steelers to experience a super bowl loss, obviously i'm furious that that happened but now they know what it feels like to lose and hopefully they will never lose in the super bowl ever again. all that said, i now hate the packers lol.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
The Giants, Jets, Eagles, Patriots, Ravens, and Redskins, and possible the Bills are closer to you then the Steelers? Why root for Pitt unless you jumped on the bandwagon?
idgaf either way, but why's it so hard for people to admit they jumped on the bandwagon. Pitt has always been good, in 20 years, they made the playoffs 14 times, that seems pretty good to me. you jumped on their bandwagon for some reason or another.
again, i didnt jump on the band wagon. you know how you are when you hit your early teens? as you grow up you start to change and become your own person. when i was about 16 i decided to like the steelers. pitt is still northeast (sorta lol). they're close enough to where i live lol. pitt is only about a 5 hour drive for me. btw, i'm 25 now so that was about 9 years ago lol.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
i didnt even really start watching football till i was about 16 to be honest. and i just decided i wanted the steelers to be my favorite team. when i started liking them they were terrible lol. kordell stewert was a terrible QB. and tommy maddox was just as bad.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
but why pitt? you have 3 teams they show on TV every week that you can follow, i only see the steelers if its primetime. you could go to games easily, and support closer teams. there are also 3 others that are closer then pitt.... you prolly never been to heinz field, and where i live which is farely close to you, they donnot sell any steelers shit at all. its all NY and philly.
something must have happened. there has to be a point and reason you jumped on the steelers bandwagon. i just want to know the mentality behind the desease known as bandwagonism? what happened?
every football fan around me who doesnt like the eagles, giants or jets which are the local teams, are fans of either the cowboys or steelers. i never see any fuckin seahawks or Bucs fans. there has to be a reason as to this and the onlyone i can think of is bandwagonism. those teams were good back in the day, have alot of fans so everyone jumped on the bandwagons. just look at the NY yankees for example. everyones a yankees fans, its bandwagonism. i aint hatin skully, i'm just curious as to what happened in you mind to make you become a frontrunner? just curiosity?
was it a relative or frined that influenced you? was it the team colors? was it just the fact they have a decent history?
cuz like i said theyre far as shit, they dont show the games on local TV unless you pay out the ass for the NFL package. no merch in stores, no hometown support?
theres a pretty decent amount of steelers stuff that is sold in my area. aside from the jets and giants i'd say theres more steelers stuff then any other team in the NFL in this area. when i started watching football i didnt know how good or bad the steelers were when i started liking them. i decided to pick a team of my own rather then keep liking my dads favorite teams. jets, giants, and bills have stupid names. the giants and bills uniforms are ugly as hell. i dont care for the jets uniforms but they aren't as bad as the giants and bills. my deciding to like the steelers had nothing to do with popularity and or how good or bad they were. i guess i went through the teams that were in the northeast and i didnt like any of them so i decided on the steelers, they're close enough. everything about the steelers appealed to me i guess. just before i started liking the steelers, i made the switch from being a devils fan to a penguins fan. but now i like both cause i gotta support the jersey team since we only have 2 professional sports teams. i dont like baseball but i decided to like the pirates a ways back too and they've been one of the worst teams in the MLB for a long time now lol. i didnt jump any bandwagons. i will however admit though that in pretty much every sport i find a good team that i can root for if my team is doing bad, but i never make the switch.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
btw, bucs are my second favorite team lol and saints are my 3rd favorite. before you jump to conclusions, i decided on the saints to be my 3rd favorite back in like 01/02, they were pretty bad back then.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
i appreciate the response, although i dont get why you would choose the steelers when its hard to follow them cause theyre out of your area and its hard to get to a game. i respect you for your honest answer. i've always been a fan of the hometown teams, i'm just trying to understand why people like teams from far as hell away when there are teams right next door. thanks for trying to enlighten me!
you really feel the need to have a 3rd favorite team??? lol well i like the colts and will root for them i don't consider them a favorite.....i have one favorite team....go lions!
something must have happened. there has to be a point and reason you jumped on the steelers bandwagon. i just want to know the mentality behind the desease known as bandwagonism? what happened?
was it a relative or frined that influenced you? was it the team colors? was it just the fact they have a decent history?
cuz like i said theyre far as shit, they dont show the games on local TV unless you pay out the ass for the NFL package. no merch in stores, no hometown support?
what causes bangwagon jumping?