Girls are fucked in the head. If there is one piece of advice I could give you, it would be to not give her any attention. Dont act miserable, dont act like you miss her, nothing. They're like vampires. They feed off of our misery.
I can't believe this thread still exists.
EDIT: That seemed kinder in my head. I understand why people still use this thread and am glad it can be some help to someone, but looking back at myself, I feel that the way I reacted was immature. Wish I could go back and tell myself to just let things happen. That I was still young (...and still am) and just to maybe take some time to invest in me a little bit. Would have avoided a lot of grief. I wouldn't change the lessons I learned from taking the path I did, but I can't deny that I would have taken a shorter road if I had the wisdom to do so at the time. Life is the longest thing we do and there is almost eight billion people in the world. Chances are you'll run into someone who finds you exciting in due time. You choose to be lonely in between those times of euphoria, in the decisions you make on your outlook and how you greet the day. It's a hard rut to get out of sometimes but you will get out of it. Some people can do it on their on and some people can't, there's nothing wrong with needing help but seek companionship and solace from people. Do not lust after a way to fill the void inside. That void needs to be filled by you, because that's a part you that's missing, no one else lost it but you, no one else can find it but you. Dno if any of that makes sense but to sum it up what I'm trying to say is just try not to worry about things in the long run, because it's a long long fucking run. Things will work themselves out, it just takes awhile.