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it seriously blows me away..



  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Bianca did you not read mine I said put him in there with the dogs then hang him. He was hanging the dogs as one of the kill methods. Plus I'd rather watch him get taken apart by the dogs and watch what little life he still have in him go away by hanging from a tree then let a person beat him
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    ur punishment PLUS him getting beaten beforehand and having a dildo shoved up his ass while hes strapped down
    which is what they did to th girl dogs
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    ^ whaaaaa?
    I love winning with women
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod

  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    since the girl dogs were equally as vicious as the guy dogs they would need to be strapped down in order to breed more dogs for the soul purpose of fights
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    I'm not going to bash

    He's michael vick, used to be quarterback for the Falcons. He basically took dogs and had them fight each other. He went to jail and now he's out, reinstated to the NFL and he's on the Eagles
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    1st degree murder is life or death

    Unless you are a mob rat and then they reward you for telling on others........
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Bianca, what do you think pit bulls were originally bred for? I would never ever own one of those useless animals. I don't condone any type of abuse towards an animal but in certain cultures around the world they do. We all know that you aren't a fan and won't be tuning in to his new TV show. Do yourself a favor and just move on.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    What Alec said

  • PrimalScream31PrimalScream31 Posts: 3,544 mod
    Pits weren't bred for fighting at first. They got turned in to that because of their aggression. Pit's began to replace the bull terrier as the "dog of choice" for dog fighting in the United States.

    American Pit Bull terriers today successfully fill the role of companion dog, police dog,and therapy dog.

    I've owned a few of them over the years and they were all great inside house dogs.

    Pit bulls are aggresive dogs and they aren't for everyone.

    As far as Vick goes, I agree to give him a second chance and for everyone to move on.
    photo mayhemsignature2013_zps1209e6fd.jpg I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    The Romans bred pit bulls for fighting bears, bulls, lions, and any other animal they could provide.
    A pit bull's skull continues to grow over it's lifetime until it gets to the point of squeezing in on the animal's brain. This is but one cause of the agressive nature. Some pits are good animals but that is the exception and not the rule.
  • PrimalScream31PrimalScream31 Posts: 3,544 mod
    That comment on a pits skull continuing to grow just isn't true. My brother used to breed these dogs and I have read countless books on them through the years and I have never read anything like that.

    I also looked it up and couldn't find anything on the net. So if you have a credible source for that I'd like to see it.

    I've only read that people think a pit bulls brain never stops growing. That is also false.

    photo mayhemsignature2013_zps1209e6fd.jpg I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    I've seen too many stories where pit bulls have killed people, a lot of that happens in Detroit and you people feel sorry for the pit bull. Face fucking palm

  • PrimalScream31PrimalScream31 Posts: 3,544 mod
    An innocent person getting attacked by a dog is always bad no matter the breed.

    Like I've already said a few times. These dogs aren't for everyone and way to many people own them and they shouldn't.

    I don't blame the dog as much as I blame the owner.
    photo mayhemsignature2013_zps1209e6fd.jpg I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound.
  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    Primal, my only source for the comment about the skulls continuing to grow came from my vet. Don't have anything to back it up other than that.
    Any dog can be made agressive. Most reputable breeders will not breed for this trait but rather breed for a better temperment. I personally feel that the breed is useless. I've met both friendly and not-so-friendly pits and don't like any of them. They just look like they are going to snap at any minute to me.
  • PrimalScream31PrimalScream31 Posts: 3,544 mod
    Fair enough.

    I personally love the breed,but after my last one died a few years ago I have no plans on getting another any time soon.

    To each their own.
    photo mayhemsignature2013_zps1209e6fd.jpg I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound.
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    i don't like vick, i think the only reason he's sorry is because he got caught and would still be doing it if he didnt. when the eagles signed him, i was against it. i just cant see torturing a dog. i'm an eagles fan and always will be, but i wish they woulda passed on the vick situation, and i hope he goes elsewhere, he didnt even do anything for the team, but thats besides the point. i dont think he should rott in jail or be tortured, but he got off easier than the dogs did. i'm all for 2nd chances, i hope he totally turns his life around and helps other people in his situation, but what he did was madddd fucked up. some people act like its not big deal....
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    and its those people who i dont think knew what really happened or refuse to hear it
    and if they do they just dont care

    yes alec i can move on very easily but its just not in me
    even the simple ASPCA commercials on tv get to me
    its just how i am. i really cant help it
    you may think that the breed itself is useless and thats fine but thas not the point
    the point is how the dogs were treated and the fact that he gets his own show which he doesnt deserve

  • Alec29Alec29 Posts: 3,864 juggalo
    B- I'm not trying to marginalize your feelings and opinions(I don't like the ASPCA commercials either). I just think you'd be better off moving on to a new subject.

    The point is Vick was found guilty, paid his debt to society, and should be allowed to move on with his life. If a person doesn't think his punishment was severe enough then they should lobby their congressmen to change the laws to include stiffer penalties. I in no way think he was right in his actions nor do I condone them. It would be like if you got a charge for underage drinking and paid your debt to society, should I be allowed to continually belittle and slander you in a public forum? Absolutely not.

    You are entitled to feel how you feel. You are not entitled to force that down our throats.
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    but people belittle erik for his underage drinking...

    and like i told ed
    it wasnt intended to change anyones opinions because thats pretty much impossible to do
    it was just stating that he has his own show and IMO he shouldnt
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